sacrificial film layers 1040
sales volume 1093
SAM (self-assembled monolayer)
--- 165 , 176 , 178 , 622 , 1088
- coating 1075
- melting point of 853
- modified surface 620
sample holder 416
sandwich immunoassays 270
sandwiched molecules 26
saturated calomel electrode 24
saturated hydrocarbons 835
scale-dependent surface tension 614
scaling factor 975
- area 335
- direction 345
- frequency 335
- head 417
- range 359 , 360
- rate 329
- size 337
- speed 360
scanner, piezo 436
- acoustic microscopy (SAM) 663 ,
--- 692
- capacitance microscopy (SCM)
--- 326
- chemical potential microscopy
--- (SCPM) 326
- electrochemical microscopy
--- (SEcM) 326
- electron microscope (SEM) 110 ,
--- 373 , 521
- electrostatic force microscopy
--- (SEFM) 326
- head 328
- ion conductance microscopy
--- (SICM) 326
- Kelvin probe microscopy (SKPM)
--- 326
- lateral range 929
- local-acceleration microscopy
--- (SLAM) 663
- magnetic microscopy (SMM) 326
- nanoindentation (SN) 674
- nanoindenter 662
- near field optical microscopy
--- (SNOM) 326
- polarization force microscopy
--- (SPFM) 615
- speed 335
- system 359
- thermal microscopy (SThM) 114 ,
--- 326
- tunneling microscope (STM) 385 ,
--- 396 , 450 , 498 , 922
- tunneling microscopy (STM) 114 ,
--- 325 , 371 , 382 , 397 , 899
- tunneling probe 114
- velocity 519
scanning force
- acoustic microscopy (SFAM) 326
- microscopy (SFM) 326 , 433 , 663 ,
--- 884
- spectroscopy (SFS) 433
scanning probe
- lithography 186
- methods 606
- microscope (SPM) 326
- microscopy (SPM) 371 , 385 , 612 ,
--- 663 , 899
schematic diagram of T-SLAM 663
Schottky diode 132
scission 622
scope of therapeutic nanodevices
--- 285
- critical load 824
- damage mechanism 818 , 819
- depth 771 , 773 , 1000
- depth profile 773
- drive actuator 1031
- profile 519
- resistance 765 , 771 , 853 , 1001
- test 520 , 814
scratch-induced damage 813
scratching measurement 325
screen printing 193
sealing 1112
second anodization 100
secondary signaling drug delivery
--- 301
Seebeck coefficient 123 , 133
- control 976
- time 901
selected area electron diffraction
--- (SAED) 111
selective electrodeposition 108
self-actuation voltage 1062
self-aligning optical system 236
- growth 420
- microscopic vesicles 834
- monolayers (SAMs) 27 , 165 , 176 ,
--- 187 , 476 , 536 , 606 , 618 , 703 , 833 ,
--- 839 , 861 , 1003, 1004
- nanoparticles 312
- nanotube bunches 58
- structures 291 , 310
self-assembled monolayer (SAM)
- patterned 188
self-assembly 131 , 147 , 170 , 173 ,
--- 176 , 178 , 179 , 288
- in biological systems 740
- of nanostructures 289
- of organic layers 23
self-enhancing instability 458
- modes 461
- scheme 464
self-lubrication 652 , 653
self-regulation of a therapeutic device
--- 302
self-replicating nanobot 1146
self-tuning control 974 , 976
semibiological nanodevices 281
semiconductor 103 , 391
- economics 1086
- quantum dots 428
- surface 392
- SWNT 74 , 85
semimetallic nanowire 118
semimetal-semiconductor transition
--- 118 , 123
- channel 303
- element 227
- modalities of therapeutic
--- nanotechnology 302
sensing devices
- biological 137
- chemical 137
sensitivity 356 , 357 , 390 , 467 , 479 ,
--- 633 , 972
sensitizer 30
sensor 233
- and effector communication
--- 283
- applications 117
- noise 975
- systems 302
- transducer interface 304
sequential logic circuits 20
sequential microfluidic manipulation
--- 268
- demodulation 945
- field 943
- loop 943
- self-writing 945
servo control design 968
sessile-drop 832
SFA (surface forces apparatus) 884 ,
--- 894 , 1011
- measurement 613
SFM (scanning force microscope)
--- 884 , 888 , 890 , 894
- shear force experiments 893
shallow indentation measurement
--- 679
shape memory alloys (SMA) 260
sharpened metal wire tip 382
- energy 887
- force see kinetic friction, static
--- friction
- melting 570 , 586
- modulus 633 , 933
- rate 866
- strength 646
- stress 850 , 887
- thinning 581 , 583 , 584 , 589
shear flow
- damping 1073
- detachment (SFD) 479
shear stress
- critical 571 , 572 , 577 , 585 , 586
- effective 648
shearing force 848
shearing interface 721
shear-melting transitions 734
SH-group 476
short-cut carbon nanotubes 428
- chemical force 437 , 464
- chemical interaction 402
- contribution 386
- electrostatic attraction 399
- electrostatic interaction 398
- energy dissipation 468
- interatomic force 455
- magnetic interaction 397 , 402 ,
--- 403
shot noise 355
Shubnikov-de Haas quantum
--- oscillatory effect 122
- displacement 957
- finger 956
Si 373 , 375 , 619
- adatom 393
- cantilever 373 , 458 , 465
- MEMS 247 , 985
- nanobeam 773 , 781 , 785
- stamp 190
- tip 374 , 392
- trimer 395
- wafer 373 , 459 , 619
Si(001)2?1 394
Si(001)2?1-H surface 394
Si(100) 515 , 520 , 614 , 818 , 820 ,
--- 862 , 867 -869, 875 , 877 , 878 , 995 ,
--- 1012
- wafer 863
Si(100)2?1:H monohydride 393
Si(111) 519 , 527 , 848 , 850 , 999
Si(111) surface 404
Si(111)v3?v3-Ag 395 , 396
Si(111)(7?7) 434 , 468 , 640
Si(111)(7?7) surface 389 , 397 ,
--- 462 , 639
Si(OH)4 film 1013
Si3N4 375 , 501 , 619
- based tip 619
- cantilever 373
- layer 373
- tip 341 , 374 , 531 , 841 , 848 , 866 ,
--- 871 , 880
Si-Ag covalent bond 397
Si-based devices 764
SiC 995
- bulk properties 995
- film 770
- distribution 1112
- transduction 20
silane (SiH4) 206
- thermally grown 840
silicon 332 , 356 , 388 , 610 , 693 ,
--- 705 , 1111
- AFM tip 478
- cantilever 387 , 633
- chemistry 478
- crystalline 254
- dioxide (SiO2) 254
- dioxide layer 31 , 33
- FET 303
- fractures 777
- fusion 1118
- grain 1035
- membrane 263
- MEMS 1095
- micromachining 227
- micromotor 866
- oxide 106 , 477
- surface 477
- tip 392 , 434 , 463 , 635
- wafer 25 , 27 , 186 , 189 , 228 , 286 ,
--- 453 , 614 , 930
silicon nitride (Si3N4) 254 , 332 ,
--- 477 , 610 , 615 , 913 , 964 , 968
- cantilever 372
- layer 1117
- tip 375 , 635
silicon-based MEMS sensor 229
silicon-based mold masters 255
silicon-on-insulator (SOI) 205 , 241 ,
--- 964
- substrates 247
silicon-only wafer 965
silicon-on-silicon contact 1012
silicon-silicon bonding 1096
silicon-terminated tip 435
silicon-to-glass fusion bonding
--- 1120
siloxane 833
simultaneous imaging 397
- of a TiO2(110) surface 401
single asperity 646
- AFM tip 868
- contact 517 , 1012
- size of 722
single bond 622
single crystal
- aluminum (100) 522
- nanowires 104
- Si(100) 770 , 862
- silicon 504 , 964 , 995 , 1024
- silicon cantilever 341 , 611
- wafers 204
single crystalline iron 675
single domain magnetic 138
single magnetic flux quantum 122
single molecular motor 480
single molecule
- assays 743
- biology 743
- detection 477
- experiment 760
- studies 485
single particle model 894
single point sensor 1091
single protein therapeutics 281
single receptor-ligand pair 480
single stranded DNA (ssDNA) 746
single-input-multi-output (SIMO)
--- 956
single-input-single-output (SISO)
--- 969
- beam 1044
- film 1050
single-particle wave function 422
single-stranded nucleic acid molecule
--- (SSNA) 302
single-wall carbon nanotube
--- (SWCNT) 34 , 40 , 289 , 315 , 342 ,
--- 376 , 668
single-wall nanocapsule 49
singularity in joint density of states
--- 134
sink-in 693 , 699 , 700 , 709 , 711
- behavior 674
sintering 553
SiO2 54 , 373 , 375 , 531 , 615
- film 770
- nanobeam 773 , 774 , 785
- thin films 205
SiOH groups 478
Si-SiO2 stress formation 375
SISO 973
- design 969
site-specific drug delivery 298
Si-wafer 460
SLAM 663
slider 952
- contact 651
- direction 585
- distance 587
- friction 734
- of tip 632
- speed 889
- velocity 574 , 585 , 644 , 884
s-like tip states 422
slip distance 732 , 889
slipping and sliding regimes 586
SMA (shape memory alloys) 260
- actuation schemes 260
- driven micropumps 261
small angular deflection 1068
small specimens handling 1025
--- (S-Methacryl-neocarzinostatin)
--- 309
- albumin complexes 309
smart media card 905
smart plastic biochip 273
smooth sliding 585
snap-in process 609
SnO2(110) 400
soap-like lubricants 887
- perception 1145
- services 1142
societal impacts 1136
socio-technical trends 1141
- cantilever 453
- coatings 708
- lithography 833
- polymer stamps 190
SOI wafer 1096
solar furnace
- devices 52
- method 61
solder bonding 1115, 1118
solid boundary lubricated surfaces
--- 571 , 572 , 576 -578, 587 , 588
solid solution catalyst 55
solid xenon 436
SOLID95 779
solidification 578 , 582
- behavior 593
- Z-DOL(BW) 866
solution-phase synthesis 107
- effect 621 , 623
- forces 545 , 557 , 558 , 561 , 567
sonolubrication 513
soot 46
SP 815
spacer chain 839 -841
- length 844
spark plasma sintering (SPS) 81
spatial variation curvature 1058
specific accumulation of
--- nanoparticles 311
specificity 752
spectroscopic resolution in STS
--- 419
speed-energy product 1073
- casting 192
- coating 887
- density waves 431
- quantization 423
spin-on-glass 965
spiropyran 18
SPM (scanning probe microscopy)
--- 73 , 372
- methods 672
- tip 452
- dynamics 892
- profile 892
- sheet cantilever 341
- system 327 , 929
spring constant 377 , 387 , 390 , 393 ,
--- 433 , 450 , 451 , 469 , 480 , 483 , 611 ,
--- 633 , 671 , 911 , 956 , 1030, 1067
- calculation 347
- changes 415
- effective 637 , 645 , 721
- lateral 338 , 636
- measurement 346
- torsional 1068
- vertical 338
sputtered coatings
- physical properties 804
- deposition 799
- power 805
sp3 bonding 806
sp3-bonded carbon 813
squeeze film damping 248 , 1073
- cells 1088
- CMOS static random access
--- memory 235
SrF2 398 , 399
SrTiO3 402
SrTiO3(100) 400 , 401
- mechanical 927
stabilization 1065
stable field performance 1102
stainless steel cantilever 813
- Au coated PDMS 192
- Au/Ti coated 191
- composite 188
- depth 190
- fabrication 186
- mechanical properties 187
- positioning 195
standardization 249
- advancing contact angle (SACA)
--- 847
- AFM 388 , 469
- charge 1103
- deflection AFM 450
- friction 571 , 576 , 579 , 583 ,
--- 585 -587, 589 , 590 , 593 , 718 , 731 ,
--- 1034
- friction force 722 , 866 , 1014
- interactions 544 , 584
- mode 387 , 433 , 453
- mode AFM 354
statistical fluctuation model 889
statistical kernels 891
steady-state sliding see kinetic
--- friction
steady-state velocity 733
step tilting 855
stepping motor 636
stereoelectronic properties 12
stick slip 592
sticking regime 586
stick-slip 571 , 576 , 579 , 583 -585,
--- 587 , 590 , 876 , 885 , 886 , 889 , 894
- mechanism 636
- motion 732
stiction 579 , 832 , 885 , 991 , 1088,
--- 1103
- phenomena in micromotors 1016
- suppression 1103
stiffness 390 , 663 , 819
- torsional 349
stiffness coefficient
- elastic 1048
stiffness measurement
- continuous (CSM) 810
STM (scanning tunneling
--- microscope) 173 -176, 325 , 397
- cantilever 330
- cantilever material 339
- principle 327
- probe construction 330
- tip 325 , 417
stoichiometry of compound
--- nanowires 115
Stokes’s equation 933
Stone-Wales defect 62 , 68
Stoney equation 1024
- capacity 946
- drive industry 902
- field 943
- modulus 702
- surface topography 942
- energy 609
- energy difference 810
- engineering 147 , 170
- theory 1144
- thermally induced 1125
- transformation 1041
strain-displacement relation 1049
stray capacitance 357
strength 1023
streptavidin 478
- mutants 484
stress 751 , 930 , 1023
- activation volume 887
- component 1043
- distribution 779 , 1049
- field 1024
- gradient 1026
- maximum 1027
- measurement 1025
- relaxation 1060
- singularity 1043
- tensor 759
- transformation 1044
- uniaxial 1042
stresses within the capsid walls 758
- behavior 1028
- curve 671 , 784
- relation 1048
stress-temperature response 1060
stretch modulus 751
Stribeck curve 569 , 584 , 884
strip domain 439
- characterization 110
- entropy 886 , 887
- forces 545 , 557 , 559 , 566
- integrity 764
- material 1028
structurally programmable
--- microfluidic system (sPROMs)
--- 264
structure factor 730
structuring of simple liquids 886
SU-8 resist 929
sub-Angstrom deflections 372
subcontractor 1087
subculture theory 1145
sublimation 52
- electron-beam lithography 246
- ICs 247
- lithographic techniques 246
- coverage 864
- lubrication 731
subnanometer precision 10
sub-nanonewton precision 452
substrate 839 , 840
substrate curvature technique 1024
substrate-slider interactions 727
subsurface water irrigation 676
super modulus 691
supercapacitor 85
- gap 431
- magnetic levitation 327
- matrix 440
superconductivity 419
superconductors 103 , 429
- type-I 431
- type-II 431
superficial nanotechnology aspects
--- 1140
- nanowire 103 , 114
- structure 108
superlubricity 642
superparamagnetic materials 305
superparamagnetism 138
superstructures of nanowires 108
- assembly 17
- forces 35
- adsorption 263
- amorphous 544
- asperity effect 513
- atom layer 388
- band 423
- barrier potential height 890
- charge 557 , 621 , 1074
- charge density 555 -557
- chemistry 190 , 296
- crystalline 544
- diffusion 190
- effects 129
- elasticity 529
- energy 619 , 792 , 1088
- energy (tension) 547 , 552 , 566 ,
--- 567 , 572 , 574 , 578
- forces 544
- forces apparatus (SFA) 479 , 498 ,
--- 546 -548, 552 , 576 , 585 , 588 , 606 ,
--- 717 , 731 , 884
- free energy 745 , 746
- hydrophobic 544 , 560
- micromachined accelerometers
--- 231
- micromachining 163 , 226 , 229
- micromechanical properties 498
- microtribological properties 498
- mobility 865
- nanomechanical properties 498
- nanotribological properties 498
- passivation 1102
- potential 419 , 555 -557, 798
- potential measurement 503
- slope 844
- state lifetime 423
- stiffness 506
- structure 111 , 400 , 544 , 558 , 559 ,
--- 566 , 567 , 570 , 586 , 591
- tension 265 , 516 , 618 , 832 , 846 ,
--- 862
- terminal group 839
- topography 632 , 778 , 901
- transfer chemistry 190
- treatment 1104
surface roughness 383 , 674 , 678 ,
--- 724 , 773 , 778 , 844 , 942 , 997 , 1009
- map 510
- measurement 500
surface-mounted biofilter 272
surfactant monolayers 547 , 564 ,
--- 568 -570, 577 , 580 , 584 , 585 , 588
surfactants 103 , 107
surgical resection 307
suspended membrane 1028
suspension 967
- vibration 959
suspension-level fabrication 967
sustainable internal pressure
- maximum 759
sustained drug delivery 269
- two-state 19
switch design 1062
- molecule-based 15
- monolayer 28
- architecture 238
- devices 15
- energy 135
- speed 135
- time 1073
SWNT (single wall nanotube) 40 ,
--- 52
- adsorption properties 63
- based FET 85
- based materials 64
- catalyst-based 61
- conductance 75
- electronic structure 66
- epoxy composite 82
- flexural modulus 67
- magneto-resistance 67
- matrix interaction 82
- production techniques 45
- rope 668 , 670
- structure 41
- surface area 64
- tensile strength 67
- thermal conductivity 66
SWNT-PMMA composite 83
symmetric deformation mode 1054
sync pattern 946
synchronization 945
synthesis 100
- reactor 47
- yield 47
- devices 281
- nanoporous membrane 313
- readback signal 941
- underdamped 894
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