macrocyclic polyether 13 , 25
- building block 747
- interaction 475
macromolecules as elastic rods 753
macroscale friction 842 , 998
- building blocks 10
- friction 732
- actuators 259
- applications 137
- dipole interaction 403
- disk 824
- disk drive 794
- information 138
- Ni 431
- ordering 129
- particles
--- self-ordered arrays 914
- quantum flux 440
- recording 911 , 922
- storage device 795 , 831
- tape 466 , 513 , 524 , 862
- thin-film head 825
- tip 465
magnetic field
- critical strength 122
- length 122
- microscopy (MFM) 114
- triggering 299
magnetic force 386
- gradient 338
- microscope (MFM) 338
- microscopy (MFM) 326 , 439
magnetic resonance
- force microscopy (MRFM) 441
- imaging (MRI) 304
magnetically coated tip 490
magnetohydrodynamic (MHD)
--- pumping 261
magnetomotive transduction 248
magneto-optics 128
magnetoresistance 120
- longitudinal 120 , 121
- transverse 121
magnetoresistive RAM (MRAM)
--- 899 , 906
magnetostatic interaction 439
magnetron sputtered carbon 799
major histocompatibility complex
--- (MHC) 311
manganites 431
manifold absolute pressure (MAP)
--- 1091
manipulation of individual atoms
--- 325
manually assembled MWNT tips
--- 378
manufacturability 1087
manufacturing УriskФ change 1093
MAP sensor 1094
marginal dimension 727
martensite 665
mask, high resolution stamp 186
- effective 433
mass of cantilever 331
master-slave design 970
- for microfluidic devices 254
- hardness 765
- molecule-based 35
- property variation 1072
- structural 1028
Matthiessen rule 120
maximum likelihood estimator
--- (MLE) 1126
MBE (molecular beam epitaxy)
--- 152 , 172
MBI (multiple beam interferometry)
--- 547
mean time to failure (MTTF) 1127
mean-field theory 556
measurement of hardness 505
- coupling 588
- dissipation in nanoscopic device
--- 631
- instability 452 , 609
- micropumps 260
- protection 1112
- relaxation 457 , 848
- resonance 591
- spectroscopy 664
- stability 927
- surface relaxations 468
- wear 263
mechanical properties 764 , 1023
- characterization 1036
- of bone 675
- of carbon nanotubes 668 , 672
- of DLC coating 813
mechanically cut tips 382
mechanics of cantilevers 347
mechatronic device 952
media flatness 910
mediator molecules 304
- effective 127
medium theory
- effective 127
melting freezing transition 894
melting point of SAM 853
- deflection method 1037
- fabrication of 314
- proteins 375
membrane-embedded machine
--- 741
membranes as elastic media 754
- cells and switches 116
- distance 588
- long-term 734
MEMS 147 -171, 225 , 270 , 376 ,
--- 606 , 617 , 764 , 795 , 831 , 862 , 901 ,
--- 983 , 1023, 1084
- accelerometer manufacturing
--- 1091
- accelerometers 230
- applications 985
- capacitive switch 244
- components 1011
- device 247 , 987 , 990
- device operation 994
- fabrication 1111
- fiber optic switching 238
- industry 1093
- integration 1102
- manufacturing 1086
- microactuator (MA) 952 , 971
- mounting condition 1105
- packaging 1111, 1116, 1128
- packaging requirement 1112
- passivation 1103
- post-packaging 1114, 1117
- pressure sensor
--- production 1090
- production economics 1086
- resonators 244
- sensor 229
- standardization 1086
- storage device 907
- structure 1112
- surface 1104
- switch, metal-to-metal 244
- technology 233 , 237 , 249 , 1034
- testing 1099
- tribological problems 989
- tunable capacitors 241
- vacuum packaging 1117
- wafer bonding 1095
- wafer protection 1097
- microfluidic system 270
- storage concept 904
- storage device 922
- bridge 831 , 876
- force 516 , 871
- of liquid 564
--- (MPTMS) 191
merocyanine 18
mesoporous molecular sieves 102
mesoscale osmotic actuator 269
messenger RNA 750
metabolic facility 282
metal 103
- catalyst 379
- cavity packaging 1099
- cluster agents 306
- electroplating 255
- evaporated (ME) tape 793
- matrix composites 81
- nanowires 69
- oxide 397 , 400
- particle catalyst 54
- porphyrin (Cu-TBPP) 404
- seed layer 966
metal/insulator/metal (MIM) 197
- chemical vapor deposition (CVD)
--- 379
- polymerization method 287
metal-deposited Si surface 395
metallic nanotube 34
metallic SWNT 66
metal-organic compound 56
metal-particle (MP) tape 825
metal-to-metal MEMS switch 244
metastable lubricant systems 894
methylene stretching mode 842
methyl-terminated SAM 843
MeyerТs law 708
MFM sensitivity 338
MgO tip 398
MgO(001) surface 403
Mg-terminated tip 398
MHD (magnetohydrodynamic)
--- pumping 261
mica 102 , 337 , 615 , 619 , 640 , 888
- films 100
- muscovite 615 , 650
- surface 641
micelles 291 , 292
micro/nanofabrication 147 -150,
--- 154
microactuator 990
- design 960
- fabrication requirements 962
- loop 972
- shape 965
microbially-derived antibiotics 293
microcantilever 994
microchannel 260
microcomponent 989
microcontact printing (?CP) 187 ,
--- 834
microcrystalline graphite 803
microdevice 1026
microdispenser 266
- motor 226
- resonators 244
- switch 244
microelectronics 397 , 749
micro-electro-rheological valve 260
micro-engine 908
- cantilever 372 , 453
- silicon cantilevers 387
microfabrication 187 , 226 , 249
- methods 285
- techniques 285 , 372
microfluidic 253
- applications 255
- channel 254 , 269
- channels on silicon substrates 254
- control 260
- line 258
- mixers 265
- motherboards 270
- multiplexer 268
- network 268
- passive 262
- pumping 260
- structures 256
microfluidic device 269
- disadvantages 270
- materials for 254
- passive 257 , 269
microfluidic dispenser
- passive 273
microfriction 511
micro-hinge technology 236
microindentation 689
micro-injection molding 273
- high-Q resonators 245
- inductors 242
- notch 1032
- silicon 310
micromachining 147 , 150 , 151 ,
--- 154 , 155 , 159 -163, 166 -168, 170
micromanipulator 988
- cantilevers 303
- device 1084
- structures 204
micromirror 992 , 1040
- array 237
micromixer category 265
micromotor 1016
micron-sized channels 265
micropatterned SAM 848
micropipette aspiration 549
micropump 260
- passive 269
micro-Raman spectroscopy 693
microrelay 1062
micro-resonators 244
- diffusion 265
- friction 1006, 1010
- material removal 521
- scratching 503
- silicon gate 34
- wear 503 , 520
- wear test 1008
microscanner 929
microscope eigenfrequency 348
microscopic friction 723
microscopic origin of friction 889
microscratch 813
- test 675
microscratching measurement
--- 519
microsensors 229
microstrain gauge 1025, 1034
microstructure 1040
microsystem 249
micro-total analysis systems (?TAS)
--- 257
microtransformer 197
microtriboapparatus 1011
microtubule 740
- bending 673
- buckling 673
microvalve 258
- design 260
microwear 813 , 819
midplane 1046
- curvature 1048
- strain 1048, 1049
milligear system 989
millipede 901 , 994
- chip 931
- system concept 921 , 923 , 943
MIM capacitors 197
MIMO design 971
- actuator 986
- connector 986
- gear 986
- motor 986
minimal detectable depression
--- 374
minimally invasive screening 285
minimum-indentation pitch 937
mirror/yoke assembly 1089
- angle 638
- strain 1042
- elastic 1051, 1056
mismatch of crystalline surfaces
--- 566 , 567 , 593
mitochondria 747
mixed C-N nanotube 56
mixed lubrication see intermediate
--- or mixed lubrication, 884
mixing performance 265
MMA air bag sensor 1092
Mn on Nb(110) 429
Mn on W(110) 432
m-nitrobenzylidene propanedinitrile
--- (m-NBP) 916
MOCVD (metallorganic chemical
--- vapor deposition) 152 , 172
mode coupling gratings 199
model potentials 719
- at the nanoscale 752
- mechanics of systems 752
- tribological process 753
modular multifunctionality 280
modulation codes 946
- elastic 664 , 698 , 767 , 770 , 774 ,
--- 805 , 806 , 809
modulus of elasticity 325 , 516
molarity 749
molding 186
- AND gate 17
- assembly 26
- beam epitaxy (MBE) 988
- building blocks 12 , 35 , 747
- chain 839
- conduction band 33
- conformation 864
- cooperation 886
- dynamics (MD) 476 , 718 , 749
- dynamics (MD) calculation 639
- dynamics simulation (MDS) 488 ,
--- 622 , 631 , 651 , 753
- engineering 281
- interaction 879
- interconverting state 15
- logic gates 15
- lubrication 885
- machines 13
- mobility 894
- motor 13 , 673 , 740
- NOT gate 16
- placement by force microscopy
--- 285
- precursor 58
- pump 741 , 748
- recognition force microscopy
--- (MRFM) 476
- recognition force spectroscopy
--- principles 482
- resolution 421
- reversible transformation 15
- scale layer 833
- shape 558 , 559 , 586 , 591 , 592
- shuttle 14
- spring 536
- spring model 843 , 848
- stiffness 849
- switch 14 , 35
- theory of lubricated friction 890
- wires 289
- device 24 , 28
- materials 35
- switches 15
moment of inertia 1030
monodispersity 286
monolayer 885
- switches 28
- thickness 855
monolithic accelerometers 231
monolithic high-Q MEMS 245
Monte Carlo simulation 848
MoO3 film 614
MooreТs law 1142
Morse potential 464
MoS2 friction 640 , 641 , 668
- unperturbed 390
- actin-myosin 751
- flagellar 750
- micro 1016
- microelectromechanical 226
- miniaturized 986
- molecular 13 , 752
- myosin 741 , 745
- oil 884
- voice coil 952 , 969
macromolecules 305
moving media model 908
moving-tips model 908
MRAM (magnetoresistive RAM)
--- 899 -907
- cell 906
- magnetic resonance force
microscopy 441
MRI contrast agents 305
MTTF (mean time to failure) 1126
multicomponent nanodevice 288
multi-input-multi-output (MIMO)
--- 956
multilayer 709
- devices 197
- Fe-N/Ti-N 675
- structures 104
- thin-film 825
multimode AFM 338
multiple beam interferometry (MBI)
--- 547
multiple cantilever 907
multiple therapeutic nanodevice
--- 294
multiple-asperity contact 517
multiplexed sensor arrays 304
multiplication of dislocations 703
multivalent targeting strategy 298
multiwall carbon nanotubes
--- (MWCNT) 43 -49, 289 , 342 , 376 ,
--- 667 , 727
muscle contraction 740
muscovite mica 615 , 650
--- ?-synthesis 974
--- ?-synthesis controller design 975
- multiwall carbon nanotubes
--- 43 -49, 289 , 342 , 376 , 667 , 727
MWNT (multiwall nanotube) 64
- based catalyst-support 76
- bc (bamboo-concentric) 44
- bh (bamboo-herringbone) 44
- bunches 58
- catalytically grown 673
- composites
MWNT-Al composite 81
- flexural modulus 67
- purified 378
- surface area 64
- tips
manually assembled 378
- YoungТs modulus 669
myosin motor 751
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