C70 792
C2 moieties 51
C60 32 , 41 , 49 , 404 , 647 , 792
- film 330
- fullerenes 289
- island 641 , 642
- multilayered film 404
- SWNT (single wall nanotube) 70
C60-terminated film 843
Ca ion 399
cadherin-mediated adhesion 488
CaF2 398
CaF2 tip 652
CaF2(111) 399
CaF2(111) surface 399 , 652
calculated tapping behavior 911
calculus of variations 745
calibration 610 , 698 , 699
calorimetric experiments 482
cantilever 387 , 390 , 457 , 481
- all-metal 912
- all-silicon 926
- array 926 , 927
- axis 418
- base 469
- beam 1015, 1061
- beam array (CBA) 1011
- beam model 1067
- biofunctionalized 742 , 743 , 745
- biosensors 303
- cell 926
- deflection 332 , 372 , 387 , 389 ,
--- 418 , 465 , 480 , 632 , 745 , 848
- deflection calculation 344
- diode array 928
- driven 455
- effective mass 633
- eigenfrequency 415
- elasticity 636
- fabrication 909
- flexible 332
- foil 373
- heater 925
- material 339 , 387
- motion 331 , 913
- mount 336
- oscillation 457 , 469
- Q-factor 433
- resonance 451
- resonance behavior 350
- resonance frequency 481 , 611 ,
--- 890 , 1029
- sensor 925
- spring 454
- spring constant 485
- stainless steel 813
- stiffness 338 , 505 , 610 , 926
- temperature 940
- thickness 632 , 633
- tip 303 , 454
- triangular 339 , 349 , 354
- untwisted 335
cantilever-based probes 433
capacitance detection 356
- accelerometers 230
- detection 361
- detector 331
- displacement sensor 1033
- forces 465
- position sensing 956
- sensor 227 , 230
- transducer 245
capacitor-like device 913
capacity growth 903
capillarity-driven stop valve 265
- effect on adhesion 607
- electrophoresis (CE) 255
- force 544 , 559 , 564 , 619 , 662
- force curve 617
- formation 614
- pressure 265
- stiffness 614
capsid wall 760
carbon 792
- crystalline 792
- film 865
- magnetron sputtered 799
- shells 52
- source 57
- spacer chain 853
- superactivated 77
carbon coating
- unhydrogenated 804
carbon nanofiber
- vapor grown 56
carbon nanotube (CNT) 55 , 105 ,
--- 287 , 425 , 667
- adsorption properties 76
- application 73
- catalyst-free growth 59
- catalyst-supporting materials 75
- chemical reactivity 67
- diameters 63
- FETS 303
- field emission 74
- formation 46
- growth mechanisms 59
- heterogeneity 63
- in situ filling 69
- maximum current density 74
- mechanical properties 376
- molten state filling 69
- oxidation 72
- production 46
- properties 63
- quantum wires 66
- sublimation filling 70
- synthesis conditions 61
- tip 342 , 375 , 376 , 501
- wet chemistry filling 69
carbon-carbon distance 436
carboxyl acid 837
carboxylates (RCOO?) 404
- sensors 310
- system 310
- tissue engineering 310
- density 118 , 122
- gas 804
- mean free path 116 , 118 , 121
- mobility 118
Casimir force 545
casting 186
catalysis 397
--- disproportionation 54
catalysis-enhanced thermal cracking
--- 54
catalyst 49 , 106 , 668
- nanoparticles 58
- preparation 54
catalyst-based SWNT 61
catalyst-free 57
catalytic chemical vapor deposition
--- (CCVD) 52 , 55 , 58 , 60 , 61
catalytic decomposition 54
catalytically grown MWNT 673
cathode deposit 49 , 51
cathodic arc carbon 806
CCVD see catalytic chemical vapor
--- deposition
CCVD method 61
CDS (correlated double sampling)
--- technique 961
CdSe nanorods 136
cell adhesion 489
cellular immune responses 311
cellular phone 904
CeO2(111) 400
- matrix composites 81
- slider 824
- tip 74
cerpacs 1101
CFM (chemical force microscopy)
--- 73 , 489 , 619
chain adsorption 894
chalcogenide 906 , 910 , 915
change of meniscus 1005
changing of surface conditions 117
channel etching process 255
channel-liquid pair 261
chaotic mixer 266
characteristic distance 588
characteristic slip time 894
characteristic velocity 889
charge density wave (CDW) 428
charge exchange interactions 545 ,
--- 552 , 553
charge fluctuation forces see ion
correlation forces
charge separation 1116
charge transfer interactions see
charge exchange interactions
charge trapping 913
charge-controlled pull-in equation
--- 1064
check valve design 260
chelate metal cations 12
- bond 386
- bonding 388 , 863
- bonding force 331
- characterization 800
- composition 115
- detection devices 137
- force 386
- force microscopy (CFM) 73 , 489 ,
--- 619
- heterogeneity 568
- input 16
- interaction force 452
- sensors 74
- signal 19 , 20
- synthesis 12
- vapor deposition (CVD) 104 , 793
- vapor infiltration 57
chemisorption 861
chemistry route 57
chemoselective conjugation 295 ,
--- 296
chemotherapy 307
chip level integration 1093
chip-on-flex (COF) 1113
clamped-clamped mechanical beams
--- 247
classical finite size 116
classical size effect 120
clock field 946
clogging 56
closed loop sensitivity 973
clustered acetate 406
CMOS electronics 230
CMOS static random access memory
--- (SRAM) 235
CMOS sustaining electronics 245
c-MWNT (concentric multiwall
--- nanotube) 43 , 48 , 60 , 67
Co clusters 425
CO disproportionation 54
CO on Cu(110) 419
coated particles 306
- continuity 826
- damage 823
- failure 820
- hardness 818
- hydrophobic 1014
- mass density 801
- microstructure 800
- thickness 810 , 812
coating-substrate interface 819
- effective 647
coefficient of friction 501 , 510 , 516 ,
--- 535 , 579 , 634 , 771 , 773 , 809 , 813 ,
--- 823 , 824 , 844 , 868 , 872 , 996 , 1005
- Si(100) 531
- Z-15 531
- Z-DOL (BW) 531
coefficient of friction see friction
coefficient of friction relationship
--- 343
coefficient of thermal expansion
--- (CTE) 1124
co-energy 1064
coercivity 137
COF (chip-on-flex) 1113
cognate receptors 298
cognitive ligands 476
cognitive science 1139
coherence length 423
- potential 759
- surface model 759
coil inductor 242
cold welding 553 , 579
collagen fibers 679
collective phenomenon 885 , 888
- forces 545
- probe 548
colossal magneto resistive effect
--- 439
comb storage device 907
comb-drive 955 , 1030
- actuator 955
- resonator 245
combined AFM nanoindenter device
--- 676
commensurate Cu(111) 728
commensurate system 723
commercial data-storage device
--- 907
commercial MEMS devices 991
- between compatible molecular
components 19
- force 748
- molecular switches 19
compact bone
- lamellae 678
- mean hardness 680
- bonds 486
- dielectric function 127
- fluidic systems 886
- logic functions with molecular
--- switches 19
- failure 764
- supplier 902
- surface 1009
composite 662
composite material 81
compositionally modulated
--- nanowires 106
compression energy 887
compressive stress 805 , 812 , 1035,
--- 1044
computer simulation 718
- forces 553 , 557 , 561 , 564 , 565 ,
--- 585
- friction 553 , 573 , 574 , 579 , 580 ,
--- 583 , 585 , 586 , 590 , 591 , 594
- critical 650
- graphenes 43
- texture 61
- type (c-MWNT) 43
conditional release of therapeutics
--- 288
conductance 117
conductance quantization in metallic
--- nanowires 115
conducting polymers 103 , 304
conductive polymeric materials 304
conductivity 136
- electrical 133
- complex liquids 891
- nanostructure 68
- simple liquids 888
confinement 544 , 545 , 570 , 584 ,
--- 593
conformation 864
conformational defect 849
conforming contacts 894
- miniaturized 986
- amplitude (CA) 464
- amplitude FM mode 468
- current mode 328
- excitation mode (CE) 464
- force mode 362
- height mode 328 , 399
constrained elastic media 1061
consumer electronics 904
consumer nanotherapeutic device
--- 288
- AFM (atomic force microscope)
--- 455
- AFM dynamic method 662
- angle 616 , 833
- angle goniometer 847
- angle of SAM 846
- conductance 649 , 913
- elastic 703
- mechanics see adhesion
--- mechanics
- meniscus 619
- mode 373 , 909
- mode photolithography 195
- printing 186 , 200 , 833
- radius 678
- resistance 690
- stiffness 677 , 689 , 698 , 701 , 810 ,
--- 894
- stress 872
- value theorem 575
contact area 548 , 650 , 651 , 677 ,
--- 699 , 709
- apparent macroscopic 571 , 576 ,
--- 580
- true molecular 547 , 549 , 566 ,
--- 571 , 574 -576, 594
contamination 332
continuous micropump 269
continuous stiffness measurement
--- (CSM) 810
- analysis 753
- model 638
- theory 554 , 556 , 558 , 559 , 569 ,
--- 580
contour plot 1057
contour-mode disk resonator 246
contraction 1044
contrast 435
- agent design 306
- agents 304
- enhancing agents for medical
--- imaging 304
- enhancing nanoparticle 306
- formation 397
- of nanotherapeutic action 302
- of position 109
- over nanowire diameter distribution
--- 106
- system 359 , 362
- theory 1144
controlled desorption 419
controlled evaporation 269
controlled geometry (CG) 330
controlled nanoscale architecture
--- 294
controlled substances 1140
controlled triggering of therapeutic
--- action 298
controller design 969
CoO 402
Co-O film on PET 524
Cooper pairs 429
coordinated molecular process 886
copper adhesion 963
copper hexadecafluorophthalocyanine
--- 196
copper tip 652 , 727
corannulene 61
cores of carbon nanotubes 105
core-sheath nanowire 114
core-shell structure 132
Coriolis acceleration 232 , 1095
correlated-double-sampling (CDS)
--- 960
corrosion 1116, 1125
cost of goods (COGs) 285 , 307
co-transporter 489
Couette flow 569 , 593 , 885
- force 396
- interaction 66
- law of friction 644
coupled electromechanics 1063
- bonds 10
- scaffolds 12
Cr binding layer 619
Cr coating 432
Cr(001) 427
crack spacing 524
cracks 807
creativity at the nanoscale 1135
creep 415 , 691 , 1125
- effect 528
- relaxation 1060
creep model
- linear 890
- concentration 650
- curvature 1056
- degree of bending 1031
- load 809
- magnetic field strength 122
- normal load 853
- position 636
- shear stress 570 -572, 577 , 585 ,
--- 586
- temperature 423 , 434 , 1059
- time 894
- velocity 585 , 587 , 590 , 591
crosshair alignment 195
crosslinked BPT (BPTC) 843
crosstalk 363 , 927 , 1066
cross-track distance 945
cryostat 415
- growth direction 103
- orientation 206
- structure 333
- surfaces 375
crystal growth orientation, preferred
--- 104
- carbon 792
- silicon 254
- surfaces 544
CSM (continuous stiffness
--- measurement) 810
CTE (coefficient of thermal
--- expansion) 1124
CTL (cytotoxic T-cell) responses
--- 311
Cu(001) 397
Cu(100) 640
Cu(100) substrate 728
Cu(100) tip 728
Cu(111) 423 , 639 , 640 , 655
Cu(111) surface states 427
Cu(111) tip 653
cube corner 696 , 704
culture of engineering 315
cuprates 431
current density effect 1036
current rectification 116
current-voltage characteristics 116 ,
--- 916
curvature 1044
- critical 1056
- effects 723
- measured 1053
- variation 1046
curved electrode
- actuator 1070
- shape 1071
custom-designed MEMS product
--- 1112
cut-off distance 552 , 573
CVD (chemical vapor deposition)
--- 104 , 793
- fatigue 810 , 1036
- olefin copolymers (COC) 257
- thermomechanical load 1061
- voltammograms 29
cytoplasmic surface 478
cytosine 10
cytoskeletal filament 747
cytotoxic therapeutics 307
cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CTLs)
--- 311
cytotoxin deposition 309
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