I.N. Bronshtein K.A. Semendyayev G. Musiol H. Muehlig
5th Ed.,With 745s Figures and 142s Tables
- Preface to the Fifth English Edition 4
- From the Preface to the Fourth English Edition 4
- Co-authors 5
- 1 Arithmetic 1
- 2 Functions 47
- 3 Geometry 128
- 4 Linear Algebra 251
- 5 Algebra and Discrete Mathematics 286
- 6 Differentiation 379
- 7 Infinite Series 404
- 8 Integral Calculus 427
- 9 Differential Equations 487
- 10 Calculus of Variations 552
- 11 Linear Integral Equations 563
- 12 Functional Analysis 596
- 13 Vector Analysis and Vector Fields 642
- 14 Function Theory 671
- 15 Integral Transformations 707
- 16 Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics 745
- 17 Dynamical Systems and Chaos 797
- 18 Optimization 846
- 19 Numerical Analysis 884
- 20 Computer Algebra Systems 953
- 21 Tables 1010
- 22 Bibliography 1098
- List of Tables
- 1.1 Definition of powers 8
- 1.2 Pascal's triangle 13
- 1.3 Auxiliary values for the solution of equations of degree three 42
- 2.1 Domain and range of trigonometric functions 77
- 2.2 Signs of trigonometric functions 78
- 2.3 Values of trigonometric functions for 0, 30, 45, 60 and 90 78
- 2.4 Reduction formulas and quadrant relations of trigonometric functions 78
- 2.5 Relations between the trigonometric functions of the same argument in the interval
- 0 < o: < tt/2 80
- 2.6 Domains and ranges of the inverses of trigonometric functions 85
- 2.7 Relations between two hyperbolic functions with the same arguments for x > 0 90
- 2.8 Domains and ranges of the area functions 92
- 2.9 For the approximate determination of an empirically given function relation 112
- 3.1 Names of angles in degree and radian measure 129
- 3.2 Properties of some regular polygons 139
- 3.3 Defining quantities of a right angled-triangle in the plane 141
- 3.4 Defining quantities of a general triangle, basic problems 144
- 3.5 Conversion between Degrees and Gons 145
- 3.6 Directional angle in a segment with correct sign for arctan 145
- 3.7 Regular polyeders with edge length a 154
- 3.8 Defining quantities of a spherical right-angled triangle 168
- 3.9 First and second basic problems for spherical oblique triangles 170
- 3.10 Third basic problem for spherical oblique triangles 171
- 3.11 Fourth basic problem for spherical oblique triangles 172
- 3.12 Fifth and sixth basic problemes for a spherical oblique triangle 173
- 3.13 Scalar product of basis vectors 186
- 3.14 Vector product of basis vectors 186
- 3.15 Scalar product of reciprocal basis vectors 186
- 3.16 Vector product of reciprocal basis vectors 186
- 3.17 Vector equations 188
- 3.18 Geometric application of vector algebra 189
- 3.19 Equation of curves of second order. Central curves ((5 ^ 0) 205
- 3.20 Equations of curves of second order. Parabolic curves (5 = 0) 206
- 3.21 Coordinate signs in the octants 208
- 3.22 Connections between Cartesian, cylindrical, and spherical polar coordinates 210
- 3.23 Notation for the direction cosines under coordinate transformation 211
- 3.24 Type of surfaces of second order with 5 ^ 0 (central surfaces) 224
- 3.25 Type of surfaces of second order with 5 = 0 (paraboloid, cylinder and two planes) 224
- 3.26 Tangent and normal equations 226
- 3.27 Vector and coordinate equations of accompanying configurations of a space curve 241
- 3.28 Vector and coordinate equations of accompanying configurations as functions of the arclength 241
- 3.29 Equations of the tangent plane and the surface normal 246
- 5.1 Truth table of propositional calculus 286
- 5.2 NAND function 288
- 5.3 NOR function 288
- 5.4 Primitive Bravais lattice 310
- 5.5 Bravais lattice, crystal systems, and crystallographic classes 311
- 5.6 Some Boolean functions with two variables 344
- 5.7 Tabular representation of a fuzzy set 360
- 5.8 t- and s-norms, p G IR 367
- 5.9 Comparison of operations in Boolean logic and in fuzzy logic 369
- 6.1 Derivatives of elementary functions 381
- 6.2 Differentiation rules 386
- 6.3 Derivatives of higher order of some elementary functions 387
- 7.1 The first Bernoulli numbers 412
- 7.2 First Euler numbers 413
- 7.3 Approximation formulas for some frequently used functions 419
- 8.1 Basic integrals 428
- 8.2 Important rules of calculation of indefinite integrals 430
- 8.3 Substitutions for integration of irrational functions I 435
- 8.4 Substitutions for integration of irrational functions II 436
- 8.5 Important properties of definite integrals 443
- 8.6 Line integrals of the first type 465
- 8.7 Curve elements 465
- 8.8 Plane elements of area 474
- 8.9 Applications of the double integral 475
- 8.10 Elementary volumes 479
- 8.11 Applications of the triple integral 480
- 8.12 Elementary regions of curved surfaces 482
- 11.1 Roots of the Legendre polynomial of the first kind 574
- 13.1 Relations between the components of a vector in Cartesian, cylindrical, and spherical coordinates 648
- 13.2 Fundamental relations for spatial differential operators 658
- 13.3 Expressions of vector analysis in Cartesian, cylindrical, and spherical coordinates 659
- 13.4 Line, surface, and volume elements in Cartesian, cylindrical, and spherical coordinates 660
- 14.1 Real and imaginary parts of the trigonometric and hyperbolic functions 700
- 14.2 Absolute values and arguments of the trigonometric and hyperbolic functions 700
- 14.3 Periods, roots and poles of Jacobian functions 704
- 15.1 Overview of integral transformations of functions of one variable 708
- 15.2 Comparison of the properties of the Fourier and the Laplace transformation 730
- 16.1 Collection of the formulas of combinatorics 747
- 16.2 Relations between events 748
- 16.3 Frequency table 773
- 16.4 x2 test 776
- 16.5 Confidence level for the sample mean 777
- 16.6 Error description of a measurement sequence 794
- 17.1 Steady state types in three-dimensional phase space 809
- 19.1 Helping table for FEM 916
- 19.2 Orthogonal polynomials 920
- List of Tables
- 19.3 Number systems 937
- 19.4 Parameters for the basic forms 939
- 19.5 Mathematica, numerical operations 946
- 19.6 Mathematica, commands for interpolation 947
- 19.7 Mathematica, numerical solution of differential equations 948
- 19.8 Maple, options for the command fsolve 950
- 20.1 Mathematica, Types of numbers 957
- 20.2 Mathematica, Important operators 959
- 20.3 Mathematica, Commands for the choice of list elements 960
- 20.4 Mathematica. Operations with lists 960
- 20.5 Mathematica, Operation Table 961
- 20.6 Mathematica, Operations with matrices 962
- 20.7 Mathematica, Standard functions 963
- 20.8 Mathematica, Special functions 963
- 20.9 Maple, Basic types 968
- 20.10 Maple, Types 968
- 20.11 Maple, Types of numbers 970
- 20.12 Maple, Arguments of function convert 971
- 20.13 Maple, Standard functions 975
- 20.14 Maple, Special functions 976
- 20.15 Mathematica, Commands for manipulation of algebraic expressions 979
- 20.16 Mathematica, Algebraic polynomial operations 980
- 20.17 Maple, Operations to manipulate algebraic expressions 981
- 20.18 Mathematica, Operations to solve systems of equations 986
- 20.19 Maple, Matrix operations 990
- 20.20 Maple, Operations of the Gaussian algorithm 991
- 20.21 Mathematica, Operations of differentiation 992
- 20.22 Mathematica, Commands to solve differential equations 994
- 20.23 Maple, Options of operation dsolve 997
- 20.24 Mathematica, Two-dimensional graphic objects 999
- 20.25 Mathematica, Graphics commands 999
- 20.26 Mathematica, Some graphical options 1000
- 20.27 Mathematica, Options for 3D graphics 1005
- 20.28 Maple, Options for Plot command 1006
- 20.29 Maple, Options of command plot3d 1008
- 21.1 Frequently Used Constants 1010
- 21.2 Natural Constants 1010
- 21.3 Metric Prefixes 1012
- 21.4 International System of Physical Units (SI-Units) 1012
- 21.5 Important Series Expansions 1015
- 21.6 Fourier Series 1020
- 21.7 Indefinite Integrals 1023
- 21.8 Definite Integrals 1056
- 21.9 Elliptic Integrals 1061
- 21.10 Gamma Function 1063
- 21.11 Bessel Functions (Cylindrical Functions) 1064
- 21.12 Legendre Polynomials of the First Kind 1066
- 21.13 Laplace Transformation 1067
- 21.14 Fourier Transformation 1072
- 21.15 Z- Transformation 1086
- 21.16 Poisson Distribution 1089
- List of Tables XLIII
- Index 1109
- Mathematic Symbols 1160
- A
- A
- Abel --- rectangle, square,
- Abel
- --- group, 299
- --- integral equation, 590
- --- theorem, 416
- abscissa
- --- plane coordinates, 189
- --- space coordinates, 208
- absolute term, 272
- absolutely
- --- continuous, 638
- --- convergent, 455
- --- integrable, 455
- absorbing set, 799
- absorption law
- --- Boolean algebra, 342
- --- propositional logic, 287
- --- sets, 293
- account number system, 333
- --- uniform, 333
- accumulation factor, 22
- accumulation point. 606
- accuracy, measure of, 789
- addition
- --- complex numbers, 36
- --- computer calculation, 940
- --- polynomials, 11
- --- rational numbers, 1
- addition theorem
- area functions, 93
- --- hyperbolic functions, 89
- --- inverse trigonometric functions, 86
- --- trigonometric functions, 79
- additivity, (7-additivity, 635
- adjacency, 348
- --- matrix, 350
- adjacent side, 130
- adjoint, 259
- admittance matrix, 355
- a.e. (almost everywhere), 636
- AES algorithm (Advanced Encryption Standard), 339
- aggregation operator, 370
- algebra, 251
- --- Boolean, 342
- --- finite, 343
- --- classical structures, 298
- --- commutative, 614
- --- factor algebra. 340
- --- free, 341
- --- linear, 251
- --- normed, 614
- --- ft-algebra, 340
- --- ft-subalgebra, 340
- --- (T-algebra, 635
- --- Borelian, 636
- --- switch algebra, 342
- --- term algebra, 341
- --- universal algebra, 340
- algorithm
- AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), 339
- Aitken-Neville, 919
- --- Dantzig, 357
- --- Euclidean, 3
- --- polynomial rings, 315
- --- theorem, 324
- --- Ford-Fulkerson, 359
- --- Gauss, 276
- --- graph theory, 348
- --- Kruskal, 355
- --- maximum flow, 359
- --- QR, 283
- --- Rayleigh-Ritz, 283
- --- Remes, 925
- --- Romberg method, 901
- alignment
- --- chart, 123
- --- nomogram, 125
- --- Q-cut, 364
- --- strong, 364
- --- Q-level set, 364
- --- strong, 364
- --- Q-limit set, 799
- alternating point, 923
- --- theorem, 923
- alternating tensor, 265
- altitude
- --- cone, 156
- --- cylinder, 154
- --- polyhedron, 151
- --- triangle, 132
- amortization calculus, 23
- amplitude
- --- function, 703
- --- sine function, 75
- --- spectrum, 727
- analysis
- --- functional, 596
- --- harmonic, 917
- --- multi-scale analysis, 743
- --- numerical, 884
- --- vector, 642
- analytical geometry
- --- plane, 189
- --- space, 207
- angle, 128
- acute, 129
- --- between vectors, 189
- --- central, 130
- --- chord and tangent, 139
- --- circumference, 139
- --- convex, 129
- --- directional, 145
- --- escribed circle, 140
- --- Eulerian, 211
- --- exterior, 139
- --- full, 129
- --- geodesy, 145
- --- inclination, 379
- --- interior, 139
- --- line and plane, 219
- --- lines, plane, 128
- angle (continued)
- --- lines, space, 219
- --- measure in degrees, 130
- --- names, 128
- --- notion, 128
- --- nutation, 211
- --- obtuse, 129
- --- perigon, 130
- --- plane, 151
- --- notion, 128
- --- plane curves, 228
- --- planes, space, 216
- --- precession, 211
- --- radian measure, 130
- --- reduction, 174
- --- right, 129
- --- round, 129
- --- secant and tangent, 140
- --- slope, 379
- --- tangent, 227
- --- solid, 151
- --- space curves, 246
- --- straight, 129
- --- tilt, 143
- angles
- adjacent, 129
- alternate, 129
- at parallels, 129
- --- complementary, 129
- --- corresponding, 129
- --- exterior-interior, 129
- --- opposite, 129
- --- sum
- --- plane triangle, 132
- --- spherical triangle, 163
- --- supplementary, 129
- --- vertex, 129
- angular
- --- coefficient, curve third degree, 66
- --- coefficient, plane, 194
- --- frequency, 82
- annuity, 23
- --- calculation, 25
- --- payment, 25
- --- perpetual, 25
- annulator, 624
- annulus, 140
- area, 140
- Anosov diffeomorphism, 829
- anticommutativity, vector product, 183
- antiderivative, 427
- antikink soliton, 550
- antilog, 10
- antisoliton, 549
- Apollonius
- --- circle, 683
- --- theorem, 199
- apothem, 132
- applicate, 208
- approximate equation, 496
- approximate formula, empirical curve, 106
- approximation, 917
- asymptotic, polynomial part, 15
- --- best, Hilbert space, 617
- --- bicubic, 935
- --- Chebyshev, 923
- --- i5 function, 717
- --- formulas
- --- series expansion, 418
- --- in mean, 403
- --- Liouville theorem, 4
- --- numbers, 4
- --- partial differential equations, 912
- --- problem, 616
- --- solution by extreme value, 403
- --- successive
- --- Banach space, 621
- --- differential equations, ordinary, 496
- --- integral equation, 567
- --- uniform, 923
- --- using given functions, 909
- --- Weierstrass theorem, 607
- arc
- --- ellipse, 200
- --- graph,348
- --- chain, 357
- --- hyperbola, 203
- --- intersection, 149
- --- length
- --- circular segment, 140
- --- line integral, first type, 464
- --- parabola, 204
- --- plane curve, 140
- --- space curve, 246
- --- sequences, 357
- Archimedean spiral, 103
- area
- annulus, 140
- --- sector, 140
- --- circle, 139
- --- circular sector, 140
- --- circular segment, 140
- --- cosine, 91
- --- cotangent, 92
- --- curved surface, 482
- --- curvilinear bounded, 448
- --- curvilinear sector, 448
- --- double integral, 474
- --- ellipse, 199
- --- formula, Heron's, 143
- --- function, 91
- --- hyperbola, 202
- --- parabola, 204
- --- parallelogram, 134
- --- parallelogram with vectors, 189
- --- planar figures, 448
- --- polyeder with vectors, 189
- --- polygon, 193
- --- rectangle, square, 135
- rhombus, --- azimuthal equation,
- --- rhombus, 135
- --- similar plane figures, 133
- --- sine, 91
- --- subset, 635
- --- surface patch, 247
- --- tangent, 92
- --- triangle, 193
- area (continued)
- --- plane, 141
- --- spherical, 163
- argument
- --- function of one variable, 47
- --- function of several variables, 117
- arithmetic, 1
- --- sequence, 18
- Arnold tongue, 844
- arrangement, 745
- --- with repetition, 746
- --- without repetition, 746
- arrow
- --- diagram, 294
- --- function, 294
- article number, European, 333
- ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Inte
- --- change), 936
- assignment problem, 860
- associative law
- --- Boolean algebra, 342
- --- matrices, 254
- --- propositional logic, 287
- --- sets, 293
- --- tensors, 264
- associativity, product of vectors, 184
- astroid, 102
- asymptote
- --- curve, 231
- --- definition, 234
- attractor, 800
- --- chaotic, 828
- --- fractal, 828
- --- Henon, 826
- --- hyperbolic, 828
- --- Lorenz, 827
- --- strange, 828
- autocorrelation function, 818
- axial field, 644
- axioms
- algebra, 614
- --- closed set, 606
- --- metric spaces, 604
- --- normed space, 611
- --- open set, 606
- --- ordered vector space, 601
- --- pseudonorm, 624
- --- scalar product, 615
- --- vector space, 596
- axis
- abscissae
- --- plane coordinates, 189
- --- space coordinates, 208
- --- ordinates
- --- plane coordinates, 189
- --- space coordinates, 208
- --- parabola, 203
- azimuth, 159
- azimuthal equation, 543
- B
- B
- backward substitution, 891
- Baire, second Baire category, 814
- Bairstow method, 889
- ball, metric space, 605
- Banach
- --- fixed-point theorem, 631
- --- space, 612
- --- example, 612
- --- series, 612
- --- theorem, continuity, inverse operator, 621
- band structure, coefficient matrix, 895
- barrel, 157
- --- circular, 157
- --- parabolic, 157
- base, 7
- --- power, 7
- --- vector, 186
- --- reciprocal, 185
- --- vector space, 317
- basic
- --- formulas
- --- plane trigonometry, 141
- --- problems
- --- plane trigonometry, 143
- --- spherical trigonometry, 167
- --- theorems
- --- propositional logic, 287
- basis, 599
- --- contravariant, 266
- --- covariant, 266
- --- inverse, 851
- --- vector
- --- contravariant, 266
- --- covariant, 266
- --- vector space, 599
- Bayes theorem, 750
- B-B representation
- --- curve, 935
- --- surface, 935
- Berge theorem, 356
- Bernoulli
- --- inequality, 30
- --- numbers, 412
- --- shift, 829
- Bernoulli-lHospital rule, 54
- Bernstein polynomial, 935
- Bessel
- --- differential equation, 509
- --- differential equation, linear, zero order, 722
- --- function, 509
- --- imaginary variables, 509
- --- modified, 509
- --- inequality, 618
- beta function, 1056
- biangle, spherical, 161
- bifurcation
- Bogdanov-Takens, 834
- --- codimension, 829
- --- cusp, 833
- --- flip bifurcation, 836
- --- global, 829
- --- homoclinic, 840
- --- Hopf bifurcation, 831
- --- generalized, 834
- --- local, 829
- --- mappings, subcritical saddle node, 836
- bifurcation (continued)
- --- pitchfork, 836
- --- supercritical, 834
- --- saddle node, 831
- --- transcritical, 831
- binary number, 816
- binary system, 937
- binomial, 69
- --- coefficient, 13
- --- distribution, 755
- --- formula, 12
- --- linear, 69
- --- quadratic, 69
- --- theorem, 12
- binormal, space curve, 239
- biquadratic equation, 42
- birth process, 769
- bisection method, 283
- bisector, 142
- --- triangle, 132
- bit, 936
- --- reversing the order, 930
- block, 152
- body of revolution, lateral surface, 449
- Bolzano theorem
- --- one variable, 59
- --- several variables, 123
- Bolzano-Weierstrass property, 628
- Boolean
- --- algebra. 342
- --- finite, 343
- --- expression, 344
- --- function, 287
- --- n-ary, 344
- --- variable, 344
- Borel
- --- set, 636
- --- a-algebra, 636
- bound
- --- function, 50
- --- sequence, 404
- boundary
- --- collocation, 913
- --- condition, 552
- --- uncertain for some variables (fuzzy), 369
- boundary value
- --- conditions, 487
- --- problem, 487
- --- Hilbert, 593
- --- Hilbert, homogeneous, 593
- --- homogeneous, 514
- --- inhomogeneous, 514
- --- linear, 514
- bounded set (order-bounded), 602
- boundedness of a function
- --- one variable, 60
- --- several variables, 123
- Bravais lattice, 310
- break of symmetry, bifurcation, 834
- Breit-Wigner curve, 731
- Brouwer fixed-point theorem, 633
- business mathematics, 21
- byte, 936
- C
- C
- calculation --- max-average,
- calculation
- complex numbers, 36
- --- determinants, 260
- --- numerical
- --- accuracy, 941
- --- basic operations, 940
- --- tensors, 263
- calculus
- --- differentiation, 379
- --- errors, 787
- --- integral, 427
- --- observations, measurement error, 787
- --- propositional, 286
- --- variations, 552
- canonical form, circle-mapping, 843
- canonical system, 519
- Cantor function, 844
- Cantor set, 822
- cap, spherical, 157
- capacity, edge, 358
- Caratheodory condition, 631
- Cardano formula, 41
- cardinal number, 291
- cardinality, set, 298
- cardioid, 98
- carrier function, 575
- Carson transformation, 707
- Cartesian
- coordinates
- --- plane, 189
- --- space, 208
- --- folium, 94
- cartography scale, 144
- cascade, period doubling, 839
- Cassinian curve, 98
- category, second Baire category, 814
- catenary curve, 88
- catenoid, 88
- Cauchy
- --- integral, 592
- --- integral formula, 689
- --- integral formulas, application, 694
- --- method, differential equations of higher order, 502
- --- principal value
- --- improper integral, 457
- --- principal value, improper integral, 454
- --- principle, 608
- --- problem, 518
- --- sequence, 607
- --- theorem, 390
- Cauchy-Riemann differential equations, partial. 672
- Cayley
- --- table, 300
- --- theorem, 302
- center
- circle, 197
- curvature, 230
- --- spherical, 175
- center manifold theorem
- --- differential equations, 830
- --- mappings, 835
- center of area method, 374
- center of gravity, 213
- --- arbitrary planar figure. 453
- --- arc segment, 452
- closed curve, 452
- --- double integral, 474
- --- line integral, first type, 464
- --- method, 373
- --- generalized, 374
- --- parametrized. 374
- --- trapezoid, 453
- --- triangle, 132
- --- triple integral, 480
- center of mass, 191
- central
- --- angle, 130
- curves, 205
- --- field, 643
- --- limit theorem, LindebergLevy, 765
- --- surface, 220
- centroid, points having masses, 191
- chain, 297
- --- directed, elementary, 357
- --- graph,357
- --- elementary, 357
- --- Markov, 766
- --- stationary, 766
- --- time-homogeneous, 766
- --- rule, 643
- composite function, 382
- --- stochastic, 765
- chaos, 797
- --- attractor, strange, 828
- --- from torus to chaos, 841
- --- one-dimensional mapping, 829
- --- routes to chaos, 829
- --- through intermittence, 843
- --- transition to chaos, 839
- character
- --- group element, 304
- --- representation of groups, 305
- characteristic, 10
- characteristic equation, 494
- characteristic strip, 519
- Chebyshev
- --- approximation, 923
- continuous, 923
- --- discrete, 926
- --- formula, 87
- --- inequality, 31
- --- polynomials, 924
- --- theorem, 436
- Chinese remainder theorem, 328
- --- X2 distribution, 762
- --- X2 test, 775
- Cholesky
- --- decomposition, 893
- --- method, 278
- chord, 140
- --- theorem, 138
- circle
- --- Apollonius, 682
- --- area, 138
- center, 197
- chord, 138
- circumference, 138
- convergence, 690
- curvature, 230
- --- plane curve, 228
- --- dangerous, 149
- --- definition, 138
- --- equation
- Cartesian coordinates, 197
- --- polar coordinates, 197
- --- great circle, 158
- --- intersection, 158
- --- mapping, 843
- --- parametric representation, 197
- --- periphery, 138
- --- plane, 138
- --- radius, 138
- --- small circle, 158
- --- tangent, 138
- circuit
- --- directed, graph, 357
- --- Euler, 352
- --- Hamilton, 353
- circuit integral, 468
- --- being zero, 470
- circular
- --- field, 646
- --- point, 249
- --- sector, 140
- --- segment, 140
- circumcircle
- --- quadrangle, 136
- --- triangle, 132
- circumscribing
- --- quadrangle, 136
- --- triangle, 132
- cissoid, 95
- Clairaut
- --- differential equation, ordinary, 493
- --- differential equation, partial, 520
- class
- --- defined by identities, 341
- --- equivalence class, 297
- --- midpoint, 773
- --- statistics, 772
- Clebsch-Gordan
- coefficient, 306
- --- series, 306
- --- theorem, 306
- closure
- closed linear, 616
- --- linear, 597
- --- set, 607
- --- transitive, 295
- clothoid, 105
- code, 331
- --- ASCII (American Standard Code for Information
- --- Interchange), 936
- --- public key, 331
- --- RSA (Rivest, Shamir, Adleman), 331
- codimension, 829
- coding, 331
- coefficient, 11
- Clebsch-Gordan, 306
- coefficient (continued)
- comparison. 16
- --- Fourier, 420
- --- leading, 38
- --- matrix, extended, 892
- --- metric, 185
- --- vector decomposition, 182
- collinearity, vectors, 184
- collocation
- --- boundary, 913
- --- domain. 913
- --- method, 576
- --- points, 909
- column pivoting, 892
- column sum criterion, 895
- combination, 745
- --- with repetition, 745
- --- without repetition, 745
- combinatorics, 745
- commensurability, 4
- commutative law
- --- Boolean algebra, 342
- --- matrices, 254
- --- propositional logic, 287
- --- sets, 293
- --- vectors, 255
- commutativity, scalar product, 183
- commutator, 319
- comparable function, 558
- complement, 292
- --- algebraic, 259
- --- fuzzy, 368
- --- fuzzy set, 365
- --- orthogonal, 616
- --- sets, 292
- --- Sugeno complement, 368
- --- Yager complement, 368
- complementary angles formulas, 78
- completeness relation, 618
- completion, metric space, 610
- complex analysis, 671
- complex function, 47
- --- pole, 673
- complex number, 34
- --- plane, 34
- complex mapping, 684
- complex-valued function, 47
- complexification, 601
- composition, 371
- --- max-average, 371
- max-(/-norm), --- law,
- --- max-(/-norm), 371
- compound interest, 22
- calculation, 22
- computation of adjustment, 917
- computer
- --- basic operations, 940
- --- error of the method, 942
- --- error types, 939
- --- internal number representation, 938
- --- internal symbol representation, 936
- --- numerical accuracy, 941
- --- numerical problems in calculation, 939
- --- use of computers, 936
- computer algebra systems
- --- applications, 979
- --- basic structure elements, 955
- --- differential and integral calculus, 992
- --- elements of linear algebra, 988
- --- equations and systems of equations, 984
- --- functions, 956
- --- graphics, 998
- --- infix form, 956
- --- list, 956
- --- manipulation of algebraic expressions, 979
- --- numbers, 955
- --- object, 955
- --- operator, 956
- --- prefix form, 956
- --- programming, 955
- --- purpose, 953
- --- set, 956
- --- suffix form, 956
- --- terms, 956
- --- type, 955
- --- variable, 956
- concave, curve, 228
- conchoid
- --- Nicomedes, 96
- --- general, 96
- --- of the circle, 96
- --- of the line, 96
- conclusion, 372
- concurrent expressions, 345
- condition
- --- boundary value, ordinary differential equation, 487
- Caratheodory, 631
- Cauchy (convergence), 122
- --- Dirichlet (convergence), 422
- --- initial value, ordinary differential equation, 487
- --- Kuhn-Tucker, 862
- --- Lipschitz, higher-order differential equation, 498
- --- Lipschitz, ordinary differential equation, 488
- --- number, 894
- --- regularity condition, 876
- --- Slater, 863
- cone, 156
- central surface, 224
- circular, 156
- --- generating, 602
- --- imaginary, 224
- --- normal, 613
- --- regular, 613
- --- solid, 613
- --- truncated, 156
- --- vector space, 599
- confidence
- --- interval, 781
- --- regression coefficient, 781
- --- variance, 778
- --- limit
- --- for the mean, 777
- --- prescription, 792
- --- probability, 776
- --- region, 781
- congruence
- --- algebraic, 327
- corners, 151
- --- linear, 328
- --- method, 783
- --- plane figures, 133
- --- polynomial congruence. 330
- --- quadratic, 329
- --- relation, 340
- --- kernel, 341
- --- simultaneous linear, 328
- --- system simultaneous linear, 328
- --- theorems, 133
- congruent
- --- directly, 132
- --- indirectly, 133
- --- mapping, 132
- conic section, 156
- --- singular, 207
- conjugate complex number, 36
- conjunction, 286
- --- elementary, 345
- consistency
- --- integration of differential equation, 907
- --- order p, 907
- constant
- --- Euler, 460
- --- in polynomial, 60
- --- propositional calculus, 286
- --- term, 272
- constants
- --- mathematical, frequently used, 1010
- --- natural, 1010
- continuation, analytic, 691
- continued fractions, 3
- continuity
- composite functions, 59
- --- elementary function, 58
- --- from below, 635
- --- function
- --- one variable, 57
- --- several variables, 122
- --- Holder, 591
- continuous, absolutely, 638
- continuum, 298
- contour integral
- --- vector field, 662
- contracting principle, 608
- contraction, 264
- --- tensor, 268
- contradiction, Boolean function, 344
- control digit, 332
- convergence
- --- absolute, 409
- complex terms, 690
- --- alternating series test of Leibniz, 410
- --- Banach space, 612
- circle of convergence, 690
- condition of Cauchy, 52
- conditional, 409
- complex terms, 690
- --- in mean, 422
- --- infinite series, complex terms, 690
- --- integration of differential equation, 907
- --- non-uniform, 414
- --- order p, 907
- --- sequence of numbers, 405
- complex terms, 689
- --- series, 406
- complex terms, 689
- --- uniform, 414-416
- --- uniformly, function sequences, 606
- --- weak,629
- --- Weierstrass criterion, 415
- convergence criterion
- comparison criterion, 407
- --- D'Alembert's ratio test, 407
- --- integral test of Cauchy, 408
- --- root test of Cauchy, 408
- convergence theorem, 406
- --- measurable function, 638
- conversion, number systems, 937
- convex, curve, 228
- convolution
- --- Fourier transformation, 729
- --- Laplace transformation, 713
- --- one-sided, 729
- --- two-sided, 729
- --- z-transformation, 736
- coordinate inversion, 269
- coordinate line, 209
- coordinate surface, 209
- coordinate system
- --- double logarithmic, 115
- --- Gauss-Krueger, 143
- --- left-hand, 207
- --- orientation, 207
- --- orthogonal, 180
- --- orthonormal, 180
- --- plane, 189
- --- right-hand, 207
- --- semilogarithmic. 115
- --- Soldner, 143
- --- spatial, 207
- --- transformation, 262
- coordinate transformation, 210
- --- equation
- central curves second order, 205
- --- quadratic curve (parabolic), 206
- coordinates
- --- affine, 185
- --- axis, 189
- --- barycentric, 917
- Cartesian, 186
- --- plane, 189
- --- space, 208
- Cartesian, transformation, 191
- contravariant, 187
- covariant, 187
- curvilinear, 190
- --- three dimensional, 209
- cylindrical, 209
- --- vector field, 647
- --- Descartes, 189
- --- equation, space curve, 241
- --- Gauss, 244
- --- Gauss-Kruger, 160
- --- geodetic, 143
- ccordinates (continued)
- --- geographical, 160
- --- mixed, 267
- --- point, 189
- --- polar, plane, 190
- --- polar, spherical, 209
- --- representation with scalar product, 187
- --- Soldner, 160
- --- spherical, 209
- --- vector field, 647
- --- transformation, 190
- --- triangle coordinates, 917
- --- vector, 182
- coprime, 5
- corner
- convex, 151
- --- figure, 150
- --- northwest corner rule, 858
- --- symmetric, 151
- --- trihedral, 151
- correction form, 896
- corrector, 906
- correlation, 779
- --- analysis, 779
- coefficient, 780
- --- empirical, 780
- cosecant
- --- geometric definition, 130
- --- hyperbolic, 87
- --- trigonometric, 76
- coset
- --- left, 301
- --- right, 301
- cosine
- --- geometric definition, 130
- --- hyperbolic, 87
- --- geometric definition. 131
- --- law, 142
- law for sides, --- cylindrical surface,
- --- law for sides, 164
- --- rule, spherical triangle, 164
- --- trigonometric, 75
- cotangent
- --- geometric definition, 130
- --- hyperbolic, 87
- --- trigonometric, 76
- Coulomb field, point-like charge, 646
- counterpoint, 158
- course angle, 159
- covariance, two-dimensional distribution, 780
- covering transformation, 299
- covering, open, 800
- Cramer rule, 275
- credit, 22
- criterion
- convergence
- --- sequence of numbers, 405
- --- series, 406
- --- series with positive terms, 407
- --- uniform, Weierstrass, 415
- --- divisibility, 323
- --- subspace, 317
- cross product, 183
- cryptanalysis, classical, methods, 337
- --- Kasiski-Friedman test, 337
- --- statistical analysis, 337
- cryptography, conventional
- --- methods, 335
- --- linear substitution ciphers, 336
- --- substitution, 335
- --- monoalphabetic, 335
- --- monographic, 335
- --- polyalphabetic, 335
- --- polygraphic 335
- --- transposition, 335
- cryptology, 334
- --- AES algorithm, 339
- classical
- --- Hill cypher method, 336
- --- matrix substitution method, 336
- --- Vigenere cypher method, 336
- cryptosystem, 334
- --- Diffie-Hellman key exchange, 338
- --- encryption
- context free, 334
- context sensitive, 334
- --- IDEA algorithm, 340
- --- mathematical foundation, 334
- --- one-time pad, 338
- --- one-way function, 339
- --- public key methods, 338
- --- RSA method, 339
- --- security of cryptosystems, 335
- --- subject, 334
- crystal class, 311
- crystal system, 311
- crystallography
- --- lattice, 310
- --- symmetry group, 310
- cube, 152
- curl, 668
- --- density. 669
- --- field
- --- pure, 668
- --- zero-divergence field, 668
- --- line, 655
- curvature
- center, 230
- circle, 230
- curves on a surface, 247
- --- Gauss surface, 249
- --- mean, surface, 249
- --- minimal total curvature, 932
- --- plane curve, 228
- --- radius, 230
- curve on a surface, 247
- --- principal, 247
- --- space curve, 240
- --- surface, 247
- constant curvature, 249
- --- total, 243
- curve
- --- algebraic, 93
- --- n-th order, 234
- --- arc cosine, 84
- --- arc cotangent, 84
- --- arc sine, 84
- curve (continued I)
- --- arc tangent, 84
- --- Archimedean spiral, 103
- --- area cosine, 91
- --- area cotangent, 92
- --- area sine, 91
- --- area tangent, 92
- --- astroid, 102
- --- asymptote, 231
- --- asymptotic point. 232
- --- B-B representation, 935
- cardioid, 98
- Cartesian folium, 94
- Cassinian, 98
- catenary, 105
- cissoid, 95
- clothoid, 105
- concave, 228
- conchoid of Nicomedes, 96
- convex, 228
- corner point, 232
- cosecant, 76
- cosine, 75
- cotangent, 76
- curvature, 228
- cuspidal point, 232
- cycloid, 100
- --- damped oscillation, 83
- --- directing, 154
- --- double point, 232
- --- empirical, 106
- --- envelope, 236
- --- epicycloid, 101
- --- epitrochoid, 102
- --- equation
- complex form, 701
- --- plane, 194
- --- second degree, 205
- --- second order, 205
- --- space, 214
- --- error curve, 72
- --- evolute, 236
- --- evolvent, 236
- --- of the circle, 104
- --- exponential, 71
- --- fourth order, 96
- --- Gauss error curve, 759
- --- general discussion, 235
- --- hyperbolic cosine, 88
- --- hyperbolic cotangent, 89
- --- hyperbolic sine, d>^
- --- hyperbolic tangent, 88
- --- hyperbolic type, 68
- --- hyperbolice spiral, 104
- --- hypocycloid, 102
- --- hypotrochoid, 102
- --- imaginary, 194
- --- inflection point, 231
- --- involute, 237
- --- isolated point, 232
- --- Koch curve, 823
- --- lemniscate, 99
- --- length, line integral, first type, 464
- curve (continued II)
- --- logarithmic, 71
- --- logarithmic spiral, 104
- --- loops, 1007
- --- Lorentz curve, 94
- --- multiple point, 233
- --- normal, plane, 226
- --- 7j.-th degree, 63
- --- 7i.-th order, 63
- --- parabolic type, 63
- --- Pascal limacon, 96
- --- plane, 225
- --- angle, 228
- --- direction, 225
- --- vertex, 232
- --- quadratic, 205
- --- radius of curvature, 228
- --- representation with splines, 931
- --- secant, 76
- --- second degree, 205
- --- second order, 205
- --- semicubic parabola, 93
- --- sine, 75
- --- space, 238
- --- spherical, 158
- --- spiral, 103
- --- strophoide, 95
- --- tacnode, 232
- --- tangent, 76
- --- plane, 226
- --- terminal point, 232
- --- third degree, 65
- --- third order, 93
- --- tractrix, 106
- --- transcendent, 194
- --- trochoid, 100
- --- witch of Agnesi, 94
- curves
- --- family of, envelope, 237
- --- second order
- central curves, 205
- --- parabolic curves, 206
- --- polar equation, 207
- --- spherical, intersection point, 178
- cut, 292
- --- Dedekind's, 297
- --- fuzzy sets, 364
- --- set, 292
- cutting plane method, 877
- cycle, 351
- chain, 357
- --- limit, 833
- cycloid, 100
- --- basis, 100
- common, 100
- congruent, 100
- curtate, 100
- --- prolate, 100
- cylinder, 154
- circular, 155
- --- elliptic, 223
- --- hollow, 155
- --- hyperbolic, 223
- cylinder (continued)
- --- invariant signs
- --- elliptic, 224
- --- hyperbolic, 224
- --- parabolic, 224
- --- parabolic. 223
- cylindrical coordinates, 209
- cylindrical function, 509
- cylindrical surface, 154
- D
- D
- d'Alembert formula, --- flow,
- d'Alembert formula, 53
- damping parameter, 897
- damping, oscillations, 83
- Darboux vector, 243
- data type, 340
- death process, 769
- debt, 23
- decay, radioactive, 768
- decimal
- --- number, 937
- --- normalized, 939
- --- representation, 937
- --- system, 937
- decoding, 331
- decomposition
- --- orthogonal, 616
- --- partial fractions, 15
- --- vectors, 182
- decomposition theorem
- differential equation, higher order, 501
- Dedekindcut, 297
- defect, 909
- --- vector space, 318
- definite, positive, 893
- defuzzification, 373
- degeneracy of states, 541
- degree
- --- curve, second degree, 205
- --- curve, n-th degree, 194
- --- homogeneity, 120
- --- in-degree, 348
- --- matrix, 355
- --- measure in degrees, 130
- --- out-degree, 348
- Delambre equations, 166
- --- S distribution, 640
- --- S function, 636
- --- application, 717
- --- approximation, 717
- Dirac, 714
- --- S functional, 623
- De Morgan
- --- law. 293
- --- rule, 287
- --- Boolean algebra, 343
- density function, 752
- --- multidimensional, 754
- dependence, linear, 272
- deposit
- --- in the course of the year, 22
- --- regular, 22
- --- single, 22
- depreciation, 26
- --- arithmetically declining, 26
- digital, 27
- --- geometrically declining, 27
- --- straight-line, 26
- derivative
- --- complex function, 671
- --- constant, 380
- directional, 649
- --- scalar field, 649
- --- vector field, 650
- distribution, 641
- --- exterior, 382
- --- fraction, 382
- --- Frechet, 632
- --- function
- --- composite, 382
- --- elementary, 380
- --- implicit, 383
- --- inverse, 383
- --- parametric representation, 384
- --- several variable, 392
- --- generalized, 640
- --- higher order, 385
- --- inverse function, 387
- --- parametric representation, 387
- --- interior, 382
- --- left-hand, 380
- --- logarithmic, 382
- --- mixed, 395
- --- one variable, 379
- --- partial, 392
- --- product, 381
- --- quotient, 382
- --- right-hand, 380
- --- scalar multiple, 380
- --- Sobolev sense, 640
- --- space, 649
- --- sum, 380
- --- table, 381
- --- vector function, 642
- --- volume differentiation, 650
- Derive (computer algebra system), 953
- Descartes rule, 45
- descent, 898
- descent method, 868
- determinant, 259
- differentiation, 261
- --- evaluation, 261
- --- functional, 121
- --- Jacobian, 121
- --- multiplication, 260
- --- reflection, 260
- --- rules of calculation, 260
- --- Wronskian, 500
- --- zero value, 260
- determination of extrema
- --- absolute extremum, 392
- --- implicit function, 392
- deviation, standard deviation, 753
- devil's staircase, 844
- diagonal matrix, 252
- diagonal method, Maxwell, 684
- diagonal strategy, 892
- diameter
- --- parabola, 204
- --- circle, 139
- --- conjugate
- --- ellipse, 199
- --- hyperbola, 202
- --- ellipse, 199
- --- hyperbola, 202
- diffeomorphism, 798
- --- Anosov, 829
- --- orientation-preserving, 844
- difference
- --- bounded, 366
- --- finite expression. 908
- --- sets, 293
- --- symmetric, 293
- --- significant, 779
- --- symmetric
- --- sets, 293
- --- z-transformation, 735
- difference equation, 733
- --- boundary value, 740
- --- linear, 738
- --- partial differential equations, 911
- --- second-order, 739
- difference method, 908
- --- partial differential equations, 911
- difference quotient, 898
- difference schema, 18
- differentiability
- --- complex function, 671
- --- function of one variable, 379
- --- function of several variables, 394
- --- with respect to the initial conditions, 797
- differentiable
- --- continuously, 632
- --- Frechet, 632
- differential
- --- arc
- --- plane, 226
- --- surface, 245
- --- complete, 394
- --- first-order, 380
- --- higher order, 394
- --- integrability, 468
- --- notion, 393
- --- partial, 394
- --- principal properties, 394
- --- quotient (see also derivative), 379
- --- second-order. 396
- --- total, 394
- --- n-th order, 396
- --- second-order, 396
- differential calculus, 379
- --- fundamental theorem, 388
- differential equation, 487
- --- boundary value problem, 514
- --- eigenfunction, 515
- --- eigenvalue, 515
- --- eigenvalues, 541
- --- flow, 797
- --- Fourier transformation, 731
- --- Laplace transformation, 721
- --- numerical solution, 497
- --- operational notation, 502
- --- order, 487
- --- orthogonality, 515
- --- self-adjoint, 514
- --- singular solution. 489
- --- stiff, 908
- --- topological equivalent, 810
- --- Weber, 545
- differential equation, higher order, 497
- --- constant coefficients, 500
- decomposition theorem, 501
- --- Euler, n-th order, 504
- --- fundamental system, 500
- --- n-th order, 500
- --- lowering the order, 499
- --- normal form, 505
- --- quadrature, 501
- --- superposition principle, 501
- --- system, 497
- --- system of linear, 505
- --- system of solutions, 498
- --- variation of constants, 501
- differential equation, linear
- --- autonomous, on the torus, 803
- --- first-order, 801
- --- fundamental theorem, 801
- --- homogeneous, 801
- --- homogeneous systems, 506
- --- inhomogeneous, 801
- --- inhomogeneous systems, 506
- --- matrix-differential equation, 801
- --- non-autonomous, on the torus, 844
- --- periodic coefficients, 803
- --- second order, 507
- --- Bessel, 509
- defining equation, 508
- --- Hermite, 514
- --- hypergeometric, 513
- --- Laguerre, 513
- --- Legendre, 511
- --- method of unknown coefficients, 507
- differential equation, ordinary, 487
- --- approximate integration, 904
- --- autonomous, 800
- --- Bernoulli, 491
- --- boundary value conditions, 487
- --- boundary value problem, 487
- --- center, 495
- --- central point, 495
- --- Clairaut, 493
- direction field, 488
- --- element, singular, 493
- --- exact, 489
- --- existence theorem, 488
- --- explicit, 487
- --- first-order, 488
- --- approximation methods, 496
- --- important solution methods, 489
- --- flow, 797
- fraction of linear functions, --- division
- --- fraction of linear functions, 494
- --- general solution, 487
- --- general, n-th order, 487
- differential equation, ordinary (continued)
- --- graphical solution, 497
- --- homogeneous, 489
- --- implicit, 487
- --- initial value conditions, 487
- --- initial value problem, 487
- --- integral, 487
- --- integral curve, 488
- --- integral, singular, 493
- --- integrating factor, 490
- --- Lagrange, 492
- --- linear, 731
- --- constant coefficients, 721
- --- first-order, 490
- --- variable coefficient, 722
- --- linear, planar, 797
- --- multiplier, 490
- --- non-autonomous, 800
- --- notion, 487
- --- particular solution, 487
- --- point, singular, 493
- --- radicals, 493
- --- ratio of arbitrary functions, 496
- --- Riccati, 491
- --- separation of variables, 489
- --- series expansion, 496
- --- singular point, 494
- --- solution, 487
- --- successive approximation, 496
- --- van der Pol, 833
- differential equation, partial, 517
- --- approximate integration, 911
- --- Cauchy-Riemann, 530
- --- characteristic system, 518
- --- Clairaut, 520
- --- completely integrable, 521
- --- eigenfunction, 541
- --- electric circuit, 531
- --- elliptic type, 522
- --- constant coefficients, 524
- --- Euler, calculus of variations, 554
- --- field theory, 669
- --- first-order, 517
- --- canonical system, 519
- --- characteristic strip, 519
- --- characteristic system, 517
- --- linear, 517
- --- non-linear, 519
- --- non-linear, complete integral, 519
- --- total differentials, 521
- --- two variables, 520
- --- Fourier transformation, 732
- --- Hamilton, 801
- --- heat conduction equation
- --- one dimensional, 531
- --- one-dimensional, 529
- --- three-dimensional, 537
- --- Helmholtz, 540
- --- hyperbolic type, 522
- --- integral surface, 518
- --- Laplace, 669
- --- Laplace transformation, 723
- --- linear, 517
- differential equation, partial (continued)
- --- non-linear, 546
- --- Schrodinger, 549
- --- normal system, 519
- --- notion, 487
- --- parabolic type, 522
- --- constant coefficients, 524
- --- Poisson, 538
- --- quasilinear, 517
- --- reduced, 830
- --- reduced, normal form, 830
- --- second-order, 522
- --- constant coefficients, 524
- --- separation of variables, 540
- --- ultrahyperbolic type, constant coefficients, 524
- differential operation
- --- review, 658
- --- vector components, 659
- differential operator
- divergence, 653
- --- gradient, 650
- --- Laplace, 657
- --- nabla, 656
- --- non-linear, 632
- --- relations, 658
- --- rotation, 654
- --- rules of calculations, 658
- --- space, 649
- --- vector gradient, 652
- differential transformation, affine, 674
- differentiation, 379
- --- complex function, 671
- --- composite function, 397
- --- function
- --- elementary, 380
- --- implicit, 383
- --- inverse, 383
- --- one variable, 379
- --- parametric representation, 384
- --- several variables, 392
- --- graphical, 384
- --- higher order
- --- inverse function, 387
- --- parametric representation, 387
- --- implicit function, 398
- --- logarithmic, 382
- --- several variables, 397
- --- under the integration sign, 459
- --- volume, 650
- differentiation rules
- --- basic rules, 380
- derivative of higher order, 385
- --- function
- --- one variable, 380
- --- several variables. 380
- --- table, 386
- --- vector function, 642
- --- vectors, 642
- diffusion coefficient, 538
- diffusion equation, 551
- --- three-dimensional, 537
- digon, spherical, 161
- dihedral angle, 150
- dihedral group, 299
- dimension, 822
- --- capacity, 823
- --- correlation, 825
- defined by invariant measures, 824
- Douady-Oesterle, 826
- --- formula, 317
- --- generalized. 825
- --- Hausdorff, 822
- --- information, 824
- --- lower pointwise, 824
- --- Lyapunov, 825
- --- measure, 824
- --- metric, 822
- --- Renyi, 825
- --- upper pointwise, 824
- --- vector space, 317
- Dirac
- distribution, 640
- --- measure, 636
- --- theorem, 353
- directing curve, 154
- direction
- --- cosine, space, 210
- --- plane curve, 225
- --- space, 210
- --- space curve, 238
- directional
- --- angle, 145
- derivative, 651
- directrix
- --- ellipse, 198
- --- hyperbola, 201
- --- parabola, 203
- Dirichlet
- --- condition, 422
- --- problem, 528
- discontinuity, 57
- --- function, 57
- --- removable, 58
- discount, 21
- discretization error
- --- global, 907
- --- local, 907
- discretization step interval, 898
- discriminant, 522
- disjoint, 292
- disjunction, 286
- --- elementary, 345
- dispersion, 753
- dissolving torus, 841
- distance, 451
- --- Hamming distance, 604
- --- line-point, 195
- --- metric space, 604
- --- planes, 217
- --- parallel, 217
- --- point-line, space, 218
- --- point-plane, space, 215
- --- spherical, 158
- --- two lines, space, 218
- --- two points, 191
- --- space, 212
- distribution, 639
- --- binomial, 755
- --- X2, 762
- --- continuous, 758
- derivative, 640
- Dirac, 640
- discrete, 754
- --- exponential, 760
- --- Fisher, 763
- --- frequency, 772
- --- function, 751
- --- function, continuous, 752
- --- hypergeometric, 755
- --- logarithmic normal, 759
- --- lognormal distribution, 759
- --- measurement error density, 788
- --- normal, 758
- --- Poisson, 757
- --- regular, 640
- --- standard normal, 759
- --- Student, 763
- --- t distribution, 763
- --- theory. 714
- --- Weibull, 761
- distribution problem, 860
- distributive law
- --- Boolean algebra, 342
- --- matrices, 254
- --- propositional logic, 287
- --- ring, field, 313
- --- sets, 293
- --- tensors, 264
- distributivity, product of vectors, 184
- divergence, 667
- --- central field, 654
- definition, 653
- different coordinates, 653
- --- improper, 405
- --- proper, 405
- --- remark, 650
- --- sequence of numbers, 405
- --- series, 409
- --- theorem, 665
- --- vector components, 659
- --- vector field, 653
- divisibility, 320
- --- criteria, 322
- division
- complex numbers, --- Duhamel formula,
- --- complex numbers, 37
- --- computer calculation, 940
- --- external, 192
- --- golden section, 193
- --- harmonic, 192
- --- in extreme and mean ratio, 193
- --- internal, 192
- --- line segment, plane, 192
- --- polynomial, 14
- --- rational numbers, 1
- --- segment, space, 212
- divisor, 320
- --- greatest common (g.c.d.)
- --- integer numbers, 323
- --- linear combination, 324
- divisor (continued)
- --- polynomials, 14
- --- positive, 322
- dodecahedron, 154
- domain, 118
- --- closed, 118
- --- convergence, function series, 414
- doubly-connected, 118
- --- function, 47
- --- image, set, 48
- --- multiply-connected, 118
- --- non-connected, 118
- --- of attraction, 800
- --- of individuals, predicate calculus, 289
- --- open, 118
- --- operator, 600
- --- set, 48
- --- simply-connected, 118
- --- three or multidimensional, 118
- --- two-dimensional, 118
- --- values, set, 48
- dot product, 183
- double integral, 471
- --- application, 474
- --- notion, 471
- double line, 205
- dual, 343
- duality
- --- linear programming, 856
- --- non-linear optimization, 863
- --- theorem, strong, 864
- duality principle, Boolean algebra, 343
- dualizing, 343
- Duhamel formula, 722
- E
- E
- eccentricity, numerical --- vector space,
- eccentricity, numerical
- --- curve second order, 207
- ellipse, 198
- --- hyperbola, 200
- --- parabola, 203
- edge
- --- angle, 150
- --- figure, 150
- --- graph, 348
- --- length, 350
- --- valuation, 350
- --- multiple, 348
- --- sequence, 351
- --- cycle, 351
- --- directed circuit, 351
- --- isolated edge, 351
- --- open, 351
- --- path, 351
- effective rate, 22
- eigenfunction, 541
- --- differential equation, 515
- --- integral equation, 565
- --- normalized, 516
- eigenvalue, 278
- --- differential equation, 515
- --- integral equation, 565
- --- operator, 622
- eigenvalue problem
- --- general, 278
- --- matrices, 278
- --- special, 278
- eigenvector, 264
- Einstein's summation convention, 262
- element, 290
- --- finite, 914
- --- generic, 814
- --- linearly independent, 598
- --- neutral, 298
- --- positive, 601
- element of area, plane, table, 474
- element of surface, curved, table, 482
- element of volume, table, 479
- elementary cell
- --- crystal lattice, 310
- --- non-primitive, 310
- --- primitive, 310
- elementary formula, predicate logic, 289
- elementary surface, parametric form, 482
- elementary volume
- --- arbitrary coordinates, 479
- --- Cartesian coordinates, 476
- --- cylindrical coordinates, 477
- --- spherical coordinates, 478
- elimination method, Gauss, 276
- elimination step, 891
- ellipse, 198
- --- arc, 200
- --- area, 199
- --- diameter, 198
- equation, 198
- --- focal properties, 198
- --- focus, 198
- --- perimeter, 200
- --- radius of curvature, 199
- --- semifocal chord, 198
- --- tangent, 199
- --- transformation, 205
- --- vertex, 198
- ellipsoid, 220
- --- central surface, 224
- --- cigar form, 220
- --- imaginary, 224
- --- lens form, 220
- --- of revolution, 220
- --- surface second order, 224
- embedding, canonical, 626
- encoding method, RSA, 331
- encyphering, 334
- endomorphism, linear operators, 601
- endpoint, 348
- energy
- --- particle, 539
- --- spectrum, 540
- --- system, 538
- --- zero-point translational energy, 541
- --- zero-point vibration energy, 546
- entropy
- --- generalized, 825
- --- metric, 819
- --- topological, 819
- envelope, 236
- epicycloid, 101
- --- curtate, 102
- --- prolate, 102
- epitrochoid, 102
- equality
- --- asymptotic, 419
- --- complex numbers, 34
- --- matrices, 254
- equality relation
- --- identity, 10
- equation, 10
- --- algebraic, 38
- --- biquadratic, 42
- --- characteristic, 278
- --- cubic, 40
- --- curve
- --- plane, 194
- --- second degree, 205
- --- second order, 205
- --- defining, 508
- --- degree, 38
- --- Diophantine, 325
- --- linear, 325
- ellipse, 198
- exponential, solution, 45
- --- first degree, 39
- --- fourth degree, 42
- --- homogeneous, 629
- --- hyperbola, 200
- --- hyperbolic functions, solution, 46
- --- inhomogeneous, 629
- --- irrational, 39
- --- Korteweg de Vries, 548
- --- line
- --- plane, 194
- --- space, 217
- --- linear, 39
- --- logarithmic, solution, 46
- --- logistic, 798
- --- non-linear
- --- fixed point, 884
- --- numerical solution, 884
- --- normal form, 38
- --- n-th degree, 43
- --- operator equation, 629
- --- parabola, 203
- --- Parseval, 422
- --- pendulum, 841
- --- plane, 214
- --- general, 214
- --- Hessian normal form, 214
- --- intercept form, 215
- --- plane curve, 194
- --- polynomial
- --- numerical solution, 887
- --- quadratic, 39
- --- root, definition, 38
- --- Schrodinger
- --- linear, 538
- --- non-linear, 547
- --- second degree, 39
- --- sine-Gordon, 549
- --- solution, general, 38
- --- space curve, 214
- --- vector form, 238
- --- sphere, 243
- --- surface
- --- normal form, 220
- --- second order, 223
- --- space, 213
- --- system of, 38
- --- term algebra, 341
- --- third degree, 40
- --- transcendent, 38
- --- trigonometric, solution, 46
- --- vector, 187
- equation system
- --- linear^ 271
- --- overdetermined, 893
- --- non-linear, 890
- --- numerical method, iteration, 890
- --- numerical solution, 890
- --- direct method, 890
- --- overdetermined, 277
- --- row echelon form, 890
- --- underdetermined, 890
- equations
- --- Delambre, 166
- --- L'Huilier. 167
- --- Mollweide, 142
- --- Neper, 167
- equilibrium point, 797
- --- hyperbolic, 804
- equivalence, 286
- --- class, 297
- --- logic, 287
- --- proof, 5
- --- relation, 296
- Eratosthenes sieve, 320
- error
- --- absolute, 792
- --- absolute maximum error, 792
- --- apparent, 790
- --- average, 789
- --- computer calculation, 941
- --- defined, 792
- --- density function, 788
- --- discretization, 942
- equation, 893
- estimation, iteration method, 897
- --- input error, 941
- --- least mean squares, 421
- --- mean, 789
- --- square, 790
- --- normally distributed, 788
- --- percentage, 792
- --- probable, 789
- --- relations between error types, 789
- --- relative, 792
- --- relative maximum error, 792
- --- round-off, 942
- --- single measurement, 790
- --- standard, 790
- --- true, 790
- --- truncation error, 942
- --- type 1
- error (continued)
- --- type, measurement errors. 788
- error analysis, 796
- error calculus
- --- direct problem, 941
- --- inverse problem, 941
- error curve, 72
- error estimation, mean value theorem, 389
- error function, 461
- --- Gauss, 759
- error integral, Gauss, 461
- error orthogonality, 909
- error propagation. 794
- --- law, 795
- error types, computer calculation, 941
- ess. sup (essential supremum), 639
- Euclidean
- --- algorithm, 3
- --- polynomial rings, 315
- --- norm, 318
- --- vector norm, 258
- --- vector space, 318
- Euler --- relative,
- Euler
- --- angle, 211
- --- broken line method, 904
- --- circuit, 352
- --- constant, 460
- --- differential equation
- --- n-th order, 504
- --- variational calculus. 554
- --- formula, 247
- --- formulas, 421
- --- function, 331
- --- graph, 352
- --- integral of the second kind, 459
- --- integral, first kind, 1056
- --- integral, second kind, 1056
- --- numbers, 412
- --- polygonal method, 904
- --- relation (complex numbers), 35
- --- theorem, 154
- --- trail, 352
- --- open, 352
- Euler-Hierholzer theorem, 352
- event, 747
- --- certain, 747
- --- complete system of, 748
- elementary, 747
- --- impossible, 747
- --- independent, 750
- --- random, 747
- --- set of events, 747
- --- simple, 747
- evolute, 236
- evolution
- equation, 547
- --- function, 547
- evolution strategies, 870
- evolvent, 236
- --- of circle, 104
- excess, spherical triangle, 163
- exchange theorem, 395
- exchange, cyclic, sides and angles, 141
- excluded middle, 287
- existential quantifier, 289
- expansion
- --- Fourier, forms, 423
- --- Laplace, 259
- --- Laurent, 692
- --- Maclaurin, 418
- --- Taylor, 389
- expectation, 753
- expected value, 753
- --- bivariate distribution, 779
- --- two-dimensional distribution, 779
- exponent, 7
- exponential distribution, 760
- exponential function, 71
- --- complex, 679
- --- general, 699
- --- natural, 698
- exponential integral, 461
- exponential sum, 72
- expression
- --- algebraic, 10
- --- manipulation, 979
- --- analytic, 48
- --- domain, 48
- explicit form, 48
- --- implicit form, 48
- --- parametric form, 49
- --- Boolean, 344
- --- concurrent, 345
- explicit form, 48
- --- finite, 908
- --- partial differential equations, 911
- --- implicit form, 48
- --- integral rational, 11
- --- irrational, 11
- --- non-polynomial, manipulation, 981
- --- parametric form, 49
- --- propositional logic, 286
- --- rational, 11
- --- semantically equivalent, 345
- --- tautology, 288
- --- transcendent, 11
- --- vector analysis, 659
- extension principle, 368
- extension theorem of Hahn, 625
- extension, linear functional, 624
- extraction of the root
- --- complex numbers, 38
- --- real numbers, 8
- extrapolation principle, 902
- extremal, radius of curvature, 558
- extreme value, 390
- --- absolute, 390
- --- determination, 391
- --- higher derivatives, 391
- --- side conditions, 403
- --- sign change, 390
- --- function, 401
- --- relative, 390
- F
- F
- face, corner, --- discrete,
- face, corner, 151
- factor algebra, 340
- factor group, 302
- factor ring, 314
- factor, polynomial, product representation, 43
- factorial, 13
- --- generalization of the notion, 462
- factoring out, 11
- Falk scheme, 254
- feasible set, 847
- Feigenbaum constant, 837
- FEM (finite element method), 913
- FFT (fast Fourier transformation), 928
- Fibonacci
- --- numbers, 325
- --- sequence, 325
- field (algebraically), 313
- --- extension, 313
- finite, 314
- --- Galois, 314
- field
- --- axial, 644
- --- central symmetric, 643
- --- circular, 646
- --- conservative, 662
- --- Coulomb, point-like charge, 646
- --- cylinder symmetric. 644
- flow, 664
- function, 681
- --- gravitational, point mass, 669
- --- Newton, point-like mass, 646
- --- potential, 662
- --- scalar, 643
- --- source, 667
- --- spherical, 643
- field theory
- --- basic notions, 642
- --- differential equations, partial, 669
- fields, superposition, 669
- finite difference method, 534
- finite element method, 534
- fitting problem
- --- different versions, 403
- --- linear, 893
- --- non-linear, 107
- fixed point
- --- conformal mapping, 675
- flip bifurcation, 836
- fixed-point number, 938
- floating-point number, 938
- --- IEEE standard, 939
- --- Maple, 970
- --- Mathematica, 957
- --- semilogarithmic form, 938
- Floquet
- --- representation, 805
- --- theorem, 803
- flow
- --- differential equation, 797
- --- edge, 358
- --- scalar field, 664
- --- vector field
- --- scalar flow, 664
- --- vector flow, 664
- focal line, tractrix, 106
- focus, 809
- --- compound, 832
- --- ellipse, 198
- --- hyperbola, 200
- --- parabola, 203
- --- saddle, 804
- --- saddle focus, 809
- --- stable, 804
- form
- --- quadratic, 893
- --- saddle, 249
- formula
- --- binomial, 12
- --- Cardano, 41
- --- closed, predicate logic, 289
- --- d'Alembert, 536
- --- Duhamel, 722
- --- Euler, 247
- --- Heron's, 143
- --- integral (series remainder), 418
- --- interpretation, predicate logic, 289
- --- Kirchhoff, 536
- --- Lagrange, 418
- --- Leibniz, 385
- --- Liouville, 501
- --- Maclaurin, 415
- --- manipulation, 953
- --- de Moivre
- --- complex number, 37
- --- hyperbolic functions, 90
- --- trigonometric functions, 79
- --- Parseval. 729
- --- Pesin, 821
- --- Plemelj and Sochozki, 593
- --- Poisson, 536
- --- predicate logic, 289
- --- rectangular, 899
- --- Riemann, 530
- --- Simpson, 900
- --- Stirling, 462
- --- tangent, 142
- --- tautology, 290
- --- Taylor
- --- one variable, 389
- --- several variables, 397
- --- trapezoidal, 899
- formulas
- --- Euler, 421
- Frenet, 243
- --- predicate logic, 289
- four-group, Klein's, 302
- Fourier analysis, 420
- Fourier coefficient, 420
- --- asymptotic behavior, 422
- --- determination, 403
- --- numerical methods, 424
- Fourier expansion, 420
- --- complex functions, 426
- forms, 423
- --- symmetries, 422
- Fourier integral, 424
- --- complex representation, 724
- --- equivalent representations, 724
- Fourier series, 421
- --- best approximation, 617
- --- complex representation, 421
- --- Hilbert space, 617
- --- Bessel inequality, 618
- Fourier sum, 421
- --- complex representation, 928
- Fourier transformation, 724
- --- addition law, 727
- --- comparing to Laplace transformation, 730
- --- convolution, 729
- --- two-sided, 713
- --- definition, 725
- --- differentiation
- --- image space, 728
- --- original space, 728
- --- discrete complex, 928
- fast, 928
- Fourier cosine transformation, 725
- Fourier exonential transformation, 726
- Fourier sine transformation, 725
- frequency-shift theorem, 728
- --- integration
- --- image space, 728
- --- original space, 729
- --- inverse, 725
- --- linearity law, 727
- --- shifting theorem, 728
- --- similarity law, 728
- --- spectral interpretation, 726
- --- survey, 707
- --- tables, 726
- --- transform, 730
- fractal, 822
- fractile, 752
- fraction
- --- continued, 3
- --- decimal, 1
- --- improper, 15
- --- proper, 15
- fractional part of x, 49
- frames, 743
- Frechet
- --- derivative, 632
- --- differential, 632
- Fredholm
- --- alternative, 629
- --- alternative theorem, 571
- --- integral equation, 563
- first kind, 577
- --- solution method, 569
- --- theorems, 569
- Frenet formulas, 243
- frequency, 75
- --- angular/radial, 82
- --- distribution, 772
- --- locking, 844
- --- relative, 748
- --- sine, 82
- --- spectrum, 727
- --- continuous, 425
- --- discrete, 425
- --- statistics, 748
- --- cumulative, 773
- Fresnel integral, 697
- frustum
- --- cone, 156
- --- pyramid, 152
- function, 47
- --- absolutely integrable, 455
- --- algebraic, 60
- --- amplitude function, elliptic, 703
- --- analytic, 672
- --- area, 91
- --- arrow, 294
- --- autocorrelation, 818
- --- Bessel, 509
- --- modified, 509
- --- beta function, 1056
- --- Boolean, 287
- --- bounded, 50
- --- circular, geometric definition, 130
- --- comparable, 558
- --- complement, 368
- --- complex, 47
- --- algebraic, 698
- --- bounded, 673
- --- linear, 675
- --- linear fractional, 676
- --- quadratic, 677
- --- square root, 677
- --- complex variable, 671
- --- complex-valued, 47
- --- composite, 62
- --- derivative, 382
- --- intermediate variable, 382
- --- continuity
- --- in interval, 57
- --- one-sided, 57
- --- piecewise, 57
- --- continuous, complex, 671
- --- cosecant, 76
- --- cosine, 75
- --- cotangent, 76
- --- cyclometric, 84
- --- cylindrical, 509
- --- density, 752
- --- dependent, 121
- --- discontinuity, 57
- --- removable, 58
- --- discrete, 734
- distribution, --- union,
- --- distribution, 751
- --- double periodic, 704
- --- elementary, 60
- --- elementary, transcendental. 698
- --- elliptic, 437
- --- entire rational, 60
- --- error function, 461
- --- Euler, 331
- --- even, 50
- --- exponential, 61
- --- exponential, complex, 679
- --- exponential, natural, 698
- function series, 414
- --- gamma, 461
- --- generalized, 639
- function (continued I)
- --- Green, 532
- --- Hamilton, 520
- --- harmonic. 669
- --- Heaviside, 641
- --- Hermite, 616
- --- holomorphic, 672
- --- homogeneous, 120
- --- homographic, 61
- --- hyperbolic, 87
- --- geometric definition, 130
- --- impulse, 714
- --- increment, 907
- --- independent, 121
- --- integrable, 441
- --- integral rational, 60
- first degree, 62
- --- n-th degree, 63
- --- second degree, 62
- --- third degree, 63
- --- inverse, 51
- --- complex, hyperbolic, 699
- --- complex, trigonometric, 699
- --- derivative, 383
- --- derivative of higher order, 387
- --- existence, 60
- --- hyperbolic, 91
- --- trigonometric, 61
- --- irrational, 61
- --- Jacobian, 703
- --- Lagrangian, 862
- --- Laguerre, 616
- --- Laplace, 669
- --- limit, 51
- --- at infinity, 53
- --- infinity, 52
- --- iterated, 122
- --- left-hand, 52
- --- right-hand, 52
- --- Taylor expansion, 55
- --- limit theorems, 53
- --- linear, 60
- --- linear fractional, 61
- --- local summable, 639
- --- logarithm, complex, 678
- --- logarithmic, 61
- --- loop function, 1007
- --- MacDonald, 509
- --- matrix exponential, 802
- --- mean value, 444
- --- measurable, 636
- --- meromorphic, 693
- --- monotone
- --- decreasing, 49
- --- increasing, 49
- --- non-elementary, 60
- --- notion, 47
- --- odd, 50
- --- of angle, 74
- --- one variable, 47
- --- order of magnitude, 55
- --- parametric representation
- --- derivative of higher order, 387
- function (continued II)
- --- periodic, 50
- --- piecewise continuous, 57
- --- point of discontinuity, 57
- finite jump, 58
- --- tending to infinity, 57
- --- positive homogeneous, 558
- --- power, 70
- --- primitive, 427
- --- quadratic, 60
- --- random variable, 751
- --- rational, 61
- --- real, 47
- --- regular, 672
- --- Riemann, 530
- --- sample function, 770
- --- secant, 76
- --- several variables, 47
- --- sign of, 49
- --- sine, 74
- --- special fractional linear fractional, 64
- --- step, 734
- --- stream, 681
- --- strictly monotone, 49
- --- sum of linear and fractional linear functions, 678
- --- summable, 637
- --- switch, 346
- --- tangent, 76
- --- theory, 671
- --- theta, 705
- --- transcendental, 61
- --- trigonometric, 61
- --- geometric definition, 130
- --- truth, 286
- --- Weber, 509
- --- Weierstrass, 705
- function system
- --- orthogonal, 920
- --- orthonormal, 920
- function theory, 671
- functional, 553
- --- definition, 47
- --- linear, 319
- --- linear continuous, 623
- --- L space, 624
- functional determinant, 121
- fundamental form
- first quadratic, of a surface, 245
- --- second quadratic, of a surface, 248
- fundamental formulas
- --- spherical trigonometry, 164
- fundamental laws, set algebra, 292
- fundamental matrix, 802-804
- fundamental problem
- first, triangulation, 147
- --- second, triangulation, 148
- fundamental system
- --- differential equation, higher order, 500
- fundamental theorem
- --- Abelian groups, 302
- --- algebra, 43
- --- elementary number theory, 321
- --- integral calculus, 442
- future value, 25
- fuzzy
- --- control, 374
- --- inference, 372
- --- linguistics, 361
- --- logic, 360
- --- logical inferences, 372
- --- product relation, 371
- --- relation, 369
- --- relation matrix, 370
- --- system, 377
- --- systems, applications, 374
- --- valuation, 369
- fuzzy set
- --- aggregation, 365
- --- aggregation operator, 370
- --- complement, 365
- --- composition, 371
- --- cut (representation theorem), 364
- --- degree, 364
- --- empty, 363
- --- intersection, 365
- --- intersection set, 366
- --- level set, 364
- --- normal, 364
- --- peak, 363
- --- similarity, 364
- --- subnormal, 364
- --- subset, 363
- --- support, 360
- --- tolerance interval, 363
- --- union, 365
- --- universal, 363
- fuzzy sets
- --- cut, 364
- --- intersection, 366
- --- union, 366
- G
- G
- g.c.d. (greatest common divisor), 324
- g.c.d. and l.c.m., relation between, 324
- Gab or transformation, 743
- Galerkin method. 909
- Galois field, 314
- gamma function, 459
- Gauss
- --- algorithm, 276
- --- coordinates, 244
- --- curvature, surface, 249
- --- elimination method, 276
- --- error curve, 759
- --- error function, 759
- --- error integral, 461
- --- error propagation law, 795
- --- integral theorem, 665
- --- least squares method, 403
- --- plane, 34
- --- step, 276
- --- transformation, 277
- Gauss-Kruger coordinates, 161
- Gauss-Newton method, 897
- --- derivative free, 898
- Gauss-Seidel method, 895
- generating line, 154
- generator, 154
- --- ruled surface, 222
- geodesic line, 250
- geodesy
- --- angle, 145
- --- coordinates, 143
- --- polar coordinates, 143
- geometric sequence, 19
- geometry, 128
- --- analytical, 180
- --- plane, 189
- --- space, 207
- --- differential, 225
- --- plane, 128
- Girard theorem, 164
- golden section, 2
- gon, 145
- gradient
- --- definition, 651
- --- different coordinates, 651
- --- remark, 650
- --- scalar field, 650
- --- vector components, 659
- --- vector gradient, 652
- Graeffe method, 889
- graph
- --- alternating way, 356
- --- arc, 348
- --- bipartite, 349
- --- complete, 349
- --- complete bipartite, 349
- --- components, 351
- --- connected, 351
- --- cycle, 357
- --- directed, 348
- --- directed circuit, 357
- --- directed edge, 348
- --- edge, 348
- --- Euler, 352
- --- flow, 358
- --- increasing way, 356
- --- infinite, 349
- --- isomorphism, 349
- --- loop, 348
- --- mixed, 348
- --- non-planar, 357
- --- partial, 349
- --- planar, 357
- --- plane, 349
- --- regular, 349
- --- simple, 348
- --- special classes, 349
- --- strongly connected, 357
- --- subdivision, 357
- --- subgraph, 349
- --- transport network, 349
- --- tree, 349
- --- undirected, 348
- --- vertex, 348
- --- weighted, 350
- graph paper
- --- double logarithmic, 115
- --- log-log paper, 115
- --- notion, 115
- --- reciprocal scale, 116
- --- semilogarithmic, 115
- graph theory, algorithm, 348
- gravitational field, point mass, 669
- great circle, 158
- greatest common divisor (g.c.d.)
- --- integer numbers, 323
- --- linear combination, 324
- --- polynomials, 14
- Green
- --- function, 532
- --- integral theorem, 666
- --- method, 531
- group, 299
- --- Abelian, 299
- --- dihedral, 299
- --- element, 299
- --- character, 304
- --- inverse, 299
- --- factor group, 302
- --- permutation, 301
- --- point group, 308
- --- representation, 303
- --- irreducible, 305
- --- reducible, 305
- --- subgroup,300
- --- symmetry group, 308
- group table, 300
- --- Cayley table, 300
- grouping, 11
- groups
- --- applications, 307
- --- direct product, 301
- --- homomorphism, 302
- --- homomorphism theorem, 302
- --- isomorphism, 302
- growth factor, 22
- Guldin's first rule, 453
- Guldin's second rule, 453
- H
- H
- half-angle formulas
- --- plane trigonometry, 142
- --- spherical trigonometry, 165
- half-line, notion, 128
- half-side formulas, 165
- Hamel basis, 599
- Hamilton
- --- circuit, 353
- --- differential equation, 815
- --- differential equation, partial, 801
- --- function, 520
- --- system, 815
- Hamiltonian, 538
- Hamming distance, 604
- Hankel transformation, 707
- harmonic analysis, 917
- harmonic, spherical
- --- first kind, 511
- --- second kind, 512
- Hasse diagram, 298
- heat conduction equation
- --- one-dimensional, 529
- --- three-dimensional, 537
- Heaviside
- --- expansion theorem, 719
- --- function, 641
- --- unit step function, 714
- helix, 242
- Helmholtz, differential equation, 540
- Henon mapping, 798
- Hermite
- --- differential equation, 514
- --- polynomial, 514
- --- trapezoidal formula, 900
- Hessian
- --- matrix, 869
- --- normal form
- --- line equation, plane, 195
- --- plane equation, space, 214
- hexadecimal
- --- number, 937
- --- system, 937
- Hilbert
- --- boundary value problem, 593
- homogeneous, 593
- --- inhomogeneous, 594
- --- matrix, 989
- --- space, 615
- --- isomorphic, 618
- --- pre-Hilbert space, 615
- --- scalar product, 615
- histogram, statistics, 772
- hodograph, vector function, 642
- Holder
- --- condition, 591
- --- continuity, 591
- --- inequality, 32
- --- integrals, 32
- --- series, 32
- Holladay, theorem, 932
- holoedry, 311
- homeomorphism
- --- and topological equivalence, 810
- --- conjugate, 813
- --- orientation preserving, 843
- homomorphism, 302
- --- algebra, 614
- --- groups, 302
- --- linear operators, 600
- --- natural, 302
- --- ring, 314
- --- theorem, 341
- --- groups, 302
- --- ring, 314
- --- vector lattice, 603
- Hopf bifurcation, 831
- Hopf-Landau model, turbulence, 841
- Horner
- --- rule, 938
- --- scheme, 887
- --- two rows, 888
- horseshoe mapping, 827
- Householder
- --- method, 278
- --- tridiagonalization, 283
- --- l'Huilier equations, 167
- hull
- --- convex, 599
- --- linear, 597
- Hungarian method. 860
- hyperbola, 200
- --- arc, 203
- --- area, 202
- --- asymptote, 201
- --- binomial, 69
- --- conjugate, 202
- --- diameter, 202
- --- equation, 200
- --- equilateral, 64
- --- focal properties, 200
- --- focus, 200
- --- radius of curvature, 202
- --- segment, 202
- --- semifocal chord, 200
- --- tangent, 201
- --- transformation, 205
- --- vertex, 200
- hyperbolic
- --- cosecant, 87
- --- cosine, 87
- --- cotangent, 87
- --- secant, 87
- --- sine, 87
- --- tangent, 87
- hyperbolic function, 699
- --- geometric definition, 131
- --- inverse, complex, 699
- hyperboloid, 220
- --- one sheet, 220
- --- central surface, 224
- --- two sheets, 220
- --- central surface, 224
- hyperplane, 625
- --- of support, 626
- hypersubspace, 625
- hyp ersurface, 117
- hypocycloid, 102
- --- curtate, 102
- --- prolate, 102
- hypotenuse, 130
- hypothesis testing, 779
- hypotrochoid, 102
- I
- I
- icosahedron, --- infinite integration limits,
- icosahedro
- ideal, 313
- --- principal ideal, 313
- idempotence law
- --- Boolean algebra, 343
- --- propositional logic, 287
- --- sets, 293
- identically valid, 10
- identity, 10
- --- Boolean function, 344
- --- representation of groups, 303
- identity matrix, 253
- IEEE standard, 939
- IF-THEN rule, 372
- iff (if andonlyif), 320
- image
- --- function, 48
- --- set, 48
- --- space, 48
- --- subspace, 317
- imaginary
- --- number, 34
- --- part, 34
- --- unit, 34
- implication, 286
- --- proof, 5
- impulse function, 714
- impulse, rectangular, 714
- incidence function, 348
- incidence matrix, 350
- incircle
- --- quadrangle, 136
- --- triangle, 132
- incommensurability, 4
- increment, 21
- independence
- --- linear, 272
- --- path of integration, 468
- --- potential field, 662
- induction step, 5
- inequality, 28
- --- arithmetic and geometric mean, 30
- --- arithmetic and quadratic mean, 30
- --- Bernoulli, 30
- --- Bessel, 618
- --- binomial, 31
- --- CauchySchwarz, 31
- --- Chebyshev, 31
- --- Chebyshev, generalized, 32
- --- different means, 30
- --- first degree, 33
- --- Holder, 32
- --- linear, 33
- --- first degree, 33
- --- solution, 33
- --- Minkowski, 32
- --- product of scalars, 31
- --- pure, 28
- --- quadratic, 33
- --- solution, 33
- --- SchwarzBuniakowski, 615
- --- second degree, 33
- --- solution, 28
- --- special, 30
- --- triangle, 181
- --- norm, 611
- --- triangle inequality
- --- complex numbers, 30
- --- real numbers, 30
- infimum, 602
- infinite
- --- denumerable, 298
- --- non-denumerable, 298
- infinitesimal quantity, 441
- infinity, 1
- infix form, 298
- inflection point, 231
- initial conditions, 487
- --- hid
- initial value problem, 487
- inner product, 615
- inscribed circle
- --- quadrangle, 136
- --- triangle, 132
- inscribed pentagram. 138
- instability, round-off error
- --- numerical calculation, 942
- insurance mathematics, 21
- integer
- --- non-negative. 1
- --- part of x, 49
- --- programming, 847
- integrability
- --- complete, 521
- --- condition, 469
- --- conditions, 468
- --- differential, 468
- --- quadratic, 579
- integral
- --- absolutely convergent, 458
- --- antiderivative, 427
- --- basic
- --- notion, 428
- --- calculus, 427
- --- circuit, 462
- --- complex
- --- definite, 685
- indefinite, 686
- --- complex function
- --- measurable function, 637
- --- elementary functions, 428
- --- error integral, 461
- --- Euler, 459
- --- exponential integral, 461
- --- Fourier integral, 424
- --- Fresnel, 697
- interval of integration, 441
- --- Lebesgue integral, 637
- --- comparison with Riemann integral, 453
- --- limits of integration, 441
- --- line integral, 462
- --- first type, applications, 464
- --- lorarithmic integral, 431
- --- lower limit, 441
- --- non-elementary, 431
- --- parametric, 459
- --- primitive function, 427
- --- probability integral, 759
- --- Riemann, 441
- --- comparison with Stieltjes integral, 453
- --- Stieltjes, 628
- --- comparison with Riemann integral, 453
- --- notion, 453
- --- surface integral, 479
- --- triple integral, 476
- --- upper limit, 441
- --- volume integral, 476
- integral calculus, 427
- --- fundamental theorem, 442
- --- mean value theorem, 444
- integral cosine, 460
- integral curves, 798
- integral equation
- --- Abel, 590
- --- adjoint, 565
- --- approximation
- --- successive, 567
- --- characteristic, 592
- --- collocation method, 576
- --- eigenfunction, 565
- --- eigenvalue, 565
- --- first kind, 563
- --- Fredholm, 563
- --- degenerate kernel, 577
- --- first kind, 577
- --- second kind, 564
- --- general form, 563
- --- homogeneous, 563
- inhomogeneous, 563
- iteration method, 567
- --- kernel, 563
- --- degenerate, 564
- iterated, 587
- --- product, 564
- --- kernel approximation, 574
- --- tensor product, 574
- --- linear, 563
- --- Nystrom method, 573
- --- orthogonal system, 579
- --- perturbation function, 563
- --- quadratically integrable function, 579
- --- quadrature formula, 572
- --- second kind, 563
- --- singular, 590
- --- Cauchy kernel, 591
- --- transposed, 565
- --- Volterra, 563
- --- convolution type, 587
- --- first kind, 585
- --- second kind, 585
- integral equation method, closed curve, 534
- integral exponential function, table, 1051
- integral formula
- --- Cauchy, 689
- --- application, 694
- --- Gauss, 666
- --- series remainder, 418
- integral logarithm, table, 1053
- integral norm, 639
- integral surface, 518
- integral test of Cauchy, 408
- integral theorem, 665
- --- Cauchy, 688
- --- Gauss, 665
- --- Green, 666
- --- Stokes, 666
- integral transformation, 707
- --- application, 709
- --- Carson, 707
- --- definition, 707
- --- Fourier, 707
- --- Gabor. 743
- --- Hankel, 707
- image space, 707
- inverse, 707
- integral transformation (continued)
- --- kernel, 707
- --- Laplace, 707
- --- linearity, 707
- --- Mellin,707
- --- multiple, 709
- --- one variable, 707
- --- original space, 707
- --- several variables, 709
- --- special, 707
- --- Stieltjes, 707
- --- Walsh, 744
- --- wavelet, 740
- --- fast, 743
- integral, definite, 440
- --- differentiation, 443
- --- notion, 427
- --- particular integral, 442
- --- table, 1056
- --- algebraic functions, 1059
- --- exponential function, 1057
- --- logarithmic function, 1058
- --- trigonometric functions, 1056
- integral, elliptic, 437
- --- first kind, 431
- --- second kind, 437
- --- series expansion, 462
- --- table, 1061
- --- third kind, 437
- integral, improper, 440
- --- Cauchy's principal value, 454
- --- convergent, 454
- --- divergent, 454
- infinite integration limits, 453
- notion, --- vector,
- --- notion, 453
- --- principal value, 454
- --- unbounded integrand, 453
- integral, indefinite, 427
- --- basic integral, 428
- --- cosine function, table, 1043
- --- cotangent function, table, 1049
- --- elementary functions, 428
- --- elementary functions, table, 1023
- --- exponential function, table, 1051
- --- hyperbolic functions, table, 1050
- inverse hyperbolic functions, table, 1055
- inverse trigonometric function, table, 1054
- irrational functions, table, 1030
- --- logarithmic functions, table, 1053
- --- notion, 428
- --- other transcendental functions, table, 1050
- --- sine and cosine function, table, 1045
- --- sine function, table, 1041
- --- table, 1023
- --- tangent function, table, 1049
- --- trigonometric functions, table, 1041
- integral, logarithmic, 431
- integral, surface
- --- first type, 479
- --- general form, 485
- --- second type, 483
- integrand, 428
- integrating factor, 490
- integration
- --- approximate
- --- ordinary differential equation, 904
- --- partial differential equation, 911
- --- complex plane, 685
- --- constant, 428
- --- function, non-elementary, 460
- --- graphic, 432
- --- graphical, 446
- in complex, 694
- interval, 441
- --- limit
- --- depending on parameter, 459
- --- lower, 441
- --- upper, 441
- --- logarithmic, 430
- --- numerical, 898
- --- multiple integrals, 903
- --- partial, 431
- --- power, 430
- --- rational functions, 432
- --- rules
- --- by series expansion, 431
- --- by substitution, 431
- --- constant multiple rule, 429
- --- definite integrals, 443
- --- general rule, 429
- indefinite integrals, 430
- interchange rule, 444
- interval rule, 443
- --- series expansion, 446
- --- sum rule, 429
- --- under the integration sign, 459
- --- variable, 441
- --- variable, notion, 428
- --- vector field, 660
- --- volume, 450
- integrator, 447
- intensity, source, 668
- interaction, soliton, 547
- intercept theorem, 134
- interest, 22
- --- calculation, 21
- --- compound, 22
- intermediate value theorem
- --- one variable, 59
- --- several variables, 123
- intermediate variable, 382
- intermittence, 839
- Internationale Standard Book Number ISBN, 332
- interpolation
- --- Aitken-Neville, 918
- --- condition, 917
- --- formula
- --- Lagrange, 918
- --- Newton, 917
- --- fuzzy system, 377
- --- knowledge-based, 377
- --- node, 898
- --- equidistant, 904
- --- points, 917
- --- quadrature, 899
- --- spline, 917
- --- bicubic, 933
- --- cubic, 931
- --- trigonometric, 917
- interpretation
- --- formula, predicate logic, 289
- --- variable, 287
- intersection, 292
- --- angle, 159
- --- by two oriented lines, 147
- --- fuzzy set, 365
- --- on the sphere, 171
- --- point
- --- four planes, 216
- --- lines, 195
- --- plane and line, 218
- --- three planes, 216
- --- two lines, space, 219
- --- set, fuzzy set, 366
- --- sets, 292
- --- without visibility, 147
- interval
- --- convergence, 416
- --- numbers, 2
- --- order (O)-interval, 602
- --- rule, 443
- --- statistics, 772
- invariance
- --- rotation invariance, 265
- --- transformation invariance, 265
- --- translation invariance, 265
- invariant, 706
- --- quadratic curve, 206
- --- scalar, 212
- --- scalar invariant, 184
- --- surface second order, 224
- inverse, 601
- inverse function, 51
- --- hyperbolic, 91
- --- trigonometric, 84
- inverse transformation, 707
- inversion
- --- Cartesian coordinate system, 269
- --- conformal mapping, 676
- --- space, 269
- involute, 237
- irrational
- --- algebraic, 2
- --- quadratic, 2
- isometry, space, 611
- isomorphic
- --- vector spaces, 601
- isomorphism, 302
- --- Boolean algebra, 343
- --- graph, 349
- --- groups, 302
- --- surjective norm, 626
- iteration, 884
- inverse, 283
- --- method, 283
- --- ordinary, 884
- --- sequential steps, 896
- --- simultaneous steps, 896
- --- vector, 284
- J
- K
- K
- KAM (Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser) theorem, 815
- ker, 341
- kernel, 302
- --- approximation
- --- integral equation, 574
- --- spline approach, 575
- --- tensor product, 574
- --- congruence
- --- relation, 341
- --- homomorphism, 341
- --- integral equation, 563
- --- degenerate, 574
- --- iterated, 568
- --- resolvent, 570
- --- solving, 568
- --- integral transformation, 707
- --- operator, 601
- --- ring, 314
- --- subspace, 317
- key equation, 123
- kink soliton, 550
- Kirchhoff formula, 536
- Klein's four-group, 302
- Koch curve, 823
- Korteweg de Vries equation, 547
- Kronecker
- --- generalized delta, 265
- --- product, 258
- --- symbol. 253. 265
- Kuan, 352
- Kuhn-Tucker conditions, 862
- --- reference, 626
- Kuratowski theorem, 357
- L
- L
- l.c.m. (least common multiple), --- function,
- l.c.m. (
- Lagrange
- --- function, 403
- --- identity, vectors, 185
- --- interpolation formula, 918
- --- method of multiplier, 403
- --- theorem, 301
- Lagrangian, 403
- Laguerre
- --- differential equation, linear, second order, 513
- --- polynomial, 513
- Lanczos method, 283
- Landau, order symbol, 56
- Laplace
- --- differential equation, partial, 538
- --- expansion, 259
- --- wave equation, 536
- Laplace operator
- --- different coordinates, 657
- --- polar coordinates, 401
- --- vector components. 659
- Laplace transformation, 710
- --- addition law, 711
- --- comparing to Fourier transformation, 730
- --- convergence, 710
- --- convolution, 713
- --- one-sided, 713
- --- convolution, complex, 714
- --- definition, 710
- --- differential equation, ordinary
- linear, constant coefficients, 721
- linear, variable coefficients, 722
- --- differential equation, partial, 723
- --- differential equations, 721
- --- differentiation, image space, 712
- --- differentiation, original space, 712
- --- discrete, 736
- --- division law, 713
- --- frequency-shift theorem, 711
- --- image space, 710
- --- integration, image space, 712
- --- integration, original space, 712
- --- inverse, 710
- --- inverse integral, 720
- linearity law, 711
- --- original function, 710
- --- original space, 710
- --- partial fraction decomposition, 718
- --- piecewise differentiable function, 715
- --- series expansion, 719
- --- similarity law, 711
- --- step function, 714
- --- survey, 707
- --- table, 1067
- --- transform, 710
- --- translation law, 711
- largest area method, 374
- lateral area
- --- cone, 156
- --- cylinder, 154
- --- polyhedron, 151
- lateral face, 151
- latitude, geographical, 160
- lattice, 342
- --- Banach, 614
- --- Bravais, 310
- --- crystallography, 310
- --- distributive, 342
- --- vector, 614
- Laurent
- --- expansion, 692
- --- series, 692
- law
- --- cosine, 164
- --- spherical triangle, 164
- large numbers, 764
- --- Bernoulli, 764
- limit theorem, Lindeberg-Levy, 765
- --- sine-cosine, 164
- --- polar, 164
- layer, spherical, 157
- least common multiple (l.c.m.), integer numbers, 324
- least squares method, 107
- --- calculus of observations. 787
- --- Gauss, 403
- --- regression analysis, 780
- least squares problem, linear, 894
- Lebesgue
- --- integral, 454
- --- comparison with Riemann integral, 453
- --- measure, 636
- left singular vector, 285
- left-hand coordinate system, 207
- leg or side of an angle, 128
- Legendre
- --- differential equation, 511
- --- polynomial
- --- associated, 513
- --- first kind, 511
- --- second kind, 512
- --- symbol, 329
- Leibniz
- --- alternating series test, 410
- --- formula, 385
- lemma
- --- Jordan. 695
- --- Schur, 306
- lemniscate, 99
- length
- --- interval, 635
- line integral, first type, 464
- --- reduced, 174
- --- vector, 189
- length, arc
- --- space curve, 246
- level
- --- curve, 117
- line, 644
- --- surface, 644
- level set (fuzzy set), 364
- library (numerical methods), 944
- --- Aachen library, 946
- --- IMSL library,945
- --- NAG library, 944
- limit
- --- cycle, 806
- --- stable, 806
- --- unstable, 806
- --- definite integral, 440
- --- function
- --- complex variable, 671
- --- one variable, 51
- --- several variables, 122
- --- theorems, 53
- --- function series, 414
- --- integration, depending on parameter, 459
- --- partial sum, 414
- --- sequence of numbers, 405
- --- sequence, in metric space, 606
- --- series, 406
- --- superior, 416
- line, 62
- --- curvature, surface, 248
- --- geodesic, 159
- --- imaginary, 205
- --- notion, 128
- --- space, 150
- --- vector equation, 188
- line element
- --- surface, 245
- --- vector components, 660
- line equation
- --- plane, 194
- --- Hessian normal form. 195
- --- intercept form. 195
- --- polar coordinates, 195
- --- through a point, 194
- --- through two points, 194
- --- slope, plane, 194
- --- space, 217
- line integral, 462
- --- Cartesian coordinates, 661
- --- first type, 463
- --- applications, 464
- --- general type, 467
- --- second type, 464
- --- vector field, 660
- linear combination, vectors, 83
- linear form, 600
- --- continuous. 623
- linear programming
- --- assignment problem, 860
- --- basic notions, 849
- --- basic solution, 850
- --- basis of the extreme point, 849
- --- constraints, 846
- --- degenerate extreme point, 849
- --- distribution problem, 860
- --- dual problem, 856
- --- duality, 856
- --- extreme point, 849
- --- normal form, 849
- --- objective function, 846
- --- primal problem, 856
- --- round-tour problem, 861
- --- surplus variable, 850
- linearly
- --- dependent, 317
- --- independent, 317
- lines
- --- angle between, plane, 196
- --- intersection point, plane, 195
- --- orthogonal, 128
- --- parallel, 128
- --- pencil, 196
- --- perpendicular, 128
- --- skew, 150
- Liouville
- --- approximation theorem, 4
- --- formula, 501
- --- theorem, 801
- Lipschitz condition
- --- higher-order differential equation, 498
- --- ordinary differential equation, 488
- locus, geometric, 194
- logarithm
- --- binary, 10
- --- Briggsian, 9
- --- complex function, 678
- --- decimal, 9
- --- definition, 9
- --- natural, 9
- --- Neperian, 9
- --- principal value, 698
- --- table, 10
- --- taking of an expression, 9
- logarithmic decrement, 83
- logarithmic integral, 431
- logarithmic normal distribution, 759
- logic, 286
- --- fuzzy, 360
- --- predicate, 289
- --- propositional, 286
- longitude, geographical, 160
- loop function, 1007
- loop, graph, 348
- Lorentz curve, 731
- Lorenz system, 798
- loxodrome, 177
- --- arclength, 177
- --- course angle, 178
- --- intersection point, 178
- --- intersection point of two loxodromes, 179
- --- p space, 639
- LU factorization (lower and upper triangular matrix).
- --- 891
- Lyapunov
- --- exponent, 820
- --- function, 803
- M
- M
- MacDonald function, --- identity,
- MacDonald
- Maclaurin
- --- formula, 415
- --- series expansion, 418
- Macsyma (computer algebra system), 953
- majorant series, 413
- manifold
- --- center manifold theorem
- --- local, 835
- mappings, 835
- --- of solutions, 890
- --- stable, 806
- --- unstable, 806
- manipulation
- --- algebraic expressions, 979
- --- non-polynomial expressions, 981
- mantissa, 10
- manyness set, 298
- Maple (computer algebra system), 953
- Maple
- --- addendum to syntax, 978
- --- algebraic expressions, 971
- manipulation, 981
- multiplication, 981
- --- array, 973
- --- attribute, 978
- --- basic structure elements, 968
- --- context, 978
- --- conversion of numbers, different bases, 970
- Maple (continued)
- --- differential equations, 997
- --- differential operators, 977
- --- differentiation, 995
- --- eigenvalues, eigenvectors, 992
- --- elements of linear algebra, 989
- --- environment variable, 978
- --- equation
- --- one unknown, 986
- --- transcendental, 987
- --- factorization of polynomials, 982
- --- floating-point number, conversion, 970
- --- formula manipulation, introduction, 953
- --- functions, 975
- --- graphics, 1005
- --- introduction, 955
- --- three-dimensional, 1008
- --- two-dimensional, 1005
- --- help and information, 978
- --- input, output, 949
- --- inputoutput, 953
- --- integral
- --- definite, 997
- --- indefinite, 996
- multiple, 997
- --- lists, 972
- manipulation, general expressions, 983
- matrices, 973
- --- numerical calculations, introduction, 954
- --- numerical mathematics, 949
- --- differential equations, 952
- --- equations, 950
- --- expressions and functions, 949
- --- integration, 951
- --- object classes, 968
- --- objects, 968
- --- operations
- --- important, 986
- --- polynomials, 983
- --- operators
- --- functional, 976
- --- important, 971
- --- partial fraction decomposition, 983
- --- procedures, 975
- --- programming, 977
- --- sequences, 972
- --- short characteristc, 953
- --- special package plots, 1007
- --- system description, 968
- --- system of equations, 987
- --- systems of equations, linear, 990
- --- table structures, 973
- --- types, 968
- --- types of numbers, 970
- --- vectors, 973
- mapping, 294
- --- between groups, 302
- --- bijective, 296
- --- complex number plane, 684
- --- conformal, 674
- --- circular transformation, 676
- --- exponential function, 679
- --- fixed-point, 675
- --- inversion, 676
- --- linear fractional, 676
- --- linear function, 675
- --- logarithm, 678
- --- quadratic function, 677
- --- square root, 677
- --- sum of linear and fractional linear functions, 678
- --- contracting, 608
- --- equivalent, 843
- --- function, 48
- --- Henon mapping, 812
- --- horseshoe, 827
- --- injective, 296
- --- inverse mapping, 296
- --- kernel, 302
- --- lifted, 843
- --- linear, 317
- modulo, 816
- --- one-to-one, 296
- --- Poincare, 827
- --- Poincare mapping, 808
- --- reduced, 835
- --- regular, 318
- --- rotation mapping, 817
- --- shift, 820
- --- surjective, 296
- --- tent, 816
- --- topological conjugate, 813
- --- unit circle, 843
- marginal distribution, 754
- mass
- --- double integral, 474
- --- line integral, first type, 464
- --- triple integral, 480
- matching, 356
- maximal, 356
- --- perfect, 356
- --- saturated, 356
- Mathcad (computer algebra system), 953
- Mathematica (computer algebra system), 953
- Mathematica
- --- 3D graphics, 1004
- --- algebraic expressions, manipulation, 979
- --- algebraic expressions, multiplication, 979
- --- apply, 965
- --- attribute, 966
- --- basic structure element, 956
- --- context, 966
- --- curves
- --- parametric representation, 1003
- --- two-dimensional, 1002
- --- differential and integral calculus, 992
- --- differential equation, 994
- --- differential quotient, 992
- --- differentiation, 965
- --- eigenvalues, eigenvectors, 989
- --- elements, 956
- --- elements of linear algebra, 988
- --- equation, 985
- manipulation, 984
- --- transcendent, 985
- --- expression, 956
- --- factorization, polynomials, 980
- Mathematica (continued)
- --- FixedPoint, 965
- --- FixedPointList, 965
- --- floating-point number, conversion, 958
- --- formula manipulation, introduction, 953
- --- function, inverse, 965
- --- functional operations, 964
- --- functions, 963
- --- graphics, 998
- --- functions, 1001
- --- introduction. 955
- --- options, 1000
- --- primitives, 998
- --- head,956
- --- input and output, 946
- --- input-output, 953
- --- integral
- --- definite, 994
- --- indefinite, 993
- multiple, 994
- --- lists, 959
- manipulation with matrices. 962
- manipulation with vectors. 962
- Map, 965
- matrices as lists, 961
- messages, 967
- --- Nest, 965
- --- NestList, 965
- --- numerical calculations, introduction, 954
- --- numerical mathematics, 946
- --- curve fitting, 946
- --- differential equations, 948
- --- integration, 948
- --- interpolation, 947
- --- polynomial equations, 947
- --- objects, three-dimensional, 1004
- --- operations, polynomials, 980
- --- operators, important, 959
- --- partial fraction decomposition, 980
- --- pattern, 964
- --- programming, 966
- --- short characteristc, 953
- --- surfaces, 1004
- --- surfaces and space curves, 1003
- --- syntax, additional information, 966
- --- system description, 956
- --- system of equations, 986
- --- general case, 988
- --- special case, 988
- --- types of numbers, 957
- --- vectors as lists, 961
- mathematics, discrete, 286
- matrices
- --- arithmetical operations, 254
- --- associative law, 254
- --- commutative law, 254
- --- distributive law, 254
- --- division, 254
- --- eigenvalue, 278
- --- eigenvalue problem, 278
- --- eigenvectors, 278
- --- equality, 254
- multiplication, 254
- --- powers, 258
- --- rules of calculation, 257
- matrix, 251
- --- adjacency, 350
- --- adjoint, 251
- --- admittance, 355
- --- anti-Hermitian, 253
- --- antisymmetric, 252
- --- block tridiagonal, 912
- --- complex, 251
- --- conjugate, 251
- --- deflation, 284
- --- degree, 355
- --- diagonal, 252
- --- distance, 351
- --- extended coefficient, 892
- --- full rank, 277
- --- fundamental, 802
- --- Hermitian, 253
- --- Hessian, 869
- --- identity, 253
- incidence, --- triple integral,
- --- incidence, 350
- --- inverse, 256
- --- inverse calculation, 272
- --- Jacobian, 897
- --- Jordan,282
- --- lower triangular, 892
- main diagonal element, 252
- monodromy, 803
- --- normal, 252
- --- of coefficients, 272
- --- augmented, 273
- --- orthogonal, 257
- --- rank, 255
- --- real, 251
- --- rectangular, 251
- --- regular, 256
- --- rotation, 257
- --- scalar, 252
- --- self-adjoint, 253
- --- singular, 256
- --- size, 251
- --- skew-symmetric, 252
- --- spanning tree theorem, 355
- --- sparse, 912
- --- spur, 252
- --- square, 251
- --- stochastic, 766
- --- symmetric, 252
- --- trace, 252
- --- transposed, 251
- --- triangle decomposition, 890
- --- triangular, 253
- --- unitary, 257
- --- upper triangular, 892
- --- zero, 251
- matrix exponential function, 802
- matrix product, disappearing, 257
- max-min composition, 371
- maximum
- --- absolute, 60
- --- global, 390
- --- point, 847
- maximum (continued)
- --- relative, 390
- maximum-criterion method, 373
- Maxwell, diagonal method, 684
- mean
- --- arithmetic, 19
- --- estimate, 771
- --- geometric, 20
- --- golden, 845
- --- harmonic, 20
- --- quadratic, 20
- --- sample function, 771
- --- statistics, 773
- --- value, 19
- --- weighted, 753
- mean squares problem
- --- different versions, 403
- --- non-linear, 922
- mean squares value problem
- --- linear, 277
- --- rank deficiency case, 278
- mean value formula, 899
- mean value function, integral calculus, 444
- mean value method, 107
- mean value theorem
- --- differential calculus, 389
- --- generalized, 390
- --- integral calculus, 444
- --- generalized, 445
- measure
- --- concentrated on a set, 816
- --- counting, 635
- --- degrees, 130
- --- dimension, 824
- --- Dirac, 636
- --- ergodic, 817
- --- function, convergence theorems. 638
- --- Hausdorff, 822
- --- invariant, 816
- --- Lebesgue, 636
- --- natural, 816
- --- physical, 817
- --- probability, 638
- --- invariant, 816
- --- SBR (Sinai-Bowen-Ruelle), 817
- --- a-algebra, 635
- --- (T-finite, 638
- --- support, 816
- measured value, 787
- measurement
- --- error, 787
- --- error density, 788
- --- error, characterization, 788
- --- protocol, 788
- measuring error, distribution, 788
- median, 142
- --- sample function, 772
- --- statistics, 774
- --- triangle, 132
- Mellin transformation, 707
- Melnikov method, 841
- membership
- --- degree, 360
- --- function, 360
- --- bell-shaped, 362
- --- trapezoidal, 361
- --- relation, 290
- meridian, 160
- --- convergence, 169
- --- tangential, 176
- method
- --- Bairstow, 889
- --- barrier, 876
- --- Bernoulli, 889
- --- bisection, 283
- --- broken line, Euler, 904
- --- center of area, 374
- --- center of gravity, 373
- --- generalized, 374
- --- parametrized, 374
- --- Cholesky, 278
- --- collocation
- --- boundary value problem, 909
- --- integral equation, 576
- --- partial integral equation, 913
- --- cryptoanalysis, 337
- --- cryptography, 335
- --- cutting plane, 877
- --- descent, 868
- --- difference
- --- ordinary differential equations, 908
- --- partial differential equations, 911
- --- extrapolation, 905
- --- Fibonacci, 868
- --- finite difference, 534
- --- finite element, 534
- --- Galerkin, 909
- --- Gauss elimination, 890
- --- Gauss-Newton, 897
- --- derivative free, 898
- --- Gauss-Seidel, 895
- --- gradient. 561
- --- Graeffe, 889
- --- Green, 531
- --- Hildreth-d'Esopo, 867
- --- Householder, 278
- --- Hungarian, 860
- --- inner digits of squares, 783
- --- integrating factor, 490
- --- iteration, 283
- --- ordinary, 884
- --- Jacobi, 283
- --- Kelley's, optimization, 877
- --- Lagrange multiplier, 862
- --- Lanczos, 283
- --- largest area. 374
- --- least squares, 107
- Mamdani, 374
- maximum-criterion, 373
- mean-of-maximum, 373
- Monte Carlo, 783
- multi-step, 905
- multiple-target, 910
- --- Newton, 885
- modified, 885
- --- non-linear operators, 632
- method (continued)
- --- operator, 709
- --- orthogonalization, 278
- --- parametrized center of area, 374
- --- pivoting, 271
- --- polygonal, Euler, 904
- --- predictor-corrector, 906
- --- public key, 338
- --- regula falsi, 886
- --- relaxation, 896
- --- Riemann, 530
- --- Ritz, 560
- --- Romberg, 901
- --- RSA encryption, 339
- --- Runge-Kutta, 904
- --- separation of variables, 489
- --- shooting, 910
- --- single-target, 910
- --- SOR (successive overrelaxation), 896
- --- statistical experiment, 787
- --- steepest descent, 869
- --- Steffensen, 886
- --- successive approximation
- --- Banach space, 621
- --- Picard, 496
- --- Sugeno, 375
- --- transformation, 283
- --- undetermined coefficients, 16
- --- variation of constants, 501
- --- Vigenere cypher, 336
- --- Wolfe, 865
- metric, 604
- --- Euclidean, 604
- --- surface, 247
- Meusnier, theorem, 247
- midpoint line segment
- --- plane, 192
- --- space, 213
- midpoint rule, 906
- minimal surface, 249
- minimum
- --- absolute, 60. 123
- --- global, 390
- --- point, 862
- --- global, 862
- --- local, 862
- --- problem, 847
- --- relative, 390
- Minkowski
- --- inequality, 32
- --- integrals, 32
- --- series, 32
- mixed product, 187
- modal value, statistics, 774
- mode, statistics, 774
- model
- --- Hopf-Landau, turbulence, 841
- --- urn model, 755
- module of an element, 603
- modulo
- --- congruence, 297
- mapping, 816
- modulus, analytic function, 672
- --- de Moivre formula
- --- complex number, 37
- --- hyperbolic functions, 90
- --- trigonometric functions, 79
- Mollweide equations, 142
- moment of inertia, 263
- --- double integral, 474
- --- line integral, first type, 464
- --- triple integral, 480
- moment, order n, --- mutation,
- moment, order n, 753
- monodromy matrix, 803
- monotonicity, 635
- monotony, 388
- --- function, 49
- --- sequence, numbers, 404
- Monte Carlo method, 783
- --- application in numerical mathematics, 785
- --- usual, 785
- Monte Carlo simulation, 783
- --- example, 784
- Morse-Smale system, 815
- multi-index, 613
- multi-scale analysis, 743
- multi-step method, 905
- multiple integral, 471
- --- transformation, 709
- multiple-target method, 910
- multiplication
- --- complex numbers, 36
- --- computer calculation, 940
- --- polynomials, 11
- --- rational numbers, 1
- multiplicity, of divisors, 320
- multiplier,490,
- --- Lagrange method, 403
- mutation, 870
- N
- N
- nabla operator
- --- definition, 656
- --- divergence, 656
- --- gradient, 656
- --- rotation, 656
- --- twice applied, 657
- --- vector gradient. 656
- NAND function, 288
- nautical, radio bearing, 171
- navigation, 172
- negation, 286
- --- Boolean function, 344
- --- double, 288
- neighborhood, 605
- --- point, 605
- Neper
- --- equations, 167
- --- logarithm, 9
- --- rules, 169
- net
- --- chart, 123
- --- more than three variables, 127
- --- three variables, 123
- --- isometric, 675
- --- points, 933
- Neumann
- --- problem, 670
- --- series, 568
- Newton
- --- field, point-like mass, 646
- --- interpolation formula, 917
- Newton method, 885
- --- adaptive, 951
- --- modified, 885
- non-linear operators, 632
- --- approximation sequence, 632
- --- modified, 632
- non-linear optimization, 869
- --- damped, 869
- niveau line, 117
- nodal plane, 541
- node, 809
- --- approximation interval, 931
- --- differential equation, ordinary, 494
- --- saddle node, 804
- --- stable, 804
- --- triple, 834
- nominal rate, 22
- nomogram, 123
- nomography, 123
- non-negative integer, 1
- NOR function, 288
- norm
- --- axioms, linear algebra, 258
- --- Euclidean, 318
- --- integral, 639
- --- isomorphism, 626
- --- matrix, 258
- --- column sum norm, 259
- --- row sum norm, 259
- --- spectral norm, 259
- --- subordinate, 259
- --- uniform norm, 259
- --- operator norm, 619
- --- pseudonorm, 624
- --- residual vector, 277
- --- seminorm, 624
- --- .s'-norm, 365
- --- space, 611
- --- t-norm, 365
- --- vector, 258
- --- Euclidean norm, 258
- --- matrix norm, 258
- --- sum norm, 258
- normal distribution, 758
- --- logarithmic normal distribution, 759
- --- observational error, 72
- --- standard normal distribution, 759
- --- standard, table, 1091
- --- two-dimensional, 780
- normal equation, 894
- --- system, 782
- normal form, 345
- --- equation of a surface, 220
- --- Jordan,282
- --- principal conjunctive, 345
- --- principal disjunctive, 345
- normal plane, space curve, 238
- normal vector
- --- plane, 214
- --- plane sheet, 663
- --- surface, 244
- normal, plane curve, 226
- normalization condition, 541
- normalizing factor, 195
- northern direction
- --- geodesical, 169
- --- geographical, 169
- northwest corner rule, 858
- notation
- --- Polish notation, 355
- --- postfix notation, 355
- --- prefix notation, 355
- --- reversed polish, 355
- --- /7,-tuple, 117
- number, 1
- --- approximation, 4
- --- cardinal, 291
- --- complex, 34
- --- absolute value, 35
- --- addition, 36
- --- algebraic form, 34
- --- argument, 35
- --- division, 37
- --- exponential form, 35
- --- main value, 35
- --- multiplication, 36
- --- power, 37
- --- subtraction, 36
- --- taking the root, 38
- --- trigonometric form, 35
- --- composite, 320
- --- conjugate complex, 36
- --- imaginary, 34
- --- integer, 1
- --- interval, 2
- --- irrational, 2
- natural, 1
- non-negative, 1
- --- random, 770
- --- rational, 1
- --- real, 2
- --- taking of root, 8
- --- sequence, 404
- --- convergent, 606
- --- metric space, 606
- --- transcendental, 2
- number line, extended, 635
- number plane, complex, Gauss, 34
- number representation, computer internally, 936
- number system, 936
- --- binary, 937
- --- decimal, 937
- --- hexadecimal, 937
- --- octal, 937
- number theory, elementary, 320
- numbers
- --- Bernoulli. 412
- --- Euler, 412
- --- Fermat, prime, 321
- --- Fibonacci, 325
- --- Mersenne, prime, 321
- --- prime. 320
- numerical
- --- analysis, 884
- --- axis, 1
- --- calculations, computer, 939
- --- library (numerical methods), 884
- nutation angle, 211
- Nystrom method. 573
- O
- O
- obelisk, 153
- objective function, linear, 846
- observational value, 787
- occupancy number, statistics, 772
- octahedron, 154
- octal number, 937
- octal system, 937
- octantj 209
- --- Lj-limit set, 799
- operation, 298
- --- algebraic, 263
- --- arithmetical, 1
- --- associative, 298
- --- binary, 298
- --- commutative, 298
- --- exterior, 299
- --- n-ary, 298
- operational method, 534
- operational notation, differential equation, 502
- operator
- --- adjoint, 626
- --- AND, 368
- --- bounded, 619
- --- closed, 620
- --- coercivity, 634
- --- compact, 628
- --- compensatory, 368
- --- completely continuous, 628
- --- continuous, 610
- --- inverse, 621
- --- contracting, 608
- --- demi-continuous, 634
- --- differentiable, 632
- --- finite dimensional, 628
- --- gamma, 368
- --- Hammerstein, 631
- --- idempotent, 628
- --- inverse, 601
- --- isotone, 633
- --- lambda, 368
- --- linear, 319
- --- bounded, 619
- --- continuous, 619
- --- linear, notion, 319
- --- linear, permutability, 319
- --- linear, product, 319
- --- monotone, 634
- --- Nemytskij, 631
- --- non-linear, 631
- --- norm, 802
- --- notion, 48
- OR, 368
- --- positive, 602
- --- positive definite, 628
- --- positive non-linear, 633
- --- self-adjoint, 627
- --- singular, 592
- --- strongly monotone, 634
- --- Urysohn, 632
- operator method, 709
- opposite side, 130
- optimality condition, 862
- --- sufficient, 862
- optimality principle, Bellman, 880
- optimization, 846
- optimization method
- --- Bellman functional equation, 881
- --- conjugate gradient, 869
- --- cutting plane method, 877
- --- damped, 869
- --- DFP (Davidon-Fletcher-Powell), 870
- --- feasible direction, 872
- --- Fibonacci method, 868
- --- golden section, 868
- --- Hildreth-d'Esopo, 867
- --- Kelley, 877
- --- penalty method, 875
- --- projected gradient, 873
- --- unconstrained problem, 868
- --- Wolfe, 865
- optimization problem
- --- convex, 625
- --- dynamic, 878
- --- non-linear, 926
- optimization, evolution strategies, 870
- --- mutation, 870
- --- recombination, 870
- --- selection, 870
- optimization, non-linear, 861
- --- barrier method, 876
- --- convex, 863
- --- convexity, 864
- --- descent method, 868
- --- direction search program, 872
- --- duality, 863
- --- gradient method
- --- inequality constraints, 871
- --- Newton method, 869
- --- numerical search procedure, 867
- --- quadratic, 864
- --- saddle point, 862
- --- steepest descent method, 869
- orbit, 797
- --- double, periodic, 836
- --- heteroclinic, 808
- --- homoclinic, 808
- --- periodic, 797
- --- hyperbolic, 805
- --- saddle type, 805
- order
- --- (O)-interval, 602
- --- curve, second order, 205
- --- curve, n-th order, 194
- --- differential equation, 487
- --- interval, 602
- of magnitude, function, 55
- order (continued)
- --- second order surface, 220
- --- wavelet, 741
- order relation, 296
- --- linear, 297
- order symbol, Landau. 56
- ordering, 297
- --- lexicographical, 297
- --- linear, 297
- --- partial 297
- ordinate
- --- plane coordinates, 189
- --- space coordinates, 208
- Ore theorem, 353
- orientation, 269
- --- coordinate system, 207
- --- numerical axis, 1
- origin
- --- numerical axis, 1
- --- plane coordinates, 189
- --- space coordinates, 208
- original function, 707
- original space, 707
- --- set, 48
- orthocenter, triangle, 132
- orthodrome, 173
- --- arclength, 174
- --- course angle, 173
- --- intersection point, 174
- --- intersection point of two orthodromes, 178
- --- point, closest to the north pole, 173
- orthogonal
- --- function system, 920
- --- polynomials, 920
- --- space, 616
- --- spherical, 169
- orthogonality
- --- conditions
- --- line-plane, 219
- --- lines in space, 219
- --- planes, 216
- --- eigenvalues, differential equation, 515
- --- Hilbert space, 616
- --- lines, 128
- --- real vector space, 318
- --- trigonometric functions, 318
- --- vectors, 184
- --- weight, 515
- orthogonalization method, 893
- --- Givens, 895
- --- Gram-Schmidt, 617
- --- Householder, 278
- --- Schmidt, 579
- orthogonalization process, 280
- --- Gram-Schmidt, 280
- orthonormal
- --- function system, 920
- orthonormalization, vectors, 262
- oscillation
- --- duration, 82
- --- harmonic, 82
- oscillator, linear harmonic, 544
- osculating plane, space curve, 238
- osculation point, curve, 232
- oversliding, 266
- P
- P
- pair, ordered, --- irreducible,
- pair, ordered
- parabola, 203
- --- arclength, 204
- --- area, 204
- --- axis, 203
- --- binomial, 69
- --- cubic, 63
- --- diameter, 204
- --- directrix, 203
- --- equation, 203
- --- focus, 203
- --- intersection figure, 221
- --- n-th degree, 64
- parameter, 203
- --- quadratic polynomial, 62
- --- radius of curvature, 204
- --- semicubic, 93
- --- semifocal chord, 203
- --- tangent, 204
- --- transformation, 205
- --- vertex, 203
- paraboloid, 221
- --- elliptic, 221
- --- hyperbolic, 222
- --- central surface, 224
- --- invariant signs
- --- elliptic, 224
- --- hyperbolic, 224
- parabolic, 224
- --- of revolution, 222
- parallel circle, 244
- parallelepiped, 152
- --- rectangular, 152
- parallelism
- --- lines, 128
- parallelism conditions
- --- line-plane, 219
- --- lines in space, 219
- planes, 216
- parallelogram, 134
- parallelogram identity, unitary space, 615
- parameter, 11
- parabola, 203
- --- statistical, 773
- parameter space, stochastic, 765
- parametric integral, 459
- parametric representation, circle, 197
- parametrized center of area method, 374
- parity, 544
- Parseval
- --- equation, 422
- --- formula, 729
- partial fraction decomposition, 15
- --- special cases, 1029
- partial ordering, 297
- partial sum, 406
- partition, 297
- Pascal limacon, 96
- Pascal triangle, 13
- path, 351
- --- closed, 351
- --- integration, 463
- PCNF (principal conjunctive normal form), 345
- PDNF (principal disjunctive normal form), 345
- pencil of lines, 196
- pendulum
- --- equation, 841
- --- Foucault, 949
- --- mathematical, 702
- period, 703
- pentagon, regular, 138
- pentagram, 4
- pentagram, regular, 138
- percentage, 21
- --- calculation, 21
- performance score, 372
- perimeter
- --- circle, 138
- --- ellipse, 200
- polygon, 137
- period, 50
- --- secant, 76
- --- sine, 75
- --- tangent, 76
- period doubling, 836
- --- cascade, 837
- period parallelogram, 704
- permutability, linear operators, 319
- permutation, 745
- --- cyclic, vectors, 207
- --- group, 301
- --- matrix, 892
- --- with repetition, 745
- --- without repetition, 745
- perturbation, 535
- Pesin formula, 821
- phase
- --- initial, 82
- portrait, dynamical systems. 800
- --- shift, 75
- --- sine, 75
- --- space, dynamical systems, 797
- --- spectrum, 727
- physical units, 1012
- Picard
- --- iteration method
- --- integral equation, 567
- --- successive approximation method, 496
- Picard-Lindelof theorem, 610
- pivot, 891
- --- column, 271
- --- element. 271. 852
- --- row, 271
- --- scheme, 271
- pivoting, 271
- --- column pivoting, 892
- --- step, 271
- plane
- --- equation
- --- general, 214
- --- in space, 214
- --- geometry, 128
- --- intersecting, 158
- --- rectifying, 239
- --- space, 150
- --- vector equation, 188
- planes
- --- orthogonality, conditions, 216
- parallel, 150
- --- distance, 217
- parallelism, conditions, 216
- planimeter, 447
- Poincare mapping, 808
- Poincare section, 841
- point
- --- accumulation, 606
- --- asymptotic, curve, 232
- --- boundary, 606
- --- circular, 249
- --- coordinates, 189
- --- corner, 232
- --- cuspidal, curve, 232
- --- discontinuity, 57
- --- double, curve, 232
- --- fixed, conformal mapping, 676
- --- fixed, stable, 836
- --- focal, ordinary differential equation, 495
- --- improper, 192
- --- infinite, 192
- --- interior, 605
- --- isolated, 606
- --- isolated, curve, 232
- --- limit, 237
- --- limiting, 606
- --- multiple, curve, 233
- --- /(.-dimensional space, 117
- --- nearest approach, 237
- --- neighborhood, 605
- --- non-wandering, 815
- --- notion, 128
- plane curve, 231
- --- rational, 1
- --- regular, surface, 244
- --- saddle, ordinary differential equation, 495
- --- singular, 225
- --- isolated, 494
- --- ordinary differential equation, 494
- --- surface, 244
- --- spectrum, 622
- --- spiral, ordinary differential equation, 495
- --- surface point
- --- circular, 249
- --- elliptic, 248
- --- hyperbolic, 249
- parabolic, 249
- --- spherical, 248
- --- umbilical, 249
- --- terminal, curve, 232
- --- transversal homoclinic, 812
- --- umbilical, 249
- Poisson
- --- differential equation, partial, 538
- --- distribution, 757
- --- formula, 536
- --- integral, 533
- polar, 162
- --- angle, 190
- --- axis, 190
- --- coordinates, plane, 190
- --- coordinates, spherical, 209
- --- coordinates, transformation, 191
- --- distance, 244
- --- equation, 542
- --- curve second order, 207
- --- subnormal, 227
- --- subtangent, 227
- pole
- --- complex function, 673
- --- function, 58
- --- left, 162
- --- multiplicity m, complex function, 693
- --- on the sphere, 162
- --- order m, complex function, 693
- --- origin, 190
- --- right, 162
- Polish notation, 355
- polyeder, 151
- polygon
- --- area
- --- 2n-gon, 138
- --- n-gon, 137
- --- base angle, 137
- --- central angle, 137
- --- circumcircle radius, 137
- --- circumscribing, 137
- --- exterior angle, 137
- --- inscribed circle radius, 137
- --- interior angle, 137
- perimeter, 137
- plane, 137
- --- regular, convex, 137
- --- side length, 137
- --- similar, 133
- polyhedral angle, 151
- polyhedron, 151
- --- convex, 154
- --- regular, 154
- polynomial, 62
- --- Bernstein, 935
- --- characteristic, 278
- --- Chebyshev formula, 87
- --- division algorithm, 315
- --- division with remainder, 315
- --- equation, numerical solution, 887
- --- first degree, 62
- --- Hermite, 545
- --- integral rational function, 60
- --- interpolation, 917
- --- irreducible, 315
- Laguerre, --- right-angled triangle,
- --- Laguerre, 513
- --- Legendre, 511
- --- minimal, 316
- --- n-th degree, 63
- primitive, 315
- product representation, 43
- --- quadratic, 62
- --- ring, 315
- --- second degree, 62
- --- third degree, 63
- --- trigonometric, 927
- polynomials. 11
- Chebyshev, 924
- --- orthogonal, 920
- population, 769
- --- two-stage, 754
- Posa theorem, 353
- position coordinate, reflection, 269
- positive definite, 893
- postfix notation, 355
- postman problem, Chinese, 352
- potential
- --- complex, 681
- --- equation, 538
- --- field, 662
- --- conservative, 662
- --- rotation, 656
- --- retarded, 537
- power
- --- complex number, 37
- --- notion, 7
- --- real number, 7
- --- reciprocal, 68
- power series, 416
- --- asymptotic, 419
- --- complex terms, 690
- --- expansion, analytic function, 689
- --- inverse, 417
- power set, 298
- power spectrum, 818
- precession angle, 211
- predicate, 289
- --- logic, 289
- --- n-ary, 289
- predictor, 906
- predictor-corrector method, 906
- prefixes, metric, 1012
- pre-Hilbert space, 615
- present value, 25
- pressure, 451
- prime
- --- coprime, 5
- --- decomposition, canonical, 321
- --- element
- --- numbers, 320
- polynomials, 315
- --- factorization, 321
- --- canonical, 321
- --- Fermat, 321
- --- Mersenne, 321
- --- notation (measurement protocol), 788
- --- number, 320
- pair, 321
- --- quadruplet, 321
- --- relatively, 14
- --- triplet, 321
- prime formula, predicate logic, 289
- principal (a sum of money), 21
- principal axis
- --- direction, 265
- --- transformation, 264
- principal ideal, 313
- principal normal
- --- section, surface, 248
- --- space curve, 239
- principal quantities, 11
- principal value
- --- integral, improper, 454
- --- inverse hyperbolic function, 700
- --- inverse trigonometric function, 84
- --- logarithm, 698
- principle
- --- Cauchy, 608
- --- contracting mapping, 608
- --- extensionality, 291
- --- extrapolation principle, 902
- --- Neumann, 307
- --- of bivalence, 286
- prism, 151
- --- lines, 151
- --- regular, 151
- probability
- --- area interpretation, 752
- --- conditional, 750
- --- definition, 749
- --- total, 750
- probability integral, 759
- probability measure, 816
- --- ergodic, 820
- --- invariant, 816
- probability paper, 774
- probability theory, 745
- probability vector, 767
- problem
- --- Cauchy, 518
- --- Dirichlet, 528
- --- discrete, 921
- --- inhomogeneous, 537
- --- multidimensional
- --- computation of adjustments, 922
- --- Neumann, 670
- --- regularized, 278
- --- scheduling, 861
- --- shortest way, 351
- --- Sturm-Liouville, 515
- --- two-body, 520
- process
- --- birth process, 769
- --- death process, 769
- --- orthogonalization process, 280
- Poisson process, 768
- --- stochastic, 765
- product, 7
- --- algebraic, 366
- --- Cartesian
- --- fuzzy sets, 369
- --- n-ary, 370
- --- sets,294
- --- cross, 183
- --- derivative, 381
- --- direct
- --- group, 301
- --- ft-algebra, 341
- --- dot, 183
- --- drastic, 366
- --- dyadic, 255
- --- dyadic, tensors, 264
- --- inner product, 615
- --- Kronecker, 258
- --- n times direct, 343
- product sign, 7
- --- rules of calculation, 7
- --- scalar, 183
- --- vector, 183
- programming, 846
- --- computer algebra system, 955
- --- continuous dynamic, 878
- --- discrete dynamic, 878
- --- Bellman functional equation, 879
- --- Bellman functional equation method, 881
- --- Bellman optimality principle, 880
- --- constraint dynamic, 878
- --- constraint static, 878
- --- knapsack problem, 879
- problem, 878
- purchasing problem, 879
- --- state vector, 878
- --- linear, 846
- --- linear, transportation problem, 857
- --- Maple, 977
- --- Mathematica, 966
- problem
- --- dual problem, 856
- primal problem, 856
- programming, discrete
- --- continuous dynamical, 878
- --- cost function, 879
- --- decision, 878
- --- decision space, 878
- --- dynamic, 878
- --- functional equation, 880
- --- Bellman, 879
- --- method, 881
- --- knapsack problem, 879
- --- minimum interchangeability, 880
- --- minimum separability, 879
- --- n-stage decision process, 878
- --- optimal policy, 881
- --- optimal purchasing policy, 881
- purchasing problem, 879
- --- state costs, 878
- --- state vector, 878
- programming, linear
- --- constraints, 846
- --- forms, 846
- --- general form, 846
- properties, 848
- --- scheduling problem, 861
- programming, non-linear
- --- see optimization, non-linear, 861
- projection sides, 142
- projection theorem, orthogonal space, 616
- projector, 628
- proof
- --- by contradiction, 5
- --- constructive, 6
- --- direct, 5
- proof (continued)
- --- indirect, 288
- --- implication, 5
- --- mathematical induction, 5
- --- step from n to n + 1
- proportionality
- --- direct, 62
- --- inverse, 64
- proportions, 17
- proposition, 286
- --- dual, 343
- propositional logic, 286
- --- basic theorems, 287
- --- expression, 286
- propositional operation, 286
- --- extensional, 286
- propositional variable, 286
- protocoll, 772
- pseudonorm, 624
- pseudorandom numbers, 784
- pseudoscalar, 270
- pseudotensor, 268
- pseudovector, 268
- Ptolemy's theorem, 136
- pulse, rectangular, 697
- pyramid, 152
- --- frustum, 152
- --- n-faced, 152
- --- regular, 152
- --- right, 152
- --- truncated, 152
- Pythagoras
- --- general triangle, 142
- --- right-angled triangle, 141
- Q
- Q
- QR algorithm, 283
- QR decomposition, 894
- quadrangle, 134
- --- circumscribing, 136
- --- concave, 136
- --- convex, 136
- --- inscribed, 136
- quadrant relations, trigonometric functions, 77
- quadrant, Cartesian coordinates, 189
- quadratic
- --- curve, 205
- --- surface, 223
- quadratic form
- --- first fundamental, of a surface, 245
- --- index of inertia, 282
- --- real positive definite, 282
- --- second fundamental, surface, 248
- --- transformation
- --- principal axis, 281
- quadrature formula, 898
- --- Gauss type, 900
- --- Hermite, 899
- --- integral equation, 572
- --- interpolation quadrature, 899
- --- Lobatto type, 901
- quadruple (ordered four-tuple), 294
- quantification, restricted, 290
- quantifier, 289
- quantile, 752
- quantity, infinitesimal, 441
- quantum number, 541
- --- energy, 541
- --- magnetic, 544
- --- orbital angular momentum, 543
- --- vibration quantum number, 546
- quartic, 96
- quasiperiodic, 806
- queuing, 769
- --- theory, 769
- quintuple (ordered 5
- quotient, 1
- --- derivative, 382
- --- differential, 379
- --- set, 297
- R
- R
- radial equation, --- matrix calculation,
- radial
- radian
- --- definition, 130
- --- measure, 130
- radicals, ordinary differential equation, 493
- radicand, 8
- radius
- --- circle, 139
- --- circumcircle, 142
- --- convergence, 416
- --- curvature, 230
- --- curve, 229
- --- space curve, 240
- --- curvature, extremal, 558
- --- polar coordinates, 190
- --- principal curvature
- --- surface, 247
- --- short, 132
- --- torsion, space curve, 242
- --- vector, 181
- raising to a power
- --- complex numbers, 37
- real numbers, 7
- random number, 770
- --- application, 784
- --- congruence method, 783
- --- construction, 784
- --- different distributions, 784
- --- pseudorandom, 784
- --- uniformly distributed, 783
- random numbers, table, 1097
- random variable, 751
- --- continuous, 751
- --- discrete, 751
- --- independent, 754
- --- mixed, 751
- --- multidimensional, 754
- --- two-dimensional, 779
- random vector
- --- mathematical statistics, 770
- --- multidimensional random variable, 754
- random walk process, 786
- range, 47
- --- operator, 600
- --- sample function, 772
- --- statistics, 774
- rank
- --- matrix, 255
- --- tensor, 262
- --- vector space, 318
- rate
- --- effective, 22
- --- nominal, 22
- --- of interest, 22
- ray point, 495
- ray, notion, 128
- Rayleigh-Ritz algorithm, 283
- reaction, chemical, concentration, 116
- real part (complex number), 34
- rebate, 21
- recombination, 870
- rectangle, 135
- rectangular formula, simple, 899
- rectangular impulse, 714
- rectangular pulse, 697
- rectangular sum, 899
- rectification, 107
- Reduce (computer algebra system), 953
- reduction, 21
- --- angle, 174
- reduction formula, trigonometric functions, 77
- reflection principle, Schwarz, 681
- reflection, position coordinate, 269
- region, 118
- --- multiply-connected, 118
- --- non-connected, 118
- --- simply-connected, 118
- --- two-dimensional, 118
- regression
- --- analysis, 779
- --- coefficient, 781
- --- line, 780
- --- linear, 780
- --- multidimensional, 781
- regula falsi, 886
- regularity condition, 863
- regularization method, 285
- regularization parameter, 278
- relation, 294
- --- binary, 294
- --- congruence relation, 340
- --- equivalence relation, 296
- --- Euler (complex numbers), 35
- --- fuzzy-valued, 369
- --- inverse, 295
- --- less or equal than (< relation), 289
- --- matrix, 294
- --- n-ary, 294
- --- n-place, 294
- --- order relation, 296
- --- product, 295
- relaxation method, 896
- relaxation parameter, 896
- reliability testing, 769
- relief, analytic function, 672
- remainder
- --- estimation, 413
- --- series, 406
- --- term, 406
- Remes algorithm, 925
- rent, 25
- --- ordinary, constant, 25
- representation of groups, 303
- --- adjoint, 304
- --- direct product, 305
- --- direct sum, 305
- --- equivalent, 304
- --- faithful, 303
- --- identity, 303
- --- irreducible, 305
- --- non-equivalent, 304
- --- particular, 303
- --- properties, 303
- reducible, 305
- reducible, complete, 306
- representation matrix, 303
- representation space, 303
- --- subspace, 305
- --- true, 303
- --- unitary, 304
- representation theorem (fuzzy logic), 364
- resection
- --- Cassini, 149
- --- Snellius, 148
- residual spectrum, 623
- residual sum of squares, 277
- residual vector, 277
- residue
- --- quadratic modulo m, 329
- --- complex function, 693
- --- theorem, 694
- residue class, 327
- --- addition, 327
- --- multiplication, 327
- --- primitive, 328
- relatively prime, 328
- ring, 313
- ring, modulo m, 327
- residue theorem, 692
- --- application, 695
- residuum, 277
- resolvent, 568
- --- set, 622
- resonance torus, 842
- reversing the order of the bits, 930
- rhombus, 135
- Riemann
- --- formula, 530
- --- function, 530
- --- integral, 441
- --- comparison with Lebesgue integral, 453
- --- comparison with Stieltjes integral, 453
- --- method, 530
- --- sum, 441
- --- surface, many-sheeted, 685
- --- theorem, 409
- right screw rule, 663
- right singular vector, 285
- right-hand coordinate system, 207
- right-hand rule, 183
- ring, 313
- --- factor ring, 314
- ring (continued)
- --- homomorphism, 314
- --- theorem, 314
- --- isomorphism, 314
- --- polynomial, 315
- --- subring, 313
- risk theory, 21
- Ritz method, 560
- R', n-dimensional Euclidean vector space, 254
- Romberg method, 901
- root
- --- complex function, 673
- --- complex number, 38
- --- equation, 43
- --- non-linear, 884
- --- notion, 8
- --- JV-th of unity, 929
- real number, 8
- --- square root, complex, 677
- --- theorem of Vieta, 43
- root locus theory, 889
- root test of Cauchy, 408
- rotation
- --- definition, 654
- --- different coordinates, 655
- --- mapping, 817
- --- potential field, 656
- remark, 650
- --- vector components. 659
- --- vector field, 654
- rotation angle, 212
- rotation field
- --- pure, 668
- --- zero-divergence field, 668
- rotation invariance, 265
- rotation matrix, 190
- --- orthogonal, 262
- rotation number, 843
- rotator, rigid, 542
- round-off, 940
- --- error, 942
- --- measurement, 787
- --- error method, 942
- round-tour problem, 861
- row echelon form, system of linear equations, 276
- row sum criterion, 895
- RSA encryption method, 339
- Ruelle-Takens-Newhouse scenario, 842
- rule, 906
- --- Adams and Bashforth, 906
- --- Bernoulli-l'Hospital, 54
- --- Cartesian rule of signs, 888
- --- Cramer, 275
- --- De Morgan, 287
- --- Descartes, 45
- --- Guldin, first rule, 453
- --- Guldin, second rule, 453
- --- Laplace expansion, 259
- --- linguistic, 375
- --- Milne, 906
- --- Sarrus, 261
- ruled surface, 250
- rules
- --- composition, 371
- --- determinant calculation, 260
- --- divisibility, elementary, 320
- --- matrix calculation, 257
- Neper, --- Runge-Kutta method,
- S
- S
- saddle, --- shift register, lineare,
- saddle, 804
- saddle form, 249
- saddle point
- --- differential equation, 495
- --- Lagrange function, 862
- sample, 754
- --- function, 770
- --- random, 770
- size, 754
- summarizing the sample, 772
- --- variable, 770
- Sarrus rule, 261
- scalar
- --- invariant, 263
- --- notion, 180
- scalar field, 643
- --- axial, 644
- --- central field, 643
- --- coordinate definition, 644
- --- directional derivative, 649
- --- gradient, 650
- --- plane, 643
- scalar matrix, 252
- scalar product, 183
- --- Hilbert space, 615
- --- representation in coordinates, 186
- --- rotation invariance property, 270
- --- two functions, 920
- --- vectors, 255
- scale
- --- cartography, 144
- --- equation, 114
- --- factor, 114
- --- logarithmic, 114
- --- notion, 114
- semilogarithmic, 115
- scenario, Ruelle-Takens-Newhouse, 842
- Schauder fixed-point theorem, 633
- scheduling problem, 861
- scheme
- --- Falk, 254
- --- Young, 306
- Schmidt, orthogonalization method, 579
- Schoenflies symbolism, 307
- Schrodinger equation
- --- linear, 538
- --- non-linear, partial, 547
- --- time-dependent, 539
- --- time-independent, 539
- Schur's lemma, 306
- Schwarz
- --- exchange theorem, 395
- --- reflection principle, 681
- SchwarzBuniakowski inequality, 615
- Schwarz-Christoffel formula, 679
- screw
- --- left, 242
- --- right, 242
- search procedure, numerical, 867
- secant
- --- geometric definition, 130
- --- hyperbolic, 87
- --- theorem, 138
- --- trigonometric, 76
- secant-tangent theorem, 138
- section, golden, 2
- sector formula, 666
- sector, spherical, 157
- segment
- --- normal, 227
- --- notion, 128
- --- polar normal, 227
- --- polar tangent, 227
- --- tangent, 227
- selection, 870
- self-similar, 823
- semantically equivalent, 287
- --- expressions, 345
- semifocal chord
- --- ellipse, 198
- --- hyperbola, 200
- --- parabola, 69
- semigroup. 299
- --- free, 299
- semimonotone, 613
- seminorm, 624
- semiorbit, 797
- sense class, 133
- --- of a figure, 132
- sensitive, with respect to the initial values, 829
- sentence, 286
- sentence-forming functor, 286
- sentential operation, 286
- separable sets, 625
- separation
- --- constant, 540
- --- theorems (convex sets), 625
- --- variables, 489
- separatrix
- --- loop, 808
- surface, 806
- sequence, 404
- --- bounded, 598
- --- Cauchy sequence, 607
- --- convergente, 606
- --- finite, 597
- --- in metric space, 606
- --- infinite, 404
- --- numbers, 404
- --- bounded, 404
- --- bounded above, 405
- --- bounded below, 405
- --- convergence, 405
- --- converging to zero, 598
- --- divergence, 405
- --- finite, 597
- --- law of formation, 404
- --- limit, 405
- --- monotone, 404
- --- term, 404
- series, 18
- --- alternating, 410
- --- arithmetic, 18
- --- Banach space, 612
- --- Clebsch-Gordan, 306
- --- comparison criterion, 407
- --- constant term, 406
- --- convergence, 408
- --- absolute , 416
- --- non-uniform, 414
- --- uniform, 414
- --- convergence theorems, 406
- --- convergent, 406
- --- D'Alembert's ratio test, 407
- --- definite, 18
- --- divergence, 409
- --- divergent, 406
- --- expansion, 417
- --- Fourier, 420
- --- Laplace transformation, 719
- --- Laurent, 692
- --- Maclaurin, 418
- --- power series. 416
- --- Taylor, 389
- --- finite, 18
- --- Fourier, 421
- --- complex representation, 421
- --- function, 414
- --- domain of convergence, 414
- --- general term, 406
- --- geometric, 19
- --- infinite, 19
- --- harmonic, 406
- --- hypergeometric, 513
- --- infinite, 404
- --- integral test of Cauchy, 408
- --- Laurent, 692
- --- Maclaurin, 418
- --- Neumann, 568
- --- Neumann series, 620
- --- partial sum, 406
- --- power, 416
- --- expansion, 417
- --- inverse, 417
- --- remainder, 406
- --- root test of Cauchy, 408
- sum, 406
- --- Taylor, 389
- --- analytic function, 691
- --- uniformly convergent
- --- continuity, 415
- --- differentiation, 415
- --- integration, 415
- --- properties, 415
- --- Weierstrass criterion, uniform convergence, 415
- set, 290
- --- absorbing, 799
- --- algebra, fundamental laws, 292
- --- axioms of closed sets, 606
- --- axioms of open sets, 606
- --- Borel, 636
- set (continued)
- --- bounded in metric space. 606
- --- cardinality, 298
- --- closed, 606
- --- closure, 607
- --- compact, 628
- --- complex numbers, 34
- --- convex, 599
- --- dense, 607
- --- denumerable infinite, 298
- --- disjoint, 292
- --- element, 290
- --- empty, 291
- --- equality, 291
- --- equinumerous, 298
- --- fundamental 292
- --- fuzzy, 360
- --- image, 48
- --- infinite, 298
- --- integers, 1
- --- invariant, 799
- --- chaotic, 828
- --- fractal, 828
- stable, 799
- --- irrational numbers, 2
- --- linear, 597
- --- manyness, 298
- --- measurable, 635
- --- natural numbers, 1
- --- non-denumerable infinite, 298
- --- notion of set, 290
- --- open, 605
- --- operation
- --- Cartesian product, 294
- --- complement, 292
- --- difference, 293
- --- intersection, 292
- symmetric difference, 293
- --- union, 292
- --- operations, 291
- --- order-bounded, 602
- --- original space, 48
- --- power, 298
- --- power set, 291
- --- quotient set, 297
- --- rational numbers, 1
- --- real numbers, 2
- --- relative compact, 628
- subset, 291
- --- theory, 290
- --- universal, 292
- --- void, 291
- sets, 290
- --- coordinates x,y. 294
- --- difference, symmetric, 293
- sexagesimal degree, 130
- shift mapping, 820
- shift register, lineare, 316
- shooting method, --- process,
- shooting me
- simple, 910
- shore-to-ship bearing, 171
- SI system, 1012
- side or leg of an angle, 128
- side-condition, 555
- Sierpinski
- --- carpet, 824
- --- gasket, 824
- sieve of Eratosthenes, 320
- --- (T-additivity, 635
- --- (T-algebra, 635
- --- Borelian, 636
- sign of a function, 49
- signal, 740
- --- analysis, 740
- synthesis, 740
- signature, universal algebra, 340
- significance, 779
- --- level, 753
- similarity transformation, 280
- simplex
- --- method, 850
- --- revised, 855
- step, revised, 856
- --- tableau, 851
- --- revised, 855
- Simpson's formula, 900
- simulation
- --- digital, 783
- --- Monte Carlo, 783
- sine
- --- geometric definition, 130
- --- hyperbolic, 87
- --- geometric definition, 131
- --- trigonometric, 74
- sine integral, 460
- sine law, 142
- sine-cosine law, 164
- --- polar, 164
- sine-Gordon equation, 547
- single-target method, 910
- singleton, 363
- singular value, 285
- --- decomposition, 285
- singular value decomposition, 285
- singularity
- --- analytic function, 673
- --- essential, 673
- --- isolated, 692
- --- pole, 693
- --- removable, 673
- sink, 804
- --- vector field, 653
- --- vertex, 358
- sinusoidal amount, 82
- slack variable, 847
- Slater condition, 863
- slide rule, 10
- --- logarithmic scale, 114
- slope
- --- plane, 194
- --- tangent, 227
- small circle, 158
- --- arclength, 175
- --- course angle, 176
- --- intersection point, 176
- --- radius, plane, 175
- --- radius, spherical, 17o
- smoothing
- --- continuous problem, 919
- --- parameter. 933
- spline, 932
- --- cubic, 932
- Sobolev space, 613
- solenoid, 828
- solid angle, 151
- soliton
- --- antikink, 550
- --- antisoliton, 549
- --- Boussinesq, 551
- --- Burgers, 551
- --- differential equation, partial, non-linear, 546
- --- Hirota, 551
- --- interaction, 547
- --- Kadomzev-Pedviashwili, 551
- --- kink, 550
- --- lattice, 550
- --- kink-antikink. 550
- --- collision, 550
- --- doublet, 550
- --- kink-kink
- --- collision, 550
- --- Korteweg de Vries, 548
- --- non-linear, Schrodinger. 549
- solution
- --- point, 847
- --- product form, method separation of variables, 524
- SOR method (successive overrelaxation), 896
- source, 804
- --- distribution
- --- continuous. 669
- --- discrete, 669
- --- field
- --- irrotational, 667
- --- pure, 667
- --- vector field, 653
- --- vertex, 358
- space
- --- abstract, 48
- --- Banach, 612
- --- complete, metric, 607
- --- directions, 210
- --- finite-dimensional, 628
- --- higher-dimensional, 117
- --- Hilbert, 615
- --- infinite-dimensional, 599
- --- isometric, 611
- --- Kantorovich, 603
- --- linear, 596
- --- p space, 639
- --- metric, 604
- --- completion, 610
- --- convergence of sequence, 606
- --- normable, 612
- separable, 607
- --- non-reflexive, 626
- --- normed
- --- axiom, 611
- --- properties, 612
- --- ordered normed, 613
- --- orthogonal, 616
- --- reflexive, 626
- --- Riesz, 602
- second adjoint, 626
- separable, 607
- Sobolev, 613
- --- unitary, 615
- --- vector, 596
- space curve, 238
- --- binormal, 239
- --- coordinate equation, 241
- --- curvature, 240
- --- direction, 238
- --- equation, 214
- --- moving trihedral, 239
- --- normal plane, 238
- --- osculating plane, 238
- --- principal normal, 239
- --- radius of curvature, 240
- --- radius of torsion, 242
- --- tangent, 238
- --- torsion, 242
- --- vector equation, 238
- space inversion, 269
- --- mixed product, 270
- scalar product, 270
- spectral radius, 620
- spectral theory, 622
- spectrum, 727
- --- amplitude, 727
- --- continuous, 623
- --- frequency, 727
- --- linear operator, 622
- --- phase, 727
- sphere, 156
- --- ellipsoid, 220
- --- equation, three forms, 243
- spherical
- --- biangle, 161
- --- coordinates, 209
- --- diagon,161
- --- distance, 158
- --- field, 643
- --- helix, 177
- --- lune, 161
- spiral, 103
- --- Archimedean, 103
- --- hyperbolic, 104
- --- logarithmic, 104
- spline
- --- basis spline, 933
- --- bicubic, 933
- --- approximation, 935
- --- interpolation, 933
- --- cubic, 931
- --- interpolation, 931
- smoothing, 932
- --- interpolation, 917
- --- natural, 931
- --- normalized Z?-spline, 933
- --- periodic, 931
- smoothing, 932
- --- matrix, 252
- --- tensor, 265
- square, 135
- stability
- --- absolutely stable, 907
- --- first approximation, 804
- --- integration of differential equation, 907
- --- Lyapunov stability, 803
- --- orbital, 803
- --- periodic orbit, 804
- --- perturbation of initial values, 907
- --- round-off error, numerical calculation, 942
- structural, 813
- standard
- --- deviation, 753
- --- error, 790
- --- normal distribution, 759
- state
- --- degenerate, 541
- --- particle, 538
- space, stochastic, 765
- stationary, 539
- statistics, 745
- --- descriptive, 772
- --- estimate, 771
- --- mathematical, 745
- sample function, 770
- steady state, 797
- Steffensen method, 886
- step
- --- from n to n + 1
- --- function, 697
- --- interval parameter, 897
- size, 904
- --- change, 905
- steradian, 151
- stereometry, 150
- Stieltjes
- --- integral, 628
- --- comparison with Riemann integral, 453
- --- notion, 453
- --- transformation, 707
- Stirling formula, 462
- stochastic
- --- basic notions, 765
- --- chains, 766
- --- process, 765
- processes, --- trigonometric,
- --- processes, 765
- stochastics, 745
- Stokes, integral theorem, 666
- strangling, 264
- Strategie
- --- mutations-selektion-, 871
- stream function, 681
- strip, characteristic, 519
- strophoide, 95
- structure
- --- algebraic, 286
- --- classical algebraic, 298
- Sturm
- --- chain, 44
- --- function, 44
- sequence, 889
- --- theorem, 44
- SturmLiouville problem, 515
- sub determinant, 259
- subdomain, 933
- subgraph, 349
- --- induced, 349
- subgroup, 300
- --- criterion, 300
- --- cyclic, 300
- --- invariant, 301
- --- normal, 301
- --- trivial, 300
- subinterval, 441
- subnormal, 227
- subring, 313
- --- trivial, 313
- subset, 291
- --- affne, 597
- --- linear, 597
- --- open,605
- subspace, 317
- --- affne, 597
- --- criterion, 317
- --- invariant, representation of groups, 305
- subtangent, 227
- subtraction
- --- complex numbers, 36
- --- computer calculation, 940
- --- polynomials, 11
- --- rational numbers, 1
- subtractive cancellation, 940
- sum, 6
- --- algebraic, 366
- --- drastic, 366
- --- of the digits
- --- alternating, first order, 322
- --- alternating, second order, 322
- --- alternating, third order, 322
- --- first order, 322
- second order, 322
- --- third order, 322
- --- residual squares, 921
- --- Riemann, 441
- --- rules of calculation, 6
- summation sign, 6
- --- transverse, 322
- --- vectors, 181
- summation convention, Einstein's, 262
- superposition
- --- fields, 669
- --- law, fields, 669
- --- non-linear, 549
- --- oscillations, 82
- --- principle, 683
- --- differential equation, linear, 507
- --- differential equations, higher order, 501
- supplementary angle formulas, 79
- support
- --- compact, 742
- --- measure, 816
- --- membership function, 360
- supporting functional, 625
- supremum, 602
- surface, 243
- --- area, double integral, 474
- --- B-B representation, 935
- --- barrel, 157
- --- block, 152
- --- cone, 156
- --- conical, 156
- --- constant curvature, 249
- --- cube, 152
- --- curvature of a curve, 247
- --- cylinder, 154
- --- developable, 250
- --- element, 247
- --- element, vector components, 660
- --- equation, 223
- --- in normal form, 220
- space, 213
- --- equation, space, 243
- --- first quadratic fundamental form, 245
- --- Gauss curvature, 249
- --- geodesic line, 250
- --- harmonic, 544
- --- integral, 479
- --- first type, 479
- --- general form, 485
- second type, 483
- --- line element, 245
- --- line of curvature, 248
- --- metric, 247
- --- minimal, 249
- --- normal, 244
- --- normal vector, 244
- --- oriented, 483
- --- patch, area, 247
- --- polyhedron, 151
- --- principal normal section, 248
- --- pyramid, 152
- --- quadratic, 223
- --- radius of principal curvature, 247
- --- rectangular parallelepiped, 152
- --- rectilinear generator, 222
- --- representation with splines, 931
- --- rotation symmetric, 213
- --- ruled, 250
- second order, 220
- --- central surfaces, 224
- --- invariant signs, 224
- --- types, 223
- second quadratic fundamental form, 248
- sphere, 156
- --- tangent plane, 244
- --- torus, 157
- --- transversal, 806
- surplus variable, linear programming, 850
- switch
- --- algebra, 342
- --- function, 346
- --- value, 346
- Sylvester, theorem of inertia, 282
- symbol
- --- internal representation (computer), 936
- --- Kronecker, 265
- --- Legendre, 329
- symmetry
- --- axial, 133
- --- central, 132
- --- element, 307
- --- Fourier expansion, 422
- --- group, 308
- --- applications in physics, 312
- --- crystallography, 310
- --- molecules, 308
- --- quantum mechanics, 312
- --- operation, 307
- --- crystal lattice structure, 310
- --- improper orthogonal mapping, 307
- --- reflection, 307
- --- rotation, 307
- --- without fixed point, 307
- --- with respect to a line, 133
- system
- --- chaotic according to Devaney, 829
- --- cognitive, 375
- --- complete, 618
- --- differential equation, higher order, 497
- --- linear, 505
- --- differential equations, partial
- --- canonical system, 519
- --- normal system, 519
- --- dynamical, 797
- --- chaotic, 829
- --- conservative, 798
- --- continuous, 797
- --- C''-smooth, 797
- --- discrete, 798
- --- dissipative, 798
- --- ergodic, 817
- --- invertible, 797
- --- mixing, 817
- --- motion, 797
- --- time continuous, 797
- --- time discrete, 797
- --- time dynamical, 798
- --- volume decreasing, 798
- --- volume preserving, 798
- --- volume shrinking, 798
- --- equation
- --- numerical solution, 890
- --- four points, 213
- --- generators, 300
- --- knowledge based interpolation, 377
- --- linear equations, 271
- --- compatible, 273
- --- consistent, 273
- --- fundamental system, 273
- --- homogeneous, 272
- --- inconsistent, 273
- --- inhomogeneous, 272
- --- overdetermined, 277
- --- pivoting, 274
- --- row echelon form, 276
- solvable, 273
- --- trivial solution, 273
- --- mixing, 829
- --- Morse-Smale, 815
- system (continued)
- --- normal equations, 277
- --- orthogonal, 616
- --- orthonormal, 617
- --- term-substitutions, 340
- --- trigonometric, 616
- T
- T
- table with double entry, --- element of curved surface,
- table with double e
- tacnode, curve, 232
- tangent
- --- circle, 198
- --- formula, 142
- --- geometric definition, 130
- --- hyperbolic, 87
- --- geometric definition. 131
- --- law, 142
- --- plane, 158
- --- surface, 244
- --- plane curve, 226
- --- polygon, 137
- --- space curve, 238
- trigonometric, 76
- tautology
- --- Boolean function, 344
- --- predicate logic, 290
- --- propositional logic, 288
- Taylor
- --- expansion, 55
- --- analytic function, 691
- --- one variable, 417
- --- several variables, 397
- --- vector function, 643
- --- formula, 389
- --- several variables, 397
- two variables, 396
- --- series, 389
- --- analytic function, 691
- --- one variable, 417
- --- several variables, 397
- theorem, 389
- --- several variables, 396
- telegraphic equation, 531
- telephone-call distribution, 769
- tensor, 262
- --- addition, subtraction, 268
- --- alternating, 265
- --- antisymmetric, 264
- --- components, 262
- --- contraction, 264
- --- definition, 262
- --- dyadic product, 264
- --- eigenvalue, 264
- --- generalized Kronecker delta, 265
- --- inertia, 263
- --- invariant, 265
- --- multiplication, 268
- --- oversliding, 268
- --- product, 263
- --- vectors, 255
- --- rank n, 262
- --- rank 0
- --- rank 1
- --- rank 2
- --- rules of calculation, 263
- --- skew-symmetric, 264
- --- spur, 265
- --- symmetric, 264
- tension, 263
- trace, 265
- tensor product approach, 934
- tent mapping, 816
- term algebra, 341
- test problem, linear, 907
- test, Kasiski-Friedman, 337
- test, statistical, 774
- tetraeder, 213
- tetragon, 136
- tetrahedron, 153
- Thales theorem, 139
- theorem
- --- Abel, 416
- --- Afraimovich-Shilnikov, 842
- --- alternating point, 923
- --- Andronov-Pontryagin, 814
- --- Andronov-Witt, 804
- --- Apollonius, 199
- --- Arzeli-Ascoli, 628
- --- Baire category, 608
- --- Banach
- --- continuity, inverse operator, 621
- --- fixed-point, 631
- --- Banach-Steinhaus, 620
- --- Bayes, 750
- --- Berge, 356
- --- binomial. 12
- --- Birkhoff, 342
- --- Block-Guckenheimer-Misiuriewicz, 829
- --- Bolzano
- --- one variable, 59
- --- several variables, 123
- --- boundedness of a function
- --- one variable, 60
- --- several variables, 123
- --- Cauchy integral theorem, 688
- --- Cayley, 302
- --- center manifold
- --- differential equations, 830
- --- mappings, 835
- --- Chebyshev, 436
- --- Chinese remainder, 328
- --- Clebsch-Gordan, 306
- --- closed graph, 620
- --- constant analytic function, 673
- --- convergence, measurable function, 638
- --- decomposition, 297
- --- Denjoy, 844
- --- differentiability, respect to initial conditions, 797
- --- Dirac, 353
- --- Douady-Oesterle, 826
- --- Euclidean
- --- algorithm, 324
- theorems. 141
- --- Euler, 154
- --- Euler-Hierholzer, 352
- --- Fatou, 638
- --- Fermat, 331
- theorem (continued I)
- --- Fermat-Euler, 331
- --- fixed point theorem
- --- Banach, 608
- --- fixed-point
- --- Banach, 631
- --- Brouwer, 633
- --- Schauder, 633
- --- Floquet, 803
- --- fundamental integral calculus, 458
- --- Girard, 164
- --- Grobman-Hartman, 811
- --- Hadamard-Perron, 807
- --- Hahn (extension theorem), 625
- --- Hellinger-Toeplitz, 620
- --- Hilbert-Schmidt, 630
- --- Holladay, 932
- --- Hurwitz, 503
- --- intermediate value
- --- one variable, 59
- --- several variables, 123
- --- KAM (Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser), 815
- --- Krein-Losanovskij, 621
- --- Kuratowski, 357
- --- Lagrange, 301
- --- Lebesgue. majorized convergence, 638
- --- Ledrappier, 826
- --- Leibniz, 410
- --- Lerey-Schauder, 633
- --- LeviB., 638
- --- limits
- --- functions, 405
- --- sequences of numbers, 405
- --- Liouville, 673
- --- Lyapunov, 803
- --- maximum value, analytic function, 673
- --- Meusnier, 247
- --- nested balls, 608
- --- Ore, 353
- --- Oseledec, 820
- --- Palis-Smale, 815
- --- Picard-Lindelof, 610
- --- Poincare-Bendixson, 805
- --- Posa, 353
- --- Ptolemy's, 136
- --- Pythagoras
- --- general triangle, 142
- --- orthogonal space, 616
- --- right-angled triangle, 141
- --- Radon-Nikodym, 638
- --- Riemann, 409
- --- Riesz, 624
- --- Riesz-Fischer, 618
- --- Rolle, 388
- --- Schauder, 629
- --- Schwarz, exchange, 395
- --- Sharkovsky, 829
- --- Shilnikov, 840
- --- Shinai, 829
- --- Shoshitaishvili, 830
- --- Smale, 840
- --- stability in the first approximation, 804
- --- Sturm, 44
- theorem (continued II)
- --- superposition law, 669
- --- Sylvester, of inertia, 282
- Taylor, 389
- --- one variable, 417
- --- several variables. 396
- Thales, 139
- total probability, 750
- Tutte, 356
- --- variation of constants, 802
- --- Weierstrass, 414
- --- one variable, 60
- --- several variables. 123
- --- Wilson, 331
- --- Wintner-Conti, 800
- --- Young, 824
- theory
- --- distribution, 714
- --- elementary number, 320
- --- field, 669
- --- function, 671
- --- graph, algorithms, 348
- --- probability, 745
- --- risk, 21
- --- set, 290
- --- spectral, 622
- --- vector fields, 642
- theta function, 705
- time frequency analysis, 743
- tolerance, 364
- topological
- --- conjugate, 810
- --- equivalent, 810
- torsion, space curve, 242
- torus, 157
- --- differential equation, linear, autonomous, 803
- --- dissolving, 841
- --- formation, 837
- --- invariant set, 806
- --- losing smoothness, 842
- --- resonance torus, 842
- total curvature, 243
- trace
- --- matrix, 252
- tensor, 265
- tractrix, 106
- trail, 351
- --- Euler, 352
- --- open, 352
- trajectory, 797
- transform, 707
- transformation
- --- Cartesian into polar coordinates, 400
- --- covering, 299
- --- determinant, 211
- --- element of area, 474
- --- element of curved surface, 482
- geometrical, --- type, universal algebra,
- --- geometrical, 141
- --- Hopf-Cole, 551
- --- identical, 11
- --- invariance, 265
- --- linear, 262
- --- method, 283
- transformation (continued)
- --- orthogonal coordinates, 210
- --- principal axes, 264
- --- quadratic form, 281
- --- similarity, 280
- --- wavelet transformation, 740
- transition
- --- matrix, 766
- --- probability, stochastic, 766
- transitivity, 29
- translation
- --- invariance, 265
- --- primitive, 310
- transport, network, 358
- transportation problem. 857
- transposition law, 288
- trapezoid, 135
- --- Hermite's trapezoidal formula, 900
- trapezoidal
- --- formula, 899
- --- sum, 899
- traversing, 147
- tree, 354
- --- hight, 354
- --- ordered binary, 354
- --- regular binary, 354
- --- rooted, 354
- --- spanning, 354
- --- minimum, 355
- triangle
- --- altitude, 132
- --- area, 193
- --- bisector, 132
- --- center of gravity, 132
- --- circumcircle, 132
- --- congruent, 133
- --- coordinates, 917
- --- equilateral, 132
- --- Euler, 162
- --- incircle, 132
- --- inequality, 181
- --- axioms of norm, 258
- --- complex numbers, 30
- --- metric space, 604
- --- norm, 611
- --- real numbers, 30
- --- unitary space, 615
- --- isosceles, 132
- --- median, 132
- --- orthocenter, 132
- --- Pascal, 13
- --- plane. 131
- --- area, 141
- --- basic problems, 143
- --- Euclidean theorems, 141
- --- general, 141
- --- incircle, 143
- --- radius of circumcircle, 142
- --- right-angled, 132
- tangent formula, 142
- --- polar, 162
- --- similar, 133
- --- spherical, 161
- --- basic problems, 167
- --- calculation, 167
- --- Euler, 162
- --- oblique, 169
- --- right-angled, 168
- triangular
- --- decomposition, 891
- --- matrix, 253
- --- lower, 253
- --- upper, 253
- triangularization, FEM (finite element method), 914
- triangulation, geodesy
- --- first fundamental problem, 147
- --- second fundamental problem, 148
- trigonometry
- --- plane, 141
- --- spherical, 158
- trihedral
- --- angle, 151
- --- moving, 238
- triple (ordered 3
- triple integral, 476
- --- application, 480
- trochoid, 100
- truncation, measurement error, 787
- truth
- --- function, 286
- --- conjunction, 286
- --- disjunction, 286
- --- equivalence, 286
- --- implication, 286
- --- NAND function, 288
- --- negation, 286
- --- NOR function, 288
- table, 286
- --- value, 286
- turbulence, 798
- Tutte theorem, 356
- two lines, transformation, 205
- two-body problem, 520
- type, universal algebra, 340
- U
- U
- umbilical point, 249
- uncertainty
- --- absolute, 792
- --- fuzzy, 360
- --- relative, 792
- ungula, cylinder, 155
- union
- --- fuzzy sets, 365
- --- sets, 292
- units
- --- SI system, 1012
- units, physical, 1012
- universal quantifier, 289
- universal substitution, 438
- urn model, 755
- V
- V
- vagueness, --- cone,
- vaguene
- valence
- --- in-valence, 348
- --- out-valence, 348
- value
- --- expected, measurent, 753
- --- system (function of several variables), 117
- --- true, measurement. 790
- van der Pol differential equation, 833
- variable
- --- artificial, 854
- --- basic, 850
- --- Boolean, 344
- --- bound variable, predicate logic, 289
- --- dependent, 47
- --- free, predicate logic, 289
- --- independent, 47
- --- linguistic, 361
- --- non-basic, 850
- --- propositional, 286
- --- random, 751
- variance, 753
- --- distribution, 753
- --- sample function, 771
- --- statistics, 773
- --- two-dimensional distribution, 780
- variation
- --- function, 60
- --- of constants, method, 501
- variation of constants
- --- differential equation, linear, 507
- --- theorem, 802
- variational calculus, 552
- --- auxiliary curve, 554
- --- comparable curve, 554
- --- Euler differential equation, 554
- --- side-condition, 552
- variational equation, 804
- --- equilibrium point points, 811
- variational problem, 552
- --- brachistochrone problem, 553
- --- Dirichlet, 559
- --- extremal curves, 553
- --- first order, 552
- --- first variation, 561
- --- functional, 553
- --- higher order, 552
- --- higher order derivatives, 556
- --- isoperimetric, general, 553
- --- more general, 560
- --- numerical solution, 560
- --- direct method, 560
- --- finite element method, 561
- --- gradient method, 561
- --- Ritz method, 560
- --- parameter representation, 552
- --- parametric representation, 557
- --- second variation, 561
- --- several unknown functions, 557
- --- side-conditions, 555
- --- simple
- --- one variable, 553
- --- several variable, 558
- variety, 341
- vector
- --- absolute value, 180
- --- affhne coordinates, 182
- --- axial, 180
- --- reflection behavior, 268
- --- base, 186
- --- base vector
- --- reciprocal, 185
- --- bound,180
- --- Cartesian coordinates, 182
- --- column, 253
- --- components, 648
- --- conjugate, 869
- --- coordinates, 182
- --- Darboux vector, 243
- --- decomposition, 182
- --- diagram, oscillations, 83
- --- differentiation rules, 642
- --- direction in space, 180
- --- direction, vector triple, 180
- --- directional coefficient, 183
- --- expansion coefficient, 183
- --- fields, 642
- --- free, 180
- --- left singular, 285
- --- length, 189
- --- line, 648
- --- magnitude, 180
- --- matrix, 253
- --- metric coefficients, 185
- --- notion, 180
- --- null vector, 181
- --- polar, 180
- --- reflection behavior, 268
- --- pole, origine, 181
- --- position vector, 181
- --- complex-number plane, 34
- --- radius vector, 181
- --- complex-number plane, 34
- --- reciprocal, 186
- --- reciprocal basis vectors, 186
- --- residual, 277
- --- right singular, 285
- --- row, 253
- --- scalar invariant, 657
- --- sliding, 180
- --- space, 597
- --- stochastic, 766
- --- unit, 180
- --- zero vector, 181
- vector algebra, 180
- --- geometric application, 189
- --- notions and principles, 180
- vector analysis, 642
- vector equation
- --- line, 188
- --- plane, 188
- --- space curve, 238
- vector equations, 187
- vector field, 645
- --- Cartesian coordinates, 646
- --- central, 645
- --- circular field, 646
- --- components, 648
- --- contour integral, 662
- --- coordinate definition, 646
- vector field (continued)
- --- cylindrical, 646
- --- cylindrical coordinates, 647
- --- directional derivative, 650
- --- divergence, 653
- --- point-like source, 668
- --- rotation, 654
- --- sink, 653
- --- source, 653
- --- spherical, 646
- --- spherical coordinates, 647
- vector function, 642
- --- derivative, 642
- --- differentiation, 642
- --- hodograph, 642
- --- linear, 267
- --- scalar variable, 642
- --- Taylor expansion, 643
- vector gradient, 652
- vector iteration, 283
- vector lattice, 602
- --- homomorphism, 603
- vector potential, 668
- vector product, 183
- --- hints, 255
- --- representation in coordinates, 187
- vector space, 316
- --- all null sequences, 598
- --- bounded sequences, 598
- --- B(T), 598
- --- (,'([a,b]), 598
- --- e(v([a,b]),rm
- --- complex, 597
- --- convergent sequences, 598
- --- Euclidean, 318
- --- finite sequence of numbers, 597
- --- F', 597
- --- T(T), 598
- --- functions, 598
- --- infinite-dimensional, 317
- --- L p, 639
- --- p, 598
- --- n-dimensional, 317
- --- n-dimensional Euclidean, 254
- --- ordered by a cone, 601
- --- partial ordering, 601
- --- real, 316
- --- s of all sequences, 597
- --- sequences, 597
- vector subspace
- --- stable, 807
- --- unstable, 807
- vectors, 180
- --- angle between, 189
- --- collinear, 181
- --- collinearity, 184
- --- commutative law, 255
- --- coplanar, 181
- --- cyclic permutation, 207
- --- double vector product, 184
- --- dyadic product, 255
- --- equality, 180
- --- Lagrange identity, 185
- --- linear combination, 181
- --- mixed product, 184
- --- Cartesian coordinates, 185
- --- orthogonality, 184
- --- products
- --- affine coordinates, 185
- --- Cartesian coordinates, 185
- --- products, properties, 183
- --- scalar product, 255
- --- Cartesian coordinates, 185
- --- representation in coordinates, 186
- --- sum, 181
- --- tensor product, 255
- --- triple product, 184
- vector product
- --- representation in coordinates, 187
- Venn diagram, 291
- verification, proof, 5
- vertex
- --- angle, 128
- --- degree, 348
- --- ellipse, 198
- --- graph,348
- --- hyperbola, 200
- --- initial, 348
- --- isolated, 348
- --- level, 354
- --- parabola, 203
- --- plane curve, 232
- --- sink, 358
- --- source, 358
- --- terminal, 348
- vertical angle, 143
- vertices, distance, 351
- vibration, differential equation
- --- bar, 526
- --- round membrane, 527
- --- string, 525
- Vieta, root theorem, 43
- Volterra integral equation, 563
- --- first kind, 585
- --- second kind, 587
- volume
- --- barrel, 157
- --- block, 152
- --- cone, 156
- cube, --- volume scale,
- --- cube, 152
- --- cylinder, 154
- --- double integral, 474
- --- element, vector components, 660
- --- hollow cylinder, 155
- --- obelisk, 153
- --- parallelepipedon with vectors, 189
- --- polyhedron, 151
- --- prism, 152
- --- pyramid, 152
- --- rectangular parallelepiped, 152
- --- sphere, 156
- --- subset, 635
- --- tetraeder, 213
- --- torus, 157
- --- triple integral, 480
- --- wedge, 154
- volume derivative. 651
- volume integral, 476
- volume scale, 114
- W
- W
- Walsh
- --- functions, 744
- --- systems, 744
- wave
- --- amplitude, 82
- --- frequency, 82
- --- length, 82
- --- period, 82
- --- phase, 82
- --- plane, 741
- wave equation
- -dimensional, 536
- --- one-dimensional, 732
- --- Schrodinger equation, 539
- wave function
- --- classical problem, 536
- --- heat-conduction equation, 537
- --- Schrodinger equation, 538
- wavelet, 741
- --- Daubechies, 742
- --- Haar, 741
- --- Mexican hat, 741
- --- orthogonal, 742
- --- transformation, 740
- --- discrete, 743
- --- discrete, Haar, 743
- --- dyadic, 742
- --- fast, 743
- Weber
- --- differential equation, 545
- --- function, 509
- wedge, 154
- Weibull distribution, 761
- Weierstrass
- --- approximation theorem, 607
- --- criterion uniform convergence, 415
- --- function, 705
- --- theorem, 414
- --- one variable, 60
- --- several variables, 123
- weight
- --- measurement, 793
- --- of orthogonality, 515
- --- statistical, 753
- weighting factor, statistical, 790
- witch of Agnesi, 94
- word, 604
- work (mechanics)
- --- general, 469
- --- special, 451
- Wronskian determinant, 500
- --- zero-point vibration energy, 546
- --- zeropoint, 1
- --- z-transformation, 733
- --- convolution, 736
- --- damping, 736
- --- definition, 734
- --- difference, 735
- --- differentiation, 736
- --- integration, 736
- --- inverse, 737
- --- original sequence, 734
- --- rules of calculation, 735
- --- summation, 735
- --- transform, 734
- --- translation, 735
- --- z-transformable, 734
- X
- Y
- Z
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