table with double entry, 119 tacnode, curve, 232 tangent circle, 198 formula, 142 geometric definition, 130 hyperbolic, 87 geometric definition. 131 law, 142 plane, 158, 395 surface, 244, 246 plane curve, 226 polygon, 137 space curve, 238, 241 trigonometric, 76 tautology Boolean function, 344 predicate logic, 290 propositional logic, 288 Taylor expansion, 55, 389, 417 analytic function, 691 one variable, 417 several variables, 397 vector function, 643 formula, 389 several variables, 397 two variables, 396 series, 389, 417 analytic function, 691 one variable, 417 several variables, 397 theorem, 389 several variables, 396 telegraphic equation, 531 telephone-call distribution, 769 tensor, 262 addition, subtraction, 268 alternating, 265 antisymmetric, 264 components, 262 contraction, 264, 268 definition, 262 dyadic product, 264 eigenvalue, 264 generalized Kronecker delta, 265 inertia, 263 invariant, 265 multiplication, 268 oversliding, 268 product, 263 vectors, 255 rank n, 262 rank 0, 263 rank 1, 263 rank 2, 263 rules of calculation, 263, 264 skew-symmetric, 264, 268 spur, 265 symmetric, 264, 268 tension, 263 trace, 265 tensor product approach, 934 tent mapping, 816 term algebra, 341 test problem, linear, 907 test, Kasiski-Friedman, 337 test, statistical, 774 tetraeder, 213 tetragon, 136 tetrahedron, 153 Thales theorem, 139, 141 theorem Abel, 416 Afraimovich-Shilnikov, 842 alternating point, 923 Andronov-Pontryagin, 814 Andronov-Witt, 804, 805 Apollonius, 199 Arzeli-Ascoli, 628 Baire category, 608 Banach continuity, inverse operator, 621 fixed-point, 631 Banach-Steinhaus, 620 Bayes, 750, 751 Berge, 356 binomial. 12 Birkhoff, 342, 817 Block-Guckenheimer-Misiuriewicz, 829 Bolzano one variable, 59 several variables, 123 boundedness of a function one variable, 60 several variables, 123 Cauchy integral theorem, 688 Cayley, 302, 355 center manifold differential equations, 830 mappings, 835 Chebyshev, 436 Chinese remainder, 328 Clebsch-Gordan, 306 closed graph, 620 constant analytic function, 673 convergence, measurable function, 638 decomposition, 297 Denjoy, 844 differentiability, respect to initial conditions, 797 Dirac, 353 Douady-Oesterle, 826 Euclidean algorithm, 324 theorems. 141 Euler, 154, 331 Euler-Hierholzer, 352 Fatou, 638 Fermat, 331, 388 theorem (continued I) Fermat-Euler, 331 fixed point theorem Banach, 608 fixed-point Banach, 631 Brouwer, 633 Schauder, 633 Floquet, 803 fundamental integral calculus, 458 Girard, 164 Grobman-Hartman, 811, 813 Hadamard-Perron, 807, 812 Hahn (extension theorem), 625 Hellinger-Toeplitz, 620 Hilbert-Schmidt, 630 Holladay, 932 Hurwitz, 503 intermediate value one variable, 59 several variables, 123 KAM (Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser), 815 Krein-Losanovskij, 621 Kuratowski, 357 Lagrange, 301 Lebesgue. majorized convergence, 638 Ledrappier, 826 Leibniz, 410 Lerey-Schauder, 633 LeviB., 638 limits functions, 405 sequences of numbers, 405 Liouville, 673, 801 Lyapunov, 803 maximum value, analytic function, 673 Meusnier, 247 nested balls, 608 Ore, 353 Oseledec, 820 Palis-Smale, 815 Picard-Lindelof, 610, 797 Poincare-Bendixson, 805 Posa, 353 Ptolemy's, 136 Pythagoras general triangle, 142 orthogonal space, 616 right-angled triangle, 141 Radon-Nikodym, 638 Riemann, 409 Riesz, 624 Riesz-Fischer, 618 Rolle, 388 Schauder, 629 Schwarz, exchange, 395 Sharkovsky, 829 Shilnikov, 840 Shinai, 829 Shoshitaishvili, 830 Smale, 840 stability in the first approximation, 804 Sturm, 44 theorem (continued II) superposition law, 669 Sylvester, of inertia, 282 Taylor, 389 one variable, 417 several variables. 396 Thales, 139, 141 total probability, 750 Tutte, 356 variation of constants, 802 Weierstrass, 414, 607 one variable, 60 several variables. 123 Wilson, 331 Wintner-Conti, 800 Young, 824, 825 theory distribution, 714 elementary number, 320 field, 669 function, 671 graph, algorithms, 348 probability, 745 risk, 21 set, 290 spectral, 622 vector fields, 642 theta function, 705 time frequency analysis, 743 tolerance, 364 topological conjugate, 810 equivalent, 810 torsion, space curve, 242 torus, 157, 828, 829 differential equation, linear, autonomous, 803 dissolving, 841 formation, 837, 842 invariant set, 806 losing smoothness, 842 resonance torus, 842 total curvature, 243 trace matrix, 252 tensor, 265 tractrix, 106 trail, 351 Euler, 352 open, 352 trajectory, 797 transform, 707 transformation Cartesian into polar coordinates, 400 covering, 299 determinant, 211 element of area, 474 element of curved surface, 482 geometrical, 141 Hopf-Cole, 551 identical, 11 invariance, 265 linear, 262, 319, 600 method, 283 transformation (continued) orthogonal coordinates, 210 principal axes, 264, 281 quadratic form, 281 similarity, 280, 281 wavelet transformation, 740 transition matrix, 766, 767 probability, stochastic, 766 transitivity, 29 translation invariance, 265 primitive, 310 transport, network, 358 transportation problem. 857 transposition law, 288 trapezoid, 135 Hermite's trapezoidal formula, 900 trapezoidal formula, 899 sum, 899 traversing, 147 tree, 354 hight, 354 ordered binary, 354 regular binary, 354 rooted, 354 spanning, 354, 355 minimum, 355 triangle altitude, 132 area, 193 bisector, 132 center of gravity, 132 circumcircle, 132 congruent, 133 coordinates, 917 equilateral, 132 Euler, 162 incircle, 132 inequality, 181 axioms of norm, 258 complex numbers, 30 metric space, 604 norm, 611 real numbers, 30 unitary space, 615 isosceles, 132 median, 132 orthocenter, 132 Pascal, 13 plane. 131 area, 141, 143 basic problems, 143 Euclidean theorems, 141 general, 141 incircle, 143 radius of circumcircle, 142 right-angled, 132, 141 tangent formula, 142 polar, 162 similar, 133 spherical, 161 basic problems, 167 calculation, 167 Euler, 162 oblique, 169 right-angled, 168 triangular decomposition, 891 matrix, 253 lower, 253 upper, 253 triangularization, FEM (finite element method), 914 triangulation, geodesy first fundamental problem, 147 second fundamental problem, 148 trigonometry plane, 141 spherical, 158 trihedral angle, 151, 163 moving, 238, 239 triple (ordered 3-tuple), 294 triple integral, 476 application, 480 trochoid, 100 truncation, measurement error, 787 truth function, 286, 287 conjunction, 286 disjunction, 286 equivalence, 286 implication, 286 NAND function, 288 negation, 286 NOR function, 288 table, 286 value, 286 turbulence, 798, 841 Tutte theorem, 356 two lines, transformation, 205 two-body problem, 520 type, universal algebra, 340