radial equation, 542 radian definition, 130 measure, 130 radicals, ordinary differential equation, 493 radicand, 8 radius circle, 139, 197 circumcircle, 142 convergence, 416 curvature, 230 curve, 229 space curve, 240 curvature, extremal, 558 polar coordinates, 190 principal curvature surface, 247 short, 132 torsion, space curve, 242 vector, 181 raising to a power complex numbers, 37 real numbers, 7, 9 random number, 770, 783 application, 784 congruence method, 783 construction, 784 different distributions, 784 pseudorandom, 784 uniformly distributed, 783 random numbers, table, 1097 random variable, 751 continuous, 751, 752 discrete, 751 independent, 754, 779 mixed, 751 multidimensional, 754 two-dimensional, 779 random vector mathematical statistics, 770 multidimensional random variable, 754 random walk process, 786 range, 47 operator, 600 sample function, 772 statistics, 774 rank matrix, 255 tensor, 262 vector space, 318 rate effective, 22 nominal, 22 of interest, 22 ray point, 495 ray, notion, 128 Rayleigh-Ritz algorithm, 283 reaction, chemical, concentration, 116 real part (complex number), 34 rebate, 21 recombination, 870, 871 rectangle, 135 rectangular formula, simple, 899 rectangular impulse, 714 rectangular pulse, 697 rectangular sum, 899 rectification, 107 Reduce (computer algebra system), 953 reduction, 21 angle, 174 reduction formula, trigonometric functions, 77 reflection principle, Schwarz, 681 reflection, position coordinate, 269 region, 118 multiply-connected, 118 non-connected, 118 simply-connected, 118 two-dimensional, 118 regression analysis, 779 coefficient, 781 line, 780, 781 linear, 780 multidimensional, 781 regula falsi, 886 regularity condition, 863, 876 regularization method, 285 regularization parameter, 278 relation, 294 binary, 294 congruence relation, 340 equivalence relation, 296 Euler (complex numbers), 35, 698 fuzzy-valued, 369 inverse, 295 less or equal than (< relation), 289 matrix, 294 n-ary, 294 n-place, 294 order relation, 296 product, 295 relaxation method, 896 relaxation parameter, 896 reliability testing, 769 relief, analytic function, 672 remainder estimation, 413 series, 406 term, 406 Remes algorithm, 925 rent, 25 ordinary, constant, 25 representation of groups, 303 adjoint, 304 direct product, 305 direct sum, 305 equivalent, 304 faithful, 303 identity, 303 irreducible, 305 non-equivalent, 304 particular, 303 properties, 303 reducible, 305 reducible, complete, 306 representation matrix, 303 representation space, 303 subspace, 305 true, 303 unitary, 304 representation theorem (fuzzy logic), 364 resection Cassini, 149 Snellius, 148 residual spectrum, 623 residual sum of squares, 277, 894 residual vector, 277 residue quadratic modulo m, 329 complex function, 693 theorem, 694 residue class, 327 addition, 327 multiplication, 327 primitive, 328 relatively prime, 328 ring, 313, 327 ring, modulo m, 327 residue theorem, 692 application, 695 residuum, 277, 893 resolvent, 568, 570, 587. 622 set, 622 resonance torus, 842 reversing the order of the bits, 930 rhombus, 135 Riemann formula, 530 function, 530 integral, 441 comparison with Lebesgue integral, 453 comparison with Stieltjes integral, 453 method, 530 sum, 441 surface, many-sheeted, 685 theorem, 409 right screw rule, 663 right singular vector, 285 right-hand coordinate system, 207 right-hand rule, 183, 663 ring, 313 factor ring, 314 ring (continued) homomorphism, 314 theorem, 314 isomorphism, 314 polynomial, 315 subring, 313 risk theory, 21 Ritz method, 560, 909 R", n-dimensional Euclidean vector space, 254 Romberg method, 901 root complex function, 673 complex number, 38 equation, 43 non-linear, 884 notion, 8 JV-th of unity, 929 real number, 8 square root, complex, 677 theorem of Vieta, 43 root locus theory, 889 root test of Cauchy, 408 rotation definition, 654 different coordinates, 655 mapping, 817 potential field, 656 remark, 650 vector components. 659 vector field, 654 rotation angle, 212 rotation field pure, 668 zero-divergence field, 668 rotation invariance, 265 rotation matrix, 190, 211, 257 orthogonal, 262 rotation number, 843 rotator, rigid, 542 round-off, 940 error, 942 measurement, 787 error method, 942 round-tour problem, 861 row echelon form, system of linear equations, 276 row sum criterion, 895 RSA encryption method, 339 Ruelle-Takens-Newhouse scenario, 842 rule, 906 Adams and Bashforth, 906 Bernoulli-l'Hospital, 54 Cartesian rule of signs, 888 Cramer, 275 De Morgan, 287 Descartes, 45 Guldin, first rule, 453 Guldin, second rule, 453 Laplace expansion, 259 linguistic, 375 Milne, 906 Sarrus, 261 ruled surface, 250 rules composition, 371 determinant calculation, 260 divisibility, elementary, 320 matrix calculation, 257 Neper, 169 tensor calculation, 263 Runge-Kutta method, 904