obelisk, 153 objective function, linear, 846 observational value, 787 occupancy number, statistics, 772 octahedron, 154 octal number, 937 octal system, 937 octantj 209 Lj-limit set, 799, 805, 812 operation, 298 algebraic, 263 arithmetical, 1 associative, 298 binary, 298 commutative, 298 exterior, 299 n-ary, 298 operational method, 534 operational notation, differential equation, 502 operator adjoint, 626 AND, 368 bounded, 619 closed, 620 coercivity, 634 compact, 628 compensatory, 368 completely continuous, 628 continuous, 610 inverse, 621 contracting, 608 demi-continuous, 634 differentiable, 632 finite dimensional, 628 gamma, 368 Hammerstein, 631 idempotent, 628 inverse, 601 isotone, 633 lambda, 368 linear, 319, 600 bounded, 619 continuous, 619 linear, notion, 319 linear, permutability, 319 linear, product, 319 monotone, 634 Nemytskij, 631 non-linear, 631 norm, 802 notion, 48 OR, 368 positive, 602 positive definite, 628 positive non-linear, 633 self-adjoint, 627 singular, 592 strongly monotone, 634 Urysohn, 632 operator method, 709 opposite side, 130 optimality condition, 862, 863 sufficient, 862 optimality principle, Bellman, 880 optimization, 846 optimization method Bellman functional equation, 881 conjugate gradient, 869 cutting plane method, 877 damped, 869 DFP (Davidon-Fletcher-Powell), 870 feasible direction, 872 Fibonacci method, 868 golden section, 868 Hildreth-d'Esopo, 867 Kelley, 877 penalty method, 875 projected gradient, 873 unconstrained problem, 868 Wolfe, 865 optimization problem convex, 625, 863 dynamic, 878 non-linear, 926 optimization, evolution strategies, 870 mutation, 870 recombination, 870, 871 selection, 870 optimization, non-linear, 861 barrier method, 876 convex, 863 convexity, 864 descent method, 868 direction search program, 872 duality, 863 gradient method inequality constraints, 871 Newton method, 869 numerical search procedure, 867 quadratic, 864 saddle point, 862 steepest descent method, 869 orbit, 797 double, periodic, 836 heteroclinic, 808 homoclinic, 808, 841 periodic, 797 hyperbolic, 805 saddle type, 805 order (O)-interval, 602 curve, second order, 205 curve, n-th order, 194 differential equation, 487 interval, 602 of magnitude, function, 55 order (continued) second order surface, 220 wavelet, 741 order relation, 296 linear, 297 order symbol, Landau. 56 ordering, 297 lexicographical, 297 linear, 297 partial 297, 601 ordinate plane coordinates, 189 space coordinates, 208 Ore theorem, 353 orientation, 269 coordinate system, 207 numerical axis, 1 origin numerical axis, 1 plane coordinates, 189 space coordinates, 208 original function, 707 original space, 707 set, 48 orthocenter, triangle, 132 orthodrome, 173 arclength, 174 course angle, 173 intersection point, 174, 175 intersection point of two orthodromes, 178 point, closest to the north pole, 173 orthogonal function system, 920 polynomials, 920 space, 616 spherical, 169 orthogonality conditions line-plane, 219 lines in space, 219 planes, 216 eigenvalues, differential equation, 515 Hilbert space, 616 lines, 128 real vector space, 318 trigonometric functions, 318 vectors, 184 weight, 515 orthogonalization method, 893, 894 Givens, 895 Gram-Schmidt, 617 Householder, 278, 895 Schmidt, 579 orthogonalization process, 280 Gram-Schmidt, 280 orthonormal function system, 920 orthonormalization, vectors, 262 oscillation duration, 82 harmonic, 82 oscillator, linear harmonic, 544 osculating plane, space curve, 238, 241 osculation point, curve, 232 oversliding, 266