nabla operator definition, 656 divergence, 656 gradient, 656 rotation, 656 twice applied, 657 vector gradient. 656, 657 NAND function, 288 nautical, radio bearing, 171 navigation, 172 negation, 286 Boolean function, 344 double, 288 neighborhood, 605 point, 605 Neper equations, 167 logarithm, 9 rules, 169 net chart, 123 more than three variables, 127 three variables, 123 isometric, 675 points, 933 Neumann problem, 670 series, 568, 587 Newton field, point-like mass, 646 interpolation formula, 917 Newton method, 885, 897 adaptive, 951 modified, 885 non-linear operators, 632 approximation sequence, 632 modified, 632 non-linear optimization, 869 damped, 869 niveau line, 117 nodal plane, 541 node, 809 approximation interval, 931 differential equation, ordinary, 494 saddle node, 804, 809 stable, 804 triple, 834 nominal rate, 22 nomogram, 123 nomography, 123 non-negative integer, 1 NOR function, 288 norm axioms, linear algebra, 258 Euclidean, 318 integral, 639 isomorphism, 626 matrix, 258 column sum norm, 259 row sum norm, 259 spectral norm, 259 subordinate, 259 uniform norm, 259 operator norm, 619, 802 pseudonorm, 624 residual vector, 277 seminorm, 624 .s'-norm, 365 space, 611 t-norm, 365 vector, 258 Euclidean norm, 258 matrix norm, 258 sum norm, 258 normal distribution, 758 logarithmic normal distribution, 759 observational error, 72 standard normal distribution, 759 standard, table, 1091 two-dimensional, 780 normal equation, 894, 919, 921 system, 782, 920 normal form, 345 equation of a surface, 220 Jordan,282 principal conjunctive, 345 principal disjunctive, 345 normal plane, space curve, 238, 241 normal vector plane, 214 plane sheet, 663 surface, 244 normal, plane curve, 226 normalization condition, 541 normalizing factor, 195 northern direction geodesical, 169 geographical, 169 northwest corner rule, 858 notation Polish notation, 355 postfix notation, 355 prefix notation, 355 reversed polish, 355 /7,-tuple, 117 number, 1 approximation, 4 cardinal, 291, 298 complex, 34 absolute value, 35 addition, 36 algebraic form, 34 argument, 35 division, 37 exponential form, 35 main value, 35 multiplication, 36 power, 37 subtraction, 36 taking the root, 38 trigonometric form, 35 composite, 320 conjugate complex, 36 imaginary, 34 integer, 1 interval, 2 irrational, 2-4, 297 natural, 1 non-negative, 1 random, 770 rational, 1, 3 real, 2 taking of root, 8 sequence, 404 convergent, 606 metric space, 606 transcendental, 2 number line, extended, 635 number plane, complex, Gauss, 34 number representation, computer internally, 936, 938 number system, 936 binary, 937 decimal, 937 hexadecimal, 937 octal, 937 number theory, elementary, 320 numbers Bernoulli. 412 Euler, 412 Fermat, prime, 321 Fibonacci, 325, 845 Mersenne, prime, 321 prime. 320 numerical analysis, 884 axis, 1 calculations, computer, 939 library (numerical methods), 884 nutation angle, 211 Nystrom method. 573