Abel group, 299 integral equation, 590 theorem, 416 abscissa plane coordinates, 189 space coordinates, 208 absolute term, 272 absolutely continuous, 638 convergent, 455 integrable, 455 absorbing set, 799 absorption law Boolean algebra, 342 propositional logic, 287 sets, 293 account number system, 333 uniform, 333 accumulation factor, 22 accumulation point. 606 accuracy, measure of, 789 addition complex numbers, 36 computer calculation, 940 polynomials, 11 rational numbers, 1 addition theorem area functions, 93 hyperbolic functions, 89 inverse trigonometric functions, 86 trigonometric functions, 79, 81 additivity, (7-additivity, 635 adjacency, 348 matrix, 350 adjacent side, 130 adjoint, 259 admittance matrix, 355 a.e. (almost everywhere), 636 AES algorithm (Advanced Encryption Standard), 339 aggregation operator, 370 algebra, 251, 286 Boolean, 342, 747 finite, 343 classical structures, 298 commutative, 614 factor algebra. 340 free, 341 linear, 251 normed, 614 ft-algebra, 340 ft-subalgebra, 340 (T-algebra, 635 Borelian, 636 switch algebra, 342, 346 term algebra, 341 universal algebra, 340 algorithm AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), 339 Aitken-Neville, 919 Dantzig, 357 Euclidean, 3, 14, 323 polynomial rings, 315 theorem, 324 Ford-Fulkerson, 359 Gauss, 276, 891 graph theory, 348 Kruskal, 355 maximum flow, 359 QR, 283 Rayleigh-Ritz, 283 Remes, 925 Romberg method, 901 alignment chart, 123, 124 nomogram, 125 Q-cut, 364 strong, 364 Q-level set, 364 strong, 364 Q-limit set, 799, 805, 812 alternating point, 923 theorem, 923 alternating tensor, 265 altitude cone, 156 cylinder, 154 polyhedron, 151 triangle, 132 amortization calculus, 23 amplitude function, 703 sine function, 75 spectrum, 727 analysis functional, 596 harmonic, 917, 927 multi-scale analysis, 743 numerical, 884 vector, 642 analytical geometry plane, 189 space, 207 angle, 128 acute, 129 between vectors, 189 central, 130, 140 chord and tangent, 139 circumference, 139 convex, 129 directional, 145 escribed circle, 140 Eulerian, 211 exterior, 139 full, 129 geodesy, 145 inclination, 379 interior, 139 line and plane, 219 lines, plane, 128 angle (continued) lines, space, 219 measure in degrees, 130 names, 128 notion, 128 nutation, 211 obtuse, 129 perigon, 130 plane, 151 notion, 128 plane curves, 228 planes, space, 216 precession, 211 radian measure, 130 reduction, 174 right, 129 round, 129 secant and tangent, 140 slope, 379 tangent, 227 solid, 151 space curves, 246 straight, 129 tilt, 143 angles adjacent, 129 alternate, 129 at parallels, 129 complementary, 129 corresponding, 129 exterior-interior, 129 opposite, 129 sum plane triangle, 132 spherical triangle, 163 supplementary, 129 vertex, 129 angular coefficient, curve third degree, 66 coefficient, plane, 194 frequency, 82 annuity, 23, 24 calculation, 25 payment, 25 perpetual, 25 annulator, 624 annulus, 140 area, 140 Anosov diffeomorphism, 829 anticommutativity, vector product, 183 antiderivative, 427 antikink soliton, 550 antilog, 10 antisoliton, 549 Apollonius circle, 683 theorem, 199 apothem, 132 applicate, 208 approximate equation, 496 approximate formula, empirical curve, 106 approximation, 917 asymptotic, polynomial part, 15 best, Hilbert space, 617 bicubic, 935 Chebyshev, 923 i5 function, 717 formulas series expansion, 418 in mean, 403, 919 Liouville theorem, 4 numbers, 4 partial differential equations, 912 problem, 616 solution by extreme value, 403 successive Banach space, 621 differential equations, ordinary, 496 integral equation, 567 uniform, 923 using given functions, 909 Weierstrass theorem, 607 arc ellipse, 200 graph,348 chain, 357 hyperbola, 203 intersection, 149 length circular segment, 140 line integral, first type, 464 parabola, 204 plane curve, 140, 449 space curve, 246, 464 sequences, 357 Archimedean spiral, 103 area annulus, 140 sector, 140 circle, 139 circular sector, 140 circular segment, 140 cosine, 91 cotangent, 92 curved surface, 482 curvilinear bounded, 448 curvilinear sector, 448 double integral, 474 ellipse, 199 formula, Heron's, 143 function, 91 hyperbola, 202 parabola, 204 parallelogram, 134 parallelogram with vectors, 189 planar figures, 448 polyeder with vectors, 189 polygon, 193 rectangle, square, 135 rhombus, 135 similar plane figures, 133 sine, 91 subset, 635 surface patch, 247 tangent, 92 triangle, 193 area (continued) plane, 141, 143 spherical, 163, 167 argument function of one variable, 47 function of several variables, 117 arithmetic, 1 sequence, 18 Arnold tongue, 844 arrangement, 745, 746 with repetition, 746 without repetition, 746 arrow diagram, 294 function, 294 article number, European, 333 ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Inte change), 936 assignment problem, 860 associative law Boolean algebra, 342 matrices, 254 propositional logic, 287 sets, 293 tensors, 264 associativity, product of vectors, 184 astroid, 102, 474 asymptote curve, 231, 234 definition, 234 attractor, 800 chaotic, 828 fractal, 828 Henon, 826, 828 hyperbolic, 828 Lorenz, 827 strange, 828 autocorrelation function, 818 axial field, 644 axioms algebra, 614 closed set, 606 metric spaces, 604 normed space, 611 open set, 606 ordered vector space, 601 pseudonorm, 624 scalar product, 615 vector space, 596 axis abscissae plane coordinates, 189 space coordinates, 208 ordinates plane coordinates, 189 space coordinates, 208 parabola, 203 azimuth, 159 azimuthal equation, 543